Lapid’s New Advisor: We Must Acknowledge the Injustice of 1948

Bengel accused Lapid of being Bennett’s useful idiot – back when he and Bennett were political war buddies.

Netanyahu: July is our Target Date for Applying Sovereignty

The current prime minister outlines Israel’s five biggest challenges: rebuilding the economy; preparing for a second wave of the coronavirus; security and defense; the threat of the International Criminal Court; and applying Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and Judea and Samaria.

Abbas the Real Winner as Netanyahu and Settlers Clash over Sovereignty (Nobody Mention ‘Annexation’)

"Trump and Kushner have shown in the peace plan that they are not friends of the State of Israel and do not think about the security and settlement interests of the State of Israel."

Shaked’s Final Coup: Advancing Plan for 9,000 Housing Units in Northern Jerusalem

“Shaked was infinitely loyal to construction in the city in general and Atarot in particular."

With Disengagement Law Annulled, State Drops Indictments Against Israelis Who Visited Homesh

"The indictment that was filed against the students of the Homesh Yeshiva should not have been filed in the first place."

Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee to Convene on European Union Subversive Activities

Outraged Israeli lawmakers sent a letter on Wednesday to the European Union denouncing the document, which detailed EU plans to further expand the Palestinian Authority presence in Israel's Area C.

IDF Establishes Division to Secure Seam Line Around Judea and Samaria

The new division will have two battalions and 10 companies at its command.

Police Detain, Confiscate Gun of Jewish Homeowner Who Shot Arab Burglar

The burglar, a man in his 30s, claimed during his interrogation that he was looking for work.

Boris Johnson: Israel’s Sovereignty Plan Breaches International Law

The U.K. “strongly objects” to Israel’s plan to extend its law to parts of Judea and Samaria and “believes profoundly in a two-state solution,” says British prime minister, but was noncommittal regarding any possible sanctions.

Palestinian Authority Arrests Arabs Who Expressed Support for Israeli Sovereignty

The Palestinian Authority has detained several PA Arabs who told Israeli TV journalist Zvi Yechezkeli that they support Israel’s plan to apply sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria.

Report: To Stay Intact Lapid-Bennett Coalition Won’t Evacuate Homesh

In December the Lapid-Bennett coalition defeated a bill in the Knesset to rebuild Homesh by a vote of 59 against, 50 in favor.

Trump on Israel’s 70th Anniversary: US Has ‘No Better Friend Anywhere’

The U.S. Embassy is set to officially open in the Israeli capital on May 14, the secular date that Israel officially declared its independence in 1948.

Bereaved Families to Blinken: ‘US Consulate for Palestinians Will Encourage Terrorism’

In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Israelis who have lost loved ones to terror warn that a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians would be a “complete Trojan horse.”

Coalition Crisis Brewing as Lapid Warns Bennett Against Keeping Promise to Evyatar Jews

On his last day in office, January 31, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit approved Evyatar's outline.

Nine Jewish Groups Call on Trump to Stop Netanyahu’s Sovereignty Pledge

The signees were the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Union for Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, MERCAZ, the Rabbinical Assembly, the ADL, Ameinu, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Israel Policy Forum.

Tomb of Patriarchs Handicapped Access Frozen Indefinitely by DM Gantz

Defense Minister Gantz handed over a victory to the enemies of Israel.

Regavim Slams Israel’s Ministry of Education for ‘Helping to Build Illegal School’

"In all likelihood, this illegal school is being built for reasons that go far beyond the educational needs of Bedouin youngsters."

Joshua’s Tomb Again Defaced with Hamas Support, Swastikas

"The fact that such an incident is happening for the second time in two weeks indicates serious damage to Israeli deterrence, which must be restored."

WATCH: Undercover Reporter Poses Questions to ‘Palestinians’ on Sovereignty, Citizenship

Q: "If elections were held today between Bibi and Abu Mazen, who would win?" A: "Bibi"

Netanyahu: Trump Middle East Peace Plan Presents ‘Historic Opportunity’

“I am full of hope that we are on the verge of a historic moment in the annals of our state.”

Bennett Vows to ‘Reduce Tensions, Improve Relations’ with Palestinian Authority

“I believe that employment and living with dignity can improve the situation. Two parties can take measures to reduce tensions and improve daily life.”

Tzfat Chief Rabbi: Religious Zionist Youth Should ‘take over the Knesset’ to Push Sovereignty...

“We have to take responsibility for our future!” challenged Sara Haetzni-Cohen, a scion of a prominent Gush Emunim family. “If the Land of Israel belongs to us, let’s act like it!”

Smotrich Vows Unrestrained Building in Judea and Samaria Despite US Opposition

While Washington's response is “understandable,” the Americans know that Israel’s government is “committed to the settlements,” said Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Public Security Minister: No Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount

“In accordance with the [1967] status quo, the Temple Mount will be open for visits by non-Muslims but not for prayer.”

US Still Hasn’t Seen Enough Day-After Gaza Planning from Israel, Blinken Says

“Israel has effectively lost sovereignty in the northern quadrant of its country, because people don’t feel safe to go to their homes,” per the U.S. secretary of state.

Samaria Council Head Invites Trump’s Envoy on Reality Tour

"Any time you want, we will be happy to host you and get introduce you to the places and people the whole world is talking about."


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