Love, Land and Football – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie begins the show by expressing her excitement about the upcoming holiday Lag B'omer, and describes the activities of the children leading up to the fires.

Focus on the South in the 70s – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the show describing her recent visit to Park Timna in the Arava

Thank God and Notice Him – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens with her recent car trouble in Kiryat Arba, where she was saved from a potentially scary and dangerous situation; speaks with Moshe Dejman, recent oleh from Baltimore living in Beit Shemesh; and ends with Zezy Fuld who speaks about managing expectations in the aliyah process, especially with shipping....

Politics in Tel Aviv – Returning Home [audio]

In this episode Natalie interviews aspiring Tel Aviv municipal politician Daniel Gindis, an oleh from NYC who is running for a seat on the Tel Aviv City Council.

This is Home…It’s All We’ve Got – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the program by speaking about the difficulties of leaving family behind; Then we meet Ezra Shapiro, math teacher-turned-shepherd, who made aliyah from Omaha in 2001 and today runs Ezra Computer Solutions & Support in Jerusalem; Natalie ends the show with a visit from Zezy Fuld who chats about the worrying possibility of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sitting in the White House for the next four years.

Winter – Kick the Cold, Make New Friends – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts off describing her winter cold, and the new baseball stadium being built in her community; Speaks with Nechama Stein, 19 year old in Wisconsin, starting the aliyah process; Then speaks with Nichoma Ceasar, 35 year old Oleh in Tekoa, who moved to Israel 7 years ago. Both guests found Natalie in a Hebrew "pilot" she is involved with, to help train a new hebrew teacher. Lots of ways to meet new people and make new friends in Israel....

Advice for Newcomers…”Roll With It” – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens by discussing the end-of-the-year pool parties happening in Susya for the regional schools, and the beauty of the national-religious lifestyle she notices in teen girls

Safer with Rockets….. – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie begins by describing her end-of-the year Senior class trip with her son and how the school's values are fundamental and devoid of materialism;

Fighting With Their Whole Hearts – Returning Home [audio]

In this episode we hear Natalie on her morning walks talking to us about the displaced families in her community

Study Abroad in Israel – Returnung Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Hila Oz (24) who made aliyah from Los Angeles to Jerusalem; Hila stresses the burden of student debt and explains the benefits of earning a higher degree in Israel through one of the universities here, which are 1) much less expensive than American colleges and 2) have English programs of study. To find out more, visit or where you can take a short survey.

Re-building a Life in the Golden Years – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Arlene Milgram, 81, Boca- Modiin; Arlene tells about her move and her ways of finding a new home and establishing a new life in Israel after wanting to come home for years.

Two Guests from California….. – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the show describing her Shabbat, how her children were all home, fighting and laughing and being together. It was "magical" and beautiful. Natalie and her husband just sat back and watched.

Going to University in Israel – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie begins the show reflecting on her oldest child's birthday, and how her children has really been fully raised in Israel. Natalie's first guest is Freida Katz, a young woman from Texas who came to Israel on a Gap Year program and decided to stay...Freida is now attending the University of Ariel and discusses how she made that decision and what college life is like in Israel. Next up, Zezy Fuld who catches us up on life in Beit Shemesh, finding a new job, and more.

Two Feet In – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie hosts Kevin "Zvi" Klagge who made aliyah from Hollywood

Pesach and Being Proud – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts off the show discussing the beauty and excitement in the air during Chol haMoed Pesach, especially this year, after so many Corona restrictions

Commenting on Fear – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie gives a short talk touching upon fear, the fear of change, the fear of the unknown. This fear appears throughout our lives, in different aspects and different times. It is normal for this fear to grip us when approaching big changes in our lives, and making aliyah is one of the biggest changes many of us go through. Fear is normal.

Easy Aliyah – Marry an Israeli! – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Bobby Anfang, who made aliyah in 2014 because he fell in love with an Israeli girl! Want to live in Israel and still single? Marry an Israeli.

No Place Like Israel….. – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts off by describing her recent visit to the US Embassy in Jerusalem in an effort to renew her childrens' US passports;

Everyone Has Problems, Even Israelis! – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts the show sharing insights of her life while walking on the security road with her dog in the early morning; she discusses how we all sometimes lose motivation and focus, and are able to regain it; she then jumps to an interview with oleh Yoseph Kaplan and ex-US Military man, (NYC - Kochav Ya'akov, 2009) who tells his interesting aliyah story, how he came with a "promised" job, how it didn't pan out, and his subsequent career change from Electronic Appliance Specialist to Personal Trainer. Inspiring!!!

Change Keeps Us Young – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie welcomes us to the program by recaping the past few weeks which were packed with Jewish holydays, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. She then plays earlier recorded pieces where she shares some wisdom like "make a change in your life" and "in Israel, you can make your mark." Natalie plays from the Israeli radio while driving, translating for us - giving us a taste of life in Israel.

Dealing with pain – Together. Being home. – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens by recounting Lag B'omer and the terrible disaster at Meron that killed 45 Jews

Be Strong, Be A Cheerleader, Even When Things are Tough – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie speaks about focusing on positive happy things even when things get tough in life; Speaks with returning guest Yael Julanov, Formerly of the Soviet Union and New Yorker making aliyah plans and handling the bureaucracy.

Rearview Mirror – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts the show sharing the news of the wave or terror and her recent experience in Soroka hospital with her daughter;

Children are Free to Roam – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie spends this episode sharing parts of her week with us....

If Not Now, When? – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the show by describing the weddings in Israel how majestic and beautiful they are at night, under the stars, even chilly and wet.

Everyone Meets in Israel – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie starts off by bragging about her children and their strong attitude of Jewish Israeli pride; then Natalie speaks with Nechama Greenfield who is moving from Teaneck to Ashkelon in 6 days

Finding Your Soul on an Adventure – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie opens the show by discussing memories and how those of her children will differ from hers;


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