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Tag: Barack Obama

88 Senators Asking Obama to Protect Israel from Hostile UN Resolution

"We urge you to continue longstanding US policy and make it clear that you will veto any one-sided UNSC resolution that may be offered in the coming months."

Netanyahu Orders Increased Police at Temple Mount, Reinforces Ban on Lawmakers Ahead of Jewish...

PM Netanyahu orders increased forces at Temple Mount and in Old City before he leaves for New York to meet with Pres. Obama.

US President Obama, Israeli PM Netanyahu to Meet in New York

This week's meeting between PM Netanyahu and Pres. Obama is also likely to be their last face-to-face discussion about the "two-state solution."

Anti-Israel NGO Al-Haq Making Inroads on Capitol Hill

The group of Al-Haq friendly lawmakers is led by one of the most anti-Israel members of Congress, Betty McCollum, US Representative for Minnesota's 4th congressional district.

US Denies Conditioning $400 Million Payment on Prisoner Release Was Ransom

The Obama administration still insists it paid "no ransom" to Iran in order to get back four hostages held by Tehran. But where is Bob Levinson, the only Jew?

Analysis: Trump’s Anti-Terror Plan Calls for Tough Immigrant Vetting, International Coalition Against ISIS [video]

There was absolutely no new policy idea in the Trump speech Monday night, but there was an implied promise to encourage all levels of law enforcement to be less restrained in pursuing their targets.

Ahmadinejad Offers to Fix Bitter Past for Obama for Only $2 billion

Ahmadinejad describes the years of “oppression and cruelty by different American governments” against Iran, which merely held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

Analysis: What If Trump Is Winning and No One Notices?

It could be that the bulk of Trump's voters remain under the polling radar, but come November they would give their candidate his unlikely victory.

Obama, Liberman Statements Expose Raw Nerves in Jerusalem, DC, over Iran Deal

The boorish voice in this incident belonged to Obama. As a NY Post editorial put it, "What could President Obama have been thinking?"

Hillary Clinton Warns Trump ‘Not A Man to Trust With Nuclear Weapons’

Hillary Clinton used Donald Trump's own words to trample his image as the law and order candidate.

David Duke: Jews Plagiarized Michelle Obama’s Speech, Shamed Melania Trump

Two sources actually confirmed it was a Jew who arranged the embarrassing ditty — Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who commissioned a draft of Ms. Trump’s speech.

Clinton Slams Staffer Sidney Blumenthal’s Anti-Zionist Son’s Putdown of Elie Wiesel

If this means Sidney Blumenthal's clout in the Clinton camp has lost some of its shine, too, then the entire scandal was well worth it.

TnT – Where Will Obama Be in 7 Months? [audio]

Elections are nearing and Barack Obama only has seven months left in the Oval Office.

An Israeli Rabbi’s Response to Obama’s Speech on Radical Islam

If you don't know who you are fighting, you can't win the war.

The Orlando Massacre

Clinton didn’t even hint at the notion that Islamic terrorism or radical Islam played a role in the Orlando attack.

I Stand By My critique of ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

According to ADL Director Greenblatt's logic, Jews who defame Israel and canvas foreign governments to intensify pressure on Israel are welcome because disagreement and dissent are "Jewish ideals"

Beware the Echo Chamber, Fear the Media Savvy Left, Stick to the Truth

How do you fight an opponent who wins by manipulating through media and drowning out opposing voices?

Netanyahu Was Right On Iran Deal

The article was built around an interview Mr. Samuels conducted with Mr. Rhodes and clearly shows how the public and Congress were purposefully misled.

PM Netanyahu Listed Among Top 10 ‘Most Admired Men in America’

Israel's prime minister is among the top 10 most admired men in America, with the US president.

Malia Obama to Attend Harvard U in 2017

The oldest daughter of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle has chosen to attend Harvard after high school -- a year from now.

American Jewish Org: ‘Obama Must Condemn Abbas for Praising Murderer of American’

ZOA says Obama must condemn Abbas for praising murderer of American killed in Israel on Tuesday.

In First Public Visit to US Mosque, Obama’s Choice Hosted Global Jihadist Leaders

President Obama plans to visit a U.S. mosque for the first time, but the one he's chosen has hosted at least two major jihadist leaders.

Iran’s Holocaust Denial Film Strikes Deep Chord

Iran is once again working hard to incite the haters of the world against global Jewry.

Obama: US Must Lead Fight Against Rising Anti-Semitism

US President Barack Obama told a gathering at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, "We are all Jews."

Obama Seeks to Reassure Frightened US With Recycled Pablum

Nothing new in Obama's speech intended to reassure jittery Americans frightened by terrorism.

A Misquoted MK Michael Oren Analyzes President Obama

Oren said that it’s the president’s right to bring into the White House a different worldview that’s unlike his predecessors.

Israeli PM Netanyahu Heads to White House

PM Benjamin Netanyahu is heading to the White House for talks with Pres. Barack Obama for the first time in months.

US Presidents Urge Israelis at Rabin Rally to Risk Lives for Peace But Neither...

Neither US president who spoke at the rally for the late Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin has ever put his own life on the line for peace, as they told Israelis to do.

Kerry Tweets that Trump Is Disqualified to Run for President

The Secretary of State has decided that anyone who doubts global warming is unfit to sit in the White House.

Assad Flies to Moscow to Thank Putin

The surprise visit is the first time Assad has left Syria since the Arab Spring of 2011 that evolved into civil war.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/88-senators-asking-obama-to-protect-israel-from-hostile-un-resolution/2016/09/20/

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