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Tag: Hillary Clinton

Bible Code Predicts Clinton Win

Chen said he was truly surprised by the discovery, because he had honestly expected Trump to be the chosen candidate.

Ted Cruz Drops Out, Trump Supports Settlement Expansion

It does not mean that Trump is anywhere near easy street come the general elections, with Hillary Clinton leading him by 7 points on average nationally.

Israeli Firm Discovers Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Share Genetic Link

An Israeli research firm reveals the two opposing US presidential candidates are related.

Bill Clinton Stumps for Candidate Hillary at Hebrew Home for Aged in Riverdale

Former president Bill Clinton tells Jewish elderly that his wife Hillary is a "friend of Israel" and cares about the "defenseless."

AIPAC Rebukes Trump’s Obama Truth telling, Ignores Hillary’s Insult to AIPAC

AIPAC president admonishes Trump and AIPAC audience for "attacks" on Obama. Hillary's love of Iran Deal? No problem.

A Bronx Cheer for Hillary’s AIPAC Speech

Clinton touted the Iran Deal during her AIPAC speech - no kidding.

Will Israel be ‘Trumped’ by the US Presidential Elections?

Israel has at least at much at stake in this year's US presidential election as the average US voter.

Primary Results for March 8

March 8 campaign returns look like another big night for Trump and Clinton.

Jewish Charity Paid More than Anyone Else (Including Wall Street) For Hillary Speech

Only Jews paid Hillary to speak to them, not Christian groups, not Muslim groups. And they overpaid.

Sanders, Cruz on Top in Maine, Trump, Clinton in Louisiana

Trump and Clinton continue to lead their respective parties, while Cruz and Sanders continue to give chase.

The HillaryFiles Continue With More Israel Trash Talking From Blumenthal

Blumenthal repeatedly told Clinton the U.S. must punish Israel for 'wrongdoings.' Clinton's response? 'Pls print.'

UPDATE: Super Tuesday: Clinton, Trump Big Winners, Cruz, Sanders, Rubio Eke Out Wins

It was a big night for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but Sanders, Cruz and Rubio all had victories as well.

Hillary Emails: How to Demote AIPAC to its Proper Place

Clinton darling Sidney Blumenthal gave Hillary guidelines for bringing Bibi and AIPAC to heel.

Clinton Trounces Sanders in South Carolina

Hillary Clinton easily defeated Bernie Sanders in Saturday's South Carolina primary.

Clinton Wins Nevada Caucus, Trump Takes SC, Bush is Out

Slowly the field of GOP candidates is starting to thin out. But the Democratic race is still tight.

Republican Presidential Field Continues to Narrow

Republicans Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina dropped out of the race for president following poor showings in New Hampshire.

Trump and Sanders on Top in New Hampshire

Trump and Sanders best the establishment candidates in New Hampshire.

Iowa Caucus Produces Cruz for GOP But No Clear Winner for Democrats

Ted Cruz came out a clear winner for the GOP in Iowa but the Democrats are still wondering what happened.

Haaretz/Forward Article Paints Clinton as Strong on Israel But Omits Critical Fact

Article praising Clinton as better for Israel neglected her great interest in 'shaming Israel' suggestion by adviser.

Report: Info on Hillary’s Private Email Server Could Do Serious Harm to National Security

Emails on Hillary Clinton's personal servers were more highly classified even than "top secret."

Kerry’s State Dept ‘Appalled’ by (Unnamed) Terrorist Attacks on Israelis

US State Dept condemn brutal attacks on two Israeli women, but didn't blame anyone for the attacks.

Clinton ‘Very Interested’ in Secret Plans to Fund Shaming of Israel and Spark ‘Palestinian’...

Hillary Clinton 'very interested' in staff ideas to secretly rouse 'Palestinian' protests and raise $billions for 'Pledge to Palestine.'

Ivanka Trump Open to Politics; The First Woman Jewish President?

Trump's Jewish daughter says she does not contemplate politics now, at age 34, but ask her when she is 50.

Analysis: In the Long Run, Clinton’s ‘War with Islam’ Problem Could Trip her Campaign

Hillary's problem is not in defining who the bad Muslims are, her problem is doing so while not alienating the good Muslims.

Assad Flies to Moscow to Thank Putin

The surprise visit is the first time Assad has left Syria since the Arab Spring of 2011 that evolved into civil war.

In Feisty Democratic Debate Middle East Issues Not Heatedly Contested

Ooerall, there were few major disagreements among all four debaters about US foreign policy in the Middle East, about which Clinton’s expertise prevailed.

New York Jews Dumping Clinton for Sanders

A new poll shows a majority of New York Jews view Clinton as unfavorable. Biden catching up.

Trump Calls Obama an ‘Amateur’ and Vows to Re-Negotiate Deal

"It appears we wanted a deal at any cost rather than following the advice of Ronald Reagan and walking away because 'no deal is better than a bad deal.'"

A Tale of Two Prayers: Muslims and Clinton vs. Jews and Psalms [video]

A new video shows Hamas and PA flags at an event in the Old City, where Jews recite Psalms every month. Who is for peace? Clinton's e-mails say it’s not Netanyahu.

Biden Tells Atlanta Jews ‘Honest to God, I Don’t Know If I Will Run’...

The Vice President bared his heart and emotions in a packed synagogue, saying the biggest factor is if he has the "emotional energy."


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/bible-code-predicts-clinton-win/2016/05/06/

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