Israeli FM Lapid to Russia’s FM Lavrov, ‘Israel Will Not Sit Quiet While Iran...

Lapid: “Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear state – or even a nuclear threshold state.”

Israel Signs Cooperation Agreement with Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia & Laos

Israel pledged to share its knowledge, experience, and expertise on agricultural drought during times of water crises.

El Al Offered $50 Million in Aid from Government, But There’s a Catch

Arkia and Israir have also been offered multi-million dollar grants by the government.

Israel’s Health Ministry Predicts Corona Herd Immunity in 1 to 2 Months Despite Experts’...

Meanwhile, Israel’s Coronavirus Czar Salman Zarka has suggested that a fourth dose of the vaccine is in our future.

Just Like Bibi, Bennett-Lapid Govt. Seeks to Postpone Removal of Illegal Khan al Ahmar...

After severely criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu for his inaction on the removal of the illegal Arab outpost of Khan al-Ahmar, Bennett is seeking to further postpone the evacuation, adopting the same line of the Netanyahu government.

Bennett’s Voters Face Bennett’s Diplomacy and Bennett’s Demolitions

Demolition orders like the one for Arugot Farm’s vineyard are just one way the Bennett-Lapid government is moving toward establishing a hostile Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

Bennett Vows to ‘Reduce Tensions, Improve Relations’ with Palestinian Authority

“I believe that employment and living with dignity can improve the situation. Two parties can take measures to reduce tensions and improve daily life.”

Israel’s President Herzog Meets Jordan’s King Abdullah II in Amman

Herzog praised the Jordanian monarch as a "great leader and a highly significant regional actor, who has recently met extremely important leaders."

Lapid Says Eastern Jerusalem US Consulate Is ‘Bad Idea’ – How Soon Will He...

"The State of Israel already is in a political process with the Palestinians. For now, it's being conducted behind closed doors, which is suspicious in itself."

Did Bennett Give his Blessings to Gantz’s Boosting the PA’s Pay-to-Slay Budget?

Israel takes the money it lends to the PA from the settlers in Judea and Samaria.

Israel Again Making Concessions to Terror Rulers in Gaza, Ramallah

The IDF is controlled by the political echelon and can do little without authorization from the current coalition government.

After 1.5 Years Without, State Budget Submitted, Knesset Votes on Thursday

Liberman stated that "the budget that's being passed is the most socially-conscious budget in the history of the State of Israel."

Biden Administration Briefs Jewish Leaders on Bennett Meetings, Foreign Policy

Source: Prime Minister Bennett wanted to demonstrate he can be “prime ministerial” like his predecessor, while President Biden needed to show that despite the Afghanistan crisis, he is able to conduct foreign diplomacy and that the U.S. is still important in the Middle East.

2.4 Million Young Israelis Brave School Year 5782, 3rd in the Shadow of Corona

"I very much hope and also estimate that there will be no outbreak as a result of the opening of schools," said Prof. Ash.

Satisfaction in Ramallah Following Gantz-Abbas Meeting

The PA understands it must be patient and play along until Yair Lapid replaces Naftali Bennett.

When Benny Met Mahmoud: DM Reveals Details of Israel’s Costly Concessions to the PA

Gantz also reassured the chairman that Israel will uphold its commitment to expanding Arab construction in Area C.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz Agrees to Loan NIS 500M to Palestinian Authority

The Religious Zionism party accused the current Israeli government of detouring from the law blocking PA tax funds for terrorist salaries.

Environmental Protection Ministry Probing Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Leak

“This is a very serious incident which illustrates how dangerous and harmful the transportation of fossil fuel in Israel . . . can be,”

Israeli Cabinet Approves $21 Million Assistance Plan for Jerusalem Hills Fire Damage

The fires led to the evacuation of the communities of Beit Meir, Shoresh, Shoeva, Kisalon, Givat Yearim, Ramat Raziel, Tzuba and the medical facility at Eitanim, and caused extensive damage in the area.

Bennett Slammed for Gantz-Abbas Meeting, Right Fears Another Withdrawal

The meeting with Abbas is “the most worrying development since the formation of the government. And it takes place a few hours after the return of Naftali Bennett to Washington”.

Rashida Tlaib Demands ‘Dignity’ for Arab Woman Killed while Ramming Israeli Soldiers

Former Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) responded: "You forgot the part where she attempted to murder a bunch of Israelis."

Health Ministry CEO: Holiday Lockdown Off the Table, 3rd Vaccine Slowing Down the Corona

Around three weeks ago, Israeli health experts warned about terrifying scenarios, with between 800 and 1,600 patients in critical condition.

Gantz and Abbas Meet in Ramallah with Bennett’s Blessings

At the end of the professional meeting, Gantz and Abbas held a tête-à-tête meeting for about 40 minutes.

Israeli Ambassador to UK Tzipi Hotovely to Continue at Her Post

Hotovely was appointed last year by the Netanyahu government for a period of three years.

Special Funds Approved to Repair Jerusalem Hills Wildfire Damage

“The terrible fire in the Jerusalem hills is behind us, but the residents of the area and nature still remain."

Report: Israelis Consume 1,500 Tons of Honey on Rosh Hashanah, 115,000 Tons of Apples...

Domestic chicken consumption in Israel is the highest in the world and stands at about 64.4 kg per capita per year.

With Israel’s School Year Starting in 3 Days, 124,000 Students & 6,500 Staff Quarantined,...

"The virus is here and will continue to be here. There will probably also be a fifth wave after the fourth."

Bennett: ‘We’ll Act in Gaza According to Our Own Interests’

"I would like to thank President Biden for the very warm welcome and now we need to go home."

Bennett Thanks Biden for ‘Fortifying Israel’s Strategic Advantage’

To block Iranian nuclear progress, Biden says he "will try the diplomatic route, but there are other options if that doesn't work."


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