Vassar Hosts Prof. Who Charges Israel With ‘Weaponized Epigenetics’

Vassar hosted anti-Israel speaker who claims Israel intentionally "maims" and "stunts" Palestinian Arabs.

Israel in Space: Satellites The Size of Milk Cartons

Israel is launching two civilian satellites into space, neither of them little more than the size of a carton of milk.

Penn Hillel Provided Platform to Venomous ‘Breaking The Silence’

The Hillel board was conned into believing that Breaking the Silence was needed to amplify the tintinnabulation of hatred already ringing across U.S. campuses from such groups as the BDS movement and the annual Israel Apartheid Week hate fiestas.

YU Basketball Team Concluding Solidarity Visit to Israel

The Yeshiva University Men’s Basketball Team’s January 6-13 solidarity visit to Israel in the aftermath of October 7 has been a sobering experience, report...

OU Advocacy Center Asks New Yorkers to Vote ‘Yes’

"Get out the Vote in NY: Vote YES for the Smart Schools Bonds Act on Nov. 4"

Global Survey of 4,000 Coronavirus Patients Shows Link to Loss of Smell and Taste

These findings will eventually help distinguish COVID-19 patients from those with common viral infections.

Hillel Outmaneuvered as Swarthmore Students Reject Its Israel Guidelines

The question is, how will Hillel International prevent more of its healthy cells going cancer.

Report: Liberman’s Anti-Haredi Policy Largely Subverted by Justice Ministry

Anyone participating in Rabbinical or Dayan-halachic judge tests is actually learning a profession—and his children are therefore entitled to a daycare subsidy.

Nakba Revisited: MIT Evicts Pro-Hamas Students from Campus Housing

As pro-Hamas encampments have sprung up on campuses across the US, numerous students have received suspension and expulsion notices.

Study: People Who Make Music Together, Socially Connect to Each Other

"We hope our research will lead to more grassroots programs . . . which bring people from different cultures together through music.”

Haifa University Launches New Downtown Campus for Bioinformatics Research

The University of Haifa's new School for Data Science will become part of downtown Haifa’s budding innovation community.

With 8,646 New Corona Patients, Coalition Partners Demand Bennett Overturn Education Minister’s Ban on...

25 local municipalities have announced they were preparing for a "vaccination blitz" for their youths.

New York City Council to Investigate Antisemitism at CUNY

Antisemitism is skyrocketing on college campuses nationwide.

WZO to Open 225 Hebrew Language Centers Worldwide Next Year

Last year the WZO established 140 new Hebrew language centers, most of them in France, Argentina, and the UK.

Ben-Gurion University Launches International CyberTech Summer Program

BGU has been instrumental in developing cyber security programs in southern Israel.

NY Gov Signs Anti-Boycott Law then Joins 52nd Israel Parade in Pouring Rain [video]

The governor later tweeted: "What a great honor it was to march in the @CelebrateIsrael parade today."

Bar Ilan Researchers Discover Major Changes in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Coral reefs are highly sensitive to environmental change. Multiple stressors, in isolation or in combination, may lead to dramatic deterioration that can result in loss of reefs and their ecological services for many years.

Toronto Schools Confront Wave of Antisemitism

At Valley Park Middle School, a student in an 8th-grade class shouted “Heil Hitler” from his desk as two other students stood on a filing cabinet and performed a Nazi salute.

Israeli TV to Compensate Zionist Yeshiva Rabbi They Vilified

The report, which slandered and shattered the public image of Rabbi Assaf Naumburg irreparably, was produced using unparalleled faking.

Do you know a Jew? No?! Rent one!

There are 250,000 Jews in Germany, but few Germans know a Jew personally, according to Rent-a Jew.

Jews Still Planning to Sue Jimmy Carter over Anti-Israel Book

The five plaintiffs are seeking at least $5 million in compensation. The hard cover edition cost $27.

With El Al on Campus, Israel Soars

Imagine a different kind of Israel program. One that features a wide range of Israeli citizens sharing their own stories about Israel. And all of them work for the country's national airline.

TAU, UCLA Researchers Develop Deep-Brain Stimulation in Sleep to Improve Memory Consolidation

Direct proof that our brain strengthens memories via coordination between the hippocampus and frontal cortex during sleep.

Israeli Arab Educator Teaches ‘Halas-Enough Theory’ to New Generation

Dr. Padilla says Israeli Arabs will do well to learn from American Jews, whose leadership manages to accomplish a great deal despite the relatively small size of their constituency.

Zionist Australians Slam Promotion of Litzman who Supported Alleged Melbourne Pedophile

“On behalf of the Australian Jewish Community, I implore you to reconsider this appointment until the investigation into Yaakov Litzman has concluded.”

Coup: AG Deputies Handicap Second Vote on Ariel Medical School, Sure to Spell Its...

As things stand, with two pro-Ariel members removed in a style reminiscent of To Kill a Mockingbird, there's no reason to expect the remaining five committee members would endorse the Ariel medical school.

Internet Consortium at TAU to Invest in Next-Generation Internet of Things

Major internet technology in Israel will help create new big businesses that will impact large industries.

N. California Conference Prepares High School Students to Combat On-Campus Anti-Semitism, BDS

Club Z began as a quick study group for a few teens that wanted to arm themselves with accurate information about Israel and the Middle East conflict.

British MP Storming Out: ‘I Don’t Debate with Israelis’ (Video)

The Israeli-British student said Galloway should be barred from the House of Commons. "He clearly had a problem not because I am Israeli - I'm sure he would have talked to an Israeli Arab, he didn't want to talk to me because I am an Israeli Jew," Aslan-Levy said.

8-year-old Struck and Killed by School Bus

An eight year old boy was struck and killed in a parking lot by a school bus Tuesday at Kibbutz Kfar Menachem.


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