Black Jewish Banker Suing Goldman Sachs for Discrimination

Goldman Sachs is facing a proposed class action suit in the same court in Manhattan over its alleged discrimination against women in pay and promotions.

Arab Reporter Questioning Aliyah of Ambassador Friedman’s Daughter

The White Supremacists have been haranguing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel (R-KY) about his Asian American wife, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, questioning her racial purity. Is that the despicable level of nastiness matched by Al Quds and its reporter at DOS? Where are the condemnations from our friends in the media?

Ambassador Danon Protested, Queens Museum Reinstated Pro-Israel Event

“We welcome this step by the Museum to rectify their earlier unfortunate decision."

An Isolated Trump Loses Support of Rightwing US Jews

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are dangerous anti-Semites. There are no good Nazis and no good members of the Klan. Thankfully, in modern America, the KKK and Nazis are small fringe groups that have never been welcome in the GOP."

Israel to Revoke Press Card of Al Jazeera Correspondent Calling Himself ‘Active Partner in...

It should be noted that Communications Minister Kara recently contacted GPO Director Chen and requested that the press cards of the entire Al Jazeera personnel in Israel be revoked on the grounds that the network was inciting and agitating to violence in a way that harmed the security of the state.

Expect Huge Blowout at the Kotel as WOW, Reform, Conservative, Blow Shofars

If Jews had the ability to ignore religious provocation when they saw one, we'd still have the Second Temple, if not the First.

Research Group: Israeli Education Near Bottom of Developed World

The quality of Israel’s education has improved over past two decades, and yet Israel is near the bottom of the developed world, its 8th graders get correct answers on only half their math questions, Israel’s weakest students are also the weakest in the developed world, and Israel’s top students rank only in the bottom third of the developed world.

Netanyahu Picks Former Justice Minister to Lead New Conversions Bill Deliberations

Nissim's appointment is part of the Netanyahu government's fulfillment of its commitment to the High Court of Justice to promote a more "egalitarian" conversions law which would enjoy broad support from Israelis.

IDF Concerned: Combat Recruitment Motivation Down for 3rd Straight Draft

The last time IDF combat recruitment was this low was recorded immediately after the 2006 Second Lebanon War.The trend was eventually corrected in 2010, when demand for combat service surged to an 80% peak. But it has since been declining consistently.

GOP Stunned as Trump Defends Alt.Right’s ‘Very Fine People’

Our President should be able to empathize with with our pain at watching blonde Aryans in Nazi jackboots hollering "Blut und Boden" (Blood and Soil) in the streets of our cities.

Haifa Seaport Renewal to ‘Rival Barcelona’

"This will turn Haifa into an international port on the level of Barcelona.”

George Soros Invests in Occupied Territories (Others, That Is)

San Leon attorney Daniel Martin said the firm had not discussed its activities with Western Saharawis, because they're “not a representative people.”

Extremist Israeli Arab Cleric Remanded for Incitement

"We believe that his sermons led to terror attacks as well as attempted attacks after the Temple Mount murders," the Police told teh court.

Iranian Blogger Taking Hebrew Classes in Jewish Agency Ulpan

"The Jewish Agency, which has welcomed millions of Jews home to Israel, is proud to play a part in easing Neda’s integration into her country of refuge."

Leftwing Lynch Mob Exposes Charlottesville ‘Nazis’ to Employers, Occasionally Ruining Innocent Lives

The "Yes, You're Racist" Twitter account is currently packed with mostly unidentified images of white guys which may or may not have been shot at the neo-Nazi rally.

On Again: 7 Months after Prison, Sheikh Raed Salah Arraigned for Spewing Anti-Semitic Hate

"Whoever wants a more thorough explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the dough of the [Jewish] holy bread."

Netanyahu Leverages Independent Kurdistan Against the Meddling Turkey, Iran

In July, when Turkish President Erdogan attacked Israel's security policy on the Temple Mount, Netanyahu issued a statement saying, "It would be interesting to see what Erdogan would say to ... the Kurds. Erdogan is the last one who can preach to Israel."

Israel’s Security Leadership to Washington to Fix Trump’s Syrian Ceasefire Blunder

Netanyahu treated the Trump move on Iran just as he had done the Obama pro-Iran move, by openly criticizing what has been the US President's most significant deal with Russia. To his credit, Netanyahu was unafraid to openly express his major disagreement with both super powers, after whispering it through quiet diplomatic channels had failed.

Trump Condemns the KKK, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and Other Hate Groups

Trump: Racism is Evil - Hatred, Bigotry & Violence Has No Place in America.

Elena Baron, Candidate For Civil Court Judge, Visits The Jewish Press

Baron, an active participant in Jewish life, gives tzedakah generously and volunteers to fund and feed the Jewish poor, and the elderly.

GOP Seniors: Obama Never Said ‘Muslim Extremists,’ Trump Can’t Spell ‘Neo-Nazis’

It's gotten so bad that, for the first time, Republicans have joined Democrats who reacted angrily when Trump said Saturday he tweeted in opposition to "this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides — on many sides.”

UK Holocaust Memorial International Design Competition Entering Advanced Phase

A jury consisting of 13 members including London Mayor Sadiq Khan, and Julia Peyton-Jones, the former director of the Serpentine Galleries, will meet at the Victoria and Albert Museum next month to choose the winner.

Nasrallah Mocks Trump’s Ignorance of Hezbollah’s Role in Lebanon

Prime Minister Hariri, who is a power sharing partner with Hezbollah under Lebanese law, remained silent (not to mention embarrassed), but Nasrallah didn't hold back.

Netanyahu Wants Power to Declare War without Full Ministerial Support

The real reason for the amendment, as it turns out, is not so much about military know-how as it is about leaks to the media.

‘Anonymous’ May Have Taken Down a Neo-Nazi Website, Or It Could Be a Neo-Nazi...

The Daily Stormer has already been ditched by its server, GoDaddy, which tweeted the statement: "We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service."

Acrimonious Exchanges between Residents and IDF Commander following Neveh Tzuf Massacre

It turns out the IDF divides the Judea and Samaria Arabs into four categories: "Violent," "deterred," "indifferent," and "appeased," and the Army is helpless to act when they crossover without any warning.

Arab Media: Israel Demolished Illegal EU Structures South of Hebron

Ironically enough, no such EU structures bearing the EU flag can be found in areas A or B, nor anywhere else in Bedouin communities throughout the Middle East.

Report: Peace Envoy Tony Blair Was on United Arab Emirates’ Payroll

"It is our view that, after seven years, Mr Blair's achievements as envoy are negligible, even within his narrow mandate of promoting Palestinian economic development."

Palestinian Authority Says ‘No Talks’ With Netanyahu

“We were on the verge of an agreement” with Olmert, the PA official said, “but eventually he had to resign over corruption.”

Report: Jordan Asks Israel to Delay Return of Embassy Staff

Jordan says the country complied with its international obligations by allowing the security officer to leave.


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