Religious Zionism MK’s Bill Countermands Sanctions on Settlers Via the Bank of Israel

There’s a fundamental problem with MK Sukkot’s bill: it oversteps the Bank of Israel Law.

Canned Brigadier General Ofer Winter: IDF Doing It All Wrong

The most crucial prerequisite operative actions would be to send home the entire senior IDF staff, the very people who severed Winter’s career in mid-swing.

Egypt Building Ballistic Missile Launch Sites

Egypt has been obsessed with ballistic missiles since the 1960s.

IAI Introduces ‘Wind Demon’ Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile

Celebrated for its effectiveness and efficiency, the Wind Demon boasts a meager cost-per-hit ratio.

Two IDF Soldiers were Killed Protecting US’s Dysfunctional Aid Pier to Gaza

Two Israeli soldiers were killed protecting US soldiers from Hamas last month.

Archaeologists Uncover Jerusalem’s Monumental Fortifications

Over the past 150 years, many attempts have been made by researchers and archaeologists to trace the route of the northern fortification of Jerusalem.

Report: Biden Administration Mulls Sanctions Against Israeli Ministers Ben-Gvir, Smotrich

The president allegedly . . . believed the US should not impose sanctions on elected officials in other sovereign democratic nations.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Knesset Approves in 1st Reading Law Banning Foreign Missions in ‘Palestinian’ Jerusalem

Should the international community recognize a State of Palestine there would be a rush to plant dozens of foreign consulates that would operate outside Israeli jurisdiction.

Catch a Virus by the Tail: Weizmann Institute Making Strides in Investigating Bacterial Immunity

A bacterial immune system that alters the tails of phages might help clarify an immunity mechanism in humans.

Israel Rejects Norwegian FM’s Request to Visit, Cites Recognition of Palestinian State

Norway not only recognized a Palestinian state but refused to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Israel Staked Out the Villa of Hamas’s Khan Younes Division Commander, Waiting for Muhammad...

Israelis who were forced out of Gush Katif by Ariel Sharon’s government in August 2005 identified the Hamas compound that was erased by the IAF on Saturday night as Neve Dekalim.

Rosh Pina Kosher Meat Restaurant Charged with Death of Dairy-Allergic Patron

The Health Ministry’s report shows failures on the part of the hospital and Osher’s Leumit HMO.

Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

Asharq Al Awsat: Sinwar’s Brother to Succeed Al-Deif as Head of Al-Qassam Brigades

Israel believes Al-Deif, and not Sinwar, was the brain behind the Hamas military force and the architect of the massive tunnel strategy.

6 Intellectually Disabled Bar Ilan Students First Ever to Earn a BA in Israel

"It’s hard for me to think of a more appropriate name than Empowerment to describe this exciting initiative."

Knesset Committee Chairman: Israeli Arab Violence Record Breaking

The debate underscored the complex challenges facing Israel in addressing crime within its Arab communities, which make up about 20% of the country's population.

FT Report: PA Rule in Judea and Samaria Shrinking Fast

For policymakers in the US, the Arab world, and Europe, a reformed Palestinian Authority is the obvious institution to fill the political vacuum in...

To Meet Increased Demand, Aliyah Organization Launches New Model for Absorption

“Many people are feeling the magnetic call to return to the national home of our people and to make their aliya dream into a reality.”

Gen. Fox and Jewish Settlers Clash for the Last Time (We Hope)

"The conceptzia that the IDF needs to preserve the Palestinian Authority in order to maintain Israel's security is what turned Jenin and Shechem into Gaza."

Labour’s Muslim Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood Is BDS Supporter but Also Condemned Hamas

The MP for Birmingham Ladywood since 2010 is a long-time supporter of BDS against Israel, and a regular at anti-Israel rallies.

Israel Plans Across-the-Board Budget Cuts to Support Northern and Southern Residents

State Comptroller Matanyahu Engelman warned last week that Israel is not properly prepared to evacuate the population in the event of a war in the north.

NYT: Biden Must Have Some Bibi to Keep Lucid

Biden warned Netanyahu not to retaliate against Iran or he would be on his own.

Russia Warns Israel Not to Transfer Patriot Missiles to Ukraine

Earlier this year, the Israeli Air Force revealed plans to phase out its Patriot batteries, citing their age and intentions to upgrade to more sophisticated, home-made air defense systems.

Report: Israel Creating Hamas-Free Enclaves to Usher in the Day After the War

Hamas executed the leader of the Abu Amra family, accusing him of being open to Israeli proposals.

Labor and Meretz Unite as ‘The Democrats’ under Yair Golan, Hoping to Salvage Israel’s...

The deal also includes the unification of the parties' institutions, so it is not merely a technical block ahead of the next election, but the creation of a new party.

Report: Israel Planning to Carve Up Gaza into Separate Zones

Some officials are proposing designated zones or enclaves where Gazan civilians who are not affiliated with Hamas could find temporary refuge.


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