PyroTerrorism Not New, ‘Inspired’ in Past by Al Qaeda

The idea of using fire to attack a targeted population did not originate with Arab terrorists from the Palestinian Authority.

Jerusalem Municipality Ends Corrupt Procedure that Handed Arabs Illegal Construction Permits

A remnant of the pre-1948 British Mandate, the Mukhtar Procedure recognizes an affidavit by a local Arab village leader on behalf of a local resident, verifying of the latter's land ownership.

Itamar Ben-Gvir Visits Arab Village of Kafr Qassem

Ben-Gvir declared that “Whoever runs armed militias – his place in prison.”

Erdan Calls for Probe into Return of Jerusalem Terrorist’s Body to Family

"In my opinion the police shouldn't have handed over the body until it was clear that the conditions established were going to be met."

Jerusalem Arab Parking Inspectors Go Free After Brutalizing Haredi Man

"Much to our astonishment, despite the brutal attack that caused real harm, Israel police chose to release the attackers after a brief interrogation."

Reports Show 1 Million Gap Between Estimates on Number of ‘Palestinians’

Whether Area C becomes part of Israel or is handed over to the PA, "we should know how many potential Arab citizens we'll have in the state."

Jerusalem Silences Plan to Turn Down the Volume of Mosque Loudspeakers

Jerusalem officials, who loudly proclaimed they will ease the ear aches of Jerusalem residents suffering from the wails from mosques, have whispered, "Wear earplugs."

The Next Pitfall: Will Likud Kill Shaked’s Ban on Arab Families’ Reunification?

"This is a sensitive law that has almost twice been rejected in the High Court."

Analysis: US Critical of Jewish Construction, Mum on Next Door Govt. Construction for Arabs

The State Dept. announcement completely ignores the Israeli government's effort on behalf of Israeli Arabs in Jerusalem

Regavim Calls on Ramla to Demolish Illegal Structure the Islamic Movement Erected inside a...

It is impossible to miss the intensive construction activity at such a central location in the city.

Jerusalem Mayor Fires Cannon Marking End of 16th Day of Ramadan

The Municipality removes garbage from the main roads and ensures that parks and public gardens are cleaned during Ramadan, to provide a dignified atmosphere for all celebrants.

Kahane Warrior Michael Ben Ari Gets his Day in Court

"There will be an expensive trial here, with the best lawyers.”

Joint List Chairman MK Ayman Odeh Incites Israeli Arabs to Mutiny

“In a normal world this man would have been arrested last night, with a speedy indictment."

Knesset Rejects Arab MK Proposal for Int’l Nuclear Inspectors

Zahalka did not hide the bill’s primary objective: To strip Israel of nuclear weapons.

ISIS Warns Jews in Hebrew, You’re Next to be Slaughtered [video]

The ISIS terrorist spoke in Israeli-Arab accented Hebrew

IFCJ Warns Rising Israeli Arab Angst May Become Strategic Threat

Discontent among Israeli Arabs is not new, but some of their available options are, such as the choice of turning to ISIS.

Homeland Security Minister Ohana Agrees Unequivocally: ‘Police Response to the Riots Was Unsatisfactory’

MK Smotrich responded angrily, saying: “It's a shame that 1,000 terrorists weren't killed."

Three Notes on the Abduction Crisis

Israelis would do well to consider the police, Hanin Zoabi and the secondary goals of the manhunt

Ahmad Tibi: Israeli Reporters in Qatar Think All Arabs Are Like Israel Lover Yoseph...

For future references, you should know, Tibi says Arabs hate you...

Israeli Arab Gets 3 Years for Joining ISIS

The sentences of three and four years are among the heaviest ever imposed in Israel for illegal association.

Police Arrest 51 Rioters in Eastern Jerusalem as Part of Neighborhood Improvement Operation

Meanwhile, municipal officials are being integrated into the operation in repairing the public light system, and removing garbage dumps and safety hazards.

Muslim Driver Transforms Egged Bus Into ‘Sukkah Mobile’ in Jerusalem

“I hear a lot of ‘Way to go!’ and ‘Happy holiday’ from most people."

Young Terrorist Caught and Punished by His Arab Victims

An Israeli army force eventually arrived at the scene and arrested the young terrorist for his actions.

Arabs Riot in Jerusalem, Light Rail Service Limited as a Result

Dozens of Arabs rioted on Saturday on the 40 day anniversary of the murder of Mohamed Abu-Hadir of Shuafat.

UPDATE: Another Stabbing Attack in Old City of Jerusalem [video]

An armed passerby drew his gun and shot the Arab terrorist within seconds after she stabbed the Jewish man from behind.

Israeli-Arab Woman Who Tried to Join ISIS Sentenced to 22 Months in Prison

The 44-year-old teacher had no criminal record, but she had been disseminating ISIS updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Watch: Israel Police Finally Go After Illegal Arab Weapons

Israel Police and the Border Guard on Monday morning began a sweep of illegal weapons in Lod and eastern Jerusalem.

Ayelet Shaked and Yamina Court Arab Voters

Arab political activists reached out to Ayelet Shaked to give Yamina their support.


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