RJC Says Congressman-Elect Not Invited to Future Events for Lies about Jewish Heritage

Republican George Santos admitted to lying on the campaign trail about his mother being Jewish and his grandparents fleeing the Nazis.

Leftwing J Street Going After Pro-Israel Regavim’s US Tax-Exempt Status

The president of J Street shared how enraged he is by the fact that groups that work in direct defiance of US foreign policy enjoy a tax-exempt status in the US.

Arab World Expects ‘Civil War’ in Israel Because of Country’s Political Differences

The media discourse in the Arab world reflects a lack of understanding of the rules of the game in Israel and a longing for a reality that is not there.

Senator Rand Paul Blocks Iron Dome ‘Hotline’ Funding

Last week, the special $1 billion Iron Dome bill was passed in Congress with near unanimous bipartisan support.

Speaker Ohana Votes Against the Coalition on Bill Allowing LGBTQ Adoptions

Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana (Likud) supported the motion, which was defeated by a majority of 54 to 37.

L’Express: Israel Spied on French Prime Minister’s Cellphone

L'Express expects that this suspicion of electronic monitoring may have an adverse effect on the already complicated relations between France and Israel.

Eli Yishai Sitting Right on the Threshold

The final numbers aren't in, and Yachad is sitting right on the wire.

70 Years Later, President Rivlin Meets Passengers who Arrived on the Exodus

Speaking to the passengers as well as their second, third, and fourth generation descendants, the President said, 'I am fortunate as President of the State of Israel to record with you and your families that the State of Israel, and the flag of Israel, are obvious facts.'

North Jersey Jews Recall the PM from Teaneck

Bennett joked: “Teaneck back then was not yet Israel. We annexed Teaneck a few years ago.”

Former President Shimon Peres Fights For Life After Massive Stroke

Former President Shimon Peres, 93, suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage. He is now in an induced medical coma and breathing with a respirator in the ICU.

Arab ‘Dignitaries’ Visit Hunger Striking Hamas Detainee in Hospital, Ready to Weaponize his Death

The Israeli security apparatus does not doubt that al-Qawasma continues his clan's rich tradition of the murder of innocent Jews.

Israeli, Cypriot, Greek Parliaments Sign Trilateral Cooperation Agreement

Israel, Cyprus and Greece are three democratic countries in a "challenging and complex region."

Jewish Students Walk Out on West Virginia Public High School Evangelical Event

A district spokesperson explained that the event was meant to be voluntary, but two teachers “made a mistake and took the entire class to the assembly.”

Netanyahu Commends ‘Magnificent Speech, Powerful Expression of Enduring Bond’

"The sooner the Palestinians accept the truth about the millennial connection of the Jewish people to this land and to this city, the sooner we can work together."

UK Sends Junior Delegation to Paris Summit in Deference to Trump

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May looked to the future of her country and deferred to US President-elect Donald Trump on Paris.

Jewish Schoolchildren Made to Bow in Mosque Visit

One mother said: 'It's repulsive. I cannot believe that this kind of thing happens in Israel.'

Bayit Yehudi MK: We Must Quash Arabs’ Hope for Statehood

Smotrich called on Israel to dismantle the Palestinian Authority at once.

Smotrich – Peretz Alliance Dies Amid Violent Clashes, New Right Emerging as Sole Survivor

Make their slogan: "The party with internal fisticuffs only some of the time."

Expert Says Jerusalem Issue is Beginning of Israel’s Victory, Could Spark Chain Reaction

U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision, and Guatemala’s move to get on board is evidence that a major shift in international politics is at hand, particularly in Latin America.

47 GOP Senators Send Open Letter to Iran

A group of 47 Republican senators has sent an open letter to Iran, warning that any agreement signed by President Barack Obama may only last as long as he is in office.

Labor Activists Collecting Signatures to Dump Chairman Gabai

1,350 convention delegates are required to hold open primaries for new chairperson and the Knesset list.

House Members: Holder and Clinton Considering Release of ‘Blind Sheikh’

In a strongly worded letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, eight members of congress have demanded that a request to release Omar Abdel-Rahman from federal prison be rejected. Abdel-Rahman, known as the “blind sheikh,” inspired the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and is serving a life sentence for his role in a plot to conduct assassinations and destroy bridges, tunnels and other landmarks in New York City.

Likud Challenger: Netanyahu Won’t Succeed Even After Third and Fourth Elections

In October 2018, Benjamin Netanyahu accused Sa'ar of conspiring with President Reuven Rivlin to endorse Sa'ar as prime minister following a Likud win in the next elections.

Obama Sends Jack Lew To Auschwitz

President Obama is sending Jack Lew, the first Orthodox Jewish Treasury Secretary to the commemoration. Secretary Lew will be leading a delegation of State Department officials and Auschwitz survivors.

Abbas Last Arab Leader on Trump’s Call Schedule

President Donald Trump on Friday plans to call Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for the first time, according to the official White House schedule....

A Defiant Assad Praises Russia’s Putin, Iran’s Khamenei, Hezbollah’s Nasrallah

Assad had a special message for his neighbor to the north Erdogan, who, he said, "is playing the role of political beggar after his support for terrorists was exposed."

Coalition Leaders Wonder Why the AG Is Still Walking Among Them

Baharav-Miara’s response reads like something out of a comic book, just simplistic enough and self-congratulatory enough to appeal to the anarchist mob.

Vancouver Jews Fight Back

This is the first time StandWithUs has posted ads in Canada.

Judge Adds a Year to Chief Rabbi’s Corruption Sentence

The most scandalous of the six indictment items against the former chief rabbi had to do with his selling conversions in the US


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/rjc-says-congressman-elect-not-invited-to-future-events-for-lies-about-jewish-heritage/2022/12/28/

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