INTO THE FRAY: An Inane, Insane Initiative

Once you utter the password, "two-state solution," you are welcomed into ‘polite society’ and invited to prestigious events to expound on your “progressive perspectives” no matter how preposterous

INTO THE FRAY: Merited Mistrust?

“There is something sick in the State Prosecutor’s Office; Shai Nitzan is not fit to be the State Prosecutor” - Judge Hila Gerstel, former Commissioner for Prosecutorial Oversight

INTO THE FRAY: Lauder’s Lame Lament

According to Ronald Lauder, Israel must be either perilously insecure; or demographically untenable. This is an utterly false dichotomy.

Into the Fray: You Couldn’t Make this Up

There may well be things more depraved than an Israeli minister soliciting funds for a self-declared mortal foe, but none comes readily to mind

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza-The Ultimate Indictment of “Two-Statism

The real humanitarian solution to the plight of Gaza lies not in its reconstruction, but in its deconstruction

De-Americanizing America

Americans seem swept up in a movement bent on jettisoning a paradigm that brought resounding success, while embracing one that wrought failure wherever implemented.

INTO THE FRAY: Swastikas over Gaza!

Nothing could expose the true intent of the Judeocidal riots on Gaza border more than the Nazi-style swastikas on incendiary kites flown into Israel to set Jewish property (& if possible, Jewish people) ablaze.

INTO THE FRAY: Imbecilic, Iniquitous, Inimical

By its unflagging support of the establishment of a homophobic, misogynistic Muslim-majority tyranny (a.k.a. a Palestinian state), America’s allegedly “progressive” Jewry reveals that it is, in fact, profoundly regressive

INTO THE FRAY: My New Year Appeal to Caroline Glick – Rethink “The Israeli Solution”.

Glick’s prescription for a “A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East” will jeopardize the Zionist enterprise no less than the two-state paradigm, which she rightly repudiates with great force and eloquence.

INTO THE FRAY: The 2019 Intelligence Assessment: Policy Implications for Gaza

It would seem futile to conduct yet another indecisive round of fighting, only to return to yet another tense and sporadically violent interbellum for several years—until the next major flare-up of fighting…

INTO THE FRAY: Coup d’état?

Netanyahu was elected as the Prime Minster, not as the Pope. Accordingly, he should be judged primarily on the basis of his political and strategic accomplishments, not his personal morality

INTO THE FRAY: Dopey Doves

He who comes to kill you, rise up early and kill him first – The Talmud

INTO THE FRAY: Terminating Terrorists and Assessing Assassinations

Whatever the operational efficacy of targeted assassinations may be—or not be—the conscience of every decent individual should rebel at the thought that arch-purveyors of terror should be permitted to pursue their deadly profession with impunity

Syria – Reaping the Storm Obama Sowed

If surrendering US primacy in the region to Russia was the result of US passivity and inaction, the intrusion of Iran into Syria can very definitely be attributed to ill-conceived, active American policy.

INTO THE FRAY: Incentivized Emigration: An idea whose time has come?

Of all the policy paradigms for the resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian-Arabs, incentivized Arab emigration is the most humane if it succeeds and least inhumane if it does not

INTO THE FRAY: AIPAC – Touting Tyranny in Pursuit of Bipartisanship

Instead of trying to resurrect the decrepit zombie of two-statism in pursuit of bipartisanship, AIPAC would do better to assist in promoting Zionist-compliant alternatives


Learn more about today's Middle East in this interview with leading pundit and regular Jewish Press Online contributor, Dr. Martin Sherman.

INTO THE FRAY: Democracy Devoid of the Demos?

Former Justice Minister, ‘Tommy’ Lapid: “…the legal system in Israel is being undermined by an over-zealous State Prosecutor’s Office, that is losing esteem and credibility with each additional trial…”

INTO THE FRAY: “The Only Relevant Question…”

“The day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist”. Israel must be prepared

INTO THE FRAY To: AIPAC’s CEO – Picture the Perils of “Palestine”

Palestinian statehood & a secure Israel are mutually exclusive goals. This was always the accepted wisdom in Israel - until the discourse was hijacked by the tyrannical diktats of politically correct dogma

INTO THE FRAY: Israel’s National Imperative: “Keep your Powder Dry”

While the normalization with the UAE could definitely entail significant benefits for Israel it is still somewhat premature to celebrate the onset of lasting amity—rather than enmity—in the region.

Gaza: The Collapse of Conventional Wisdom

The political rationale of the Gaza conflict can be mirrored in the inexorable logic of an almost mathematical algorithm—studiously ignored by Israel's policy-making echelons

INTO THE FRAY: Sinai – Descent into Depravity

Ironically, the case of Sinai, once held up as the crowning vindication of the land-for-peace principle is likely to turn out to be its one of its most tragic and traumatic failures.

INTO the FRAY: Edelstein Draws a Line in the Sand

Edelstein drew a much-needed line in the sand against judicial intrusion into the sphere of the legislature and thwarted yet another attempt at the usurpation of both its autonomy and authority

INTO THE FRAY: Gantz & Lapid’s “Blue and White” – A Fragile, Directionless, ad...

The purported electoral appeal of the Blue & White line-up is that it includes 3 former IDF Chiefs-of-Staff, yet virtually invariably when top military figures have departed from their field of expertise (security) & ventured into one where they have none (politics), they have been disastrously wrong.

INTO THE FRAY:Trump, Pittsburgh and US Jewry – A view from Israel

Trump is the creation of Obama. The divisions in American society he is accused of exacerbating are ones largely precipitated by his predecessor’s policies and prejudices

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza-Déjà vu…Again?

The problem of Gaza was created by the belief that land could be transferred to the Palestinian Arabs to provide them a viable opportunity for self-governance.

INTO THE FRAY: Biden—The First Frightful Month

But no matter how gullible or skeptical over the electoral outcome one might happen to be, the die has now been cast. The ominous trajectory for the American people—and for much of the world—has been set.

INTO THE FRAY: Neo-unilateralism: Futile, Fatal Folly

New calls for unilateral withdrawal are both pernicious—because of the calamitous consequences it will precipitate—and puerile—because of the naïve hope that it will not

INTO THE FRAY: Judicial overreach & the sovereignty imperative  

Excessive judicial intervention into what is seen as the purview of the legislature is likely to have some unintended consequences: Energizing the drive to extend Israeli sovereignty over Judea-Samaria—and sparking far-reaching judicial reform.  


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