The Left Demonizing Ben Gvir Who Warned Hamas Was Not ‘Deterred’

Alas, politics is a contact sport with extremely high penalties even for those who did everything right.

NY Times: Israel Discovered Hamas’s Millions in Assets and Did Nothing to Block Them

Meanwhile, major American and European banks continued to buy shares in Hamas’s Turkish company.

Liberman: Give Gaza to Egypt, the PA to Jordan, and Teach the Air Force...

Asked what he sees as requiring a change in the IDF, Liberman answered, “Everything.”

Biden: Israel Losing World Support, Must Embrace Two-State Solution

“This government in Israel is making it very difficult for him to move,” the U.S. president said of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Smotrich: Controlling Gaza Would Be Very Difficult without Rebuilding Gush Katif

“Our soldiers are now fighting in the Strip and sacrificing their lives so that we will later hand the Strip over to the enemy?"

Ben Gvir Authorizes Using Prison Dungeon to House Hamas Massacre Terrorists

Remember how so many in Israel made fun of Ben Gvir’s decree that eliminated Hamas prisoners’ baking their own morning pittas?

In the Wake of Eliyahu’s Statement, Leftists Redefine ‘Extremism’ to Mean ‘Everyone But Us’

Reading this editorial was like running into Shikma Bressler in a dark alley and she was waving half a dozen flags and a megaphone.

Bibi Ousts Otzma Yehudit Minister from Cabinet Meetings for Suggesting Nuclear Option in Gaza

Amichai Eliyahu's words were taken out of context of what he actually said.

IDF, War Cabinet Clueless on What to Do in Gaza

"The agreed goal is that Hamas will not remain in existence, but we have to say honestly – there was no such plan."

President Herzog in Time Magazine: Our Darkest Hour Casts a Shadow on the Entire...

"Platitudes and sympathies must translate into tangible support.”

Israel’s Diaspora Minister Tours Kfar Chabad Etrog Orchard, Honey Factory Ahead of Sukkot

During the visit, Chikli toured the etrog orchard of the Gorlik family, discovering the secrets of growing the unique fruit for Sukkot.

Israel Foils Iranian Assassination Attempt on Ben-Gvir

Two Israeli Arabs and three Palestinian Authority Arabs were working on behalf of Iran to assassinate Itamar Ben Gvir.

WATCH: PM Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly to Standing Ovations

“Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East.”

Majority of Israelis Object to Protests Against Netanyahu in US

Despite the disappointing showing, American and Israeli Media have devoted about half their attention to the protesters’ shenanigans.

Justice Minister to High Court: Judicial Appointments Committee Is Strictly My Purview

Levin listed three reasons why he cannot be compelled to assemble the committee.

NY Times’ Tom Friedman: Don’t Let Bibi Make Peace with the Saudis

Every time Tom Friedman writes a column, an angel gets his tricycle.

Palestinian Authority Replacing Joshua’s Altar with New Neighborhood

"According to the plans, most of the area of the site is going to be razed and turned to gravel."

Al Jazeera Celebrates Former IDF General’s Attack on Israeli ‘Apartheid’

"Apparently, in the dusk hours of their days, their minds get a little confused.”

Israeli High Court Issues Temporary Injunction Against Coalition’s Incapacitation Basic Law

This will be the first time the Supreme Court is interfering with a Basic Law, which they've described as having constitutional authority.

Haredi Newspaper Cartoon Rejects Netanyahu’s Reforms

The editorial cartoon should be a source of concern to the supporters of judicial reform on the right.

Civic Studies Teachers Offer to Explain Democracy to IAF Pilots

We, veteran civic studies teachers, volunteer to teach an introductory course on the fundamental principles of Democracy.

Bill Splitting the AG’s Roles Submitted, Gideon Sa’ar Will Have to Delete It from...

Poor MK Gideon Sa’ar has had to delete parts of his agenda every time the coalition used them in its judicial reform.

Report: The Closer We Get to 9 B’Av the Worse Police Treat Ascenders to Temple Mount

Can anyone contact the government minister in charge of the police? I Believe his name is Itamar something.

More than 1,000 Haredi Combat Reservists Condemn the Refusal to Serve, Volunteer to Plug...

"We never imagined using the merit we received to try and use it to involve the security of the state in political issues from any side."

Bibi Says Biden Invited him to the White House – But Biden said No...

The only meeting Bibi was offered is with Israel's Arab neighbors.

AG Tells Court There’s No Grounds to Sack Netanyahu

On March 23 the Knesset rewrote the law to emphasize that only the government and the Knesset are empowered to declare a serving PM incapacitated.

Ambassador Nides Goes Off the Rails Attacking Netanyahu’s Government

Ambassador Nides has been giving a bad name to colonialism since his appointment in 2021.


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