Obama Finally Forced to Admit Iran’s Nuclear Breakout Time ‘Zero’ in 13 Years

US President Barack Obama is finally forced to admit Iran's breakout time to a nuclear bomb will be "zero" just 3 years after the new deal ends.

Israel Quietly Acknowledges Accidental Death of Spanish UNIFIL Soldier

Israel quietly admits accidentally killing a Spanish soldier in UNIFIL while responding to a Hezbollah attack.

ISIS Fighters in Syria May Be Felled By Lesions (Not Legions)

ISIS fighters in Syria may ultimately be felled by a skin disease likely to be wracking thousands of its ranks.

Fourth Brooklyn Man Charged in ISIS Recruiting Plot

A fourth Brooklyn man has been indicted on charges of conspiring to support and join the ISIS terror group in Syria.

NY’s Schumer Not Puppet for Obama on Iran ‘Deal’

Schumer puts a nail in the Iran deal coffin: 'Congress must be allowed to disapprove it.'

Islamic State Posts Photos of Beheaded of Arabs UNRWA Refugee Camp

ISIS has taken control of almost the entire Yarmouk camp near Damascus.

Obama Espouses his Iran Strategy: If, If, If and Blind Hope

He assures the USA will defend Israel if is attacked, assuming there is anything left to defend.

Labor’s Eitan Cabel Worried By US-Iran Nuke Deal, Stands with Bibi

Labor Secretary-General Eitan Cabel said the bad Iran deal is a non-partisan issue for Israel, and he is kept up nights worrying about it.

Iran Warns US on Sanctions: ‘All or Nothing’

Iran already is threatening to rip up the deal if Obama does not annul all sanctions forever.

Iran Funding Hamas with Millions of Dollars to Rebuild Terror Tunnels

Tehran is preparing for the day that Hamas and Hezbollah can bombard Israel with thousands of missiles from the north and south.

Kenya Foils Attack Packed Cathedral as Country Mourns 148 Deaths

Muslim terrorists from Somalia want to make Kenya the next victim on its way to take over northern Africa.

American Jews Rethink Loyalty to Democratic Party Over Iran Deal

American Jews rethink their support for the Democratic party after the U.S. deal allows Iran to keep its nuclear program.

Bomb Kills Policeman in Cairo

Terrorists attacked Cairo for the second time in two days Sunday and killed one policeman in a bombing. Two other policemen and one civilian...

US Rejects Netanyahu’s Demand that Iran Confirm Israel’s Right to Exist

State Dept. says asking Iran to state it does not want to destroy Israel would only complicate matters.

Israel Attacked Iranian Weapons in Libya, says Gulf State Newspaper

The unconfirmed report states that the weapons were headed for Hamas in Gaza.

Lebanon to Ban Colored Chicks

They might look cute, but concern for the animal's welfare if missing from the process.

Obama’s Deal with Iran Ushers in New Age of Middle East Insecurity

The Middle East has rapidly changed for the worse the past five years. The worst may be yet come.

El-Sisi: Egypt Will Keep Bab-el-Mandeb Open

If Iran blocks Bab-el-Mandeb, it would be an economic nuclear bomb for Egypt.

Iran Deal: US and Allies are the Junior Varsity (Little League?)

The Iran nuclear deal allows continued uranium enrichment, a bunkered centrifuge center and no snap inspections. Lucky Iran.

Netanyahu Summons Cabinet to Emergency Meeting on Iran Deal

Netanyahu is not wasting any time to start a public relations campaign aimed at Congress to scuttle the deal with Iran.

Obama and Netanyahu’s Different Versions of Same Phone Call on Iran

Obama said he told Netanyahu Iran won't get the bomb. Netanyahu to Obama: The deal would not block Iran's path to the bomb. It would pave it.

Obama Calls Netanyahu About Nuke Deal

Obama updated Netanyahu on Iran nuclear deal.

Iran Toys with Obama and Vows ‘No Agreement Today’

Zarif has made Obama's March 31 deadline look just like his November 2014 deadline.

Iran Talks Have Been Extended 621 Years, according to Persian Calendar

The big deal about talks with Iran extending past the March 31 headline has been offset by a bit of curios from Associate Press...

Druze Soldier Indicted for Giving Classified Information to Syria

There has been an alarming increase in the number of traitors from the traditionally pro-Israel Druze community.

ISIS Likely behind Deaths of 7 Egyptian Soldiers in Sinai Attack

Egypt's supposed iron-fist strategy to control the Sinai is full of bullet holes.

ISIS Raids Palestinian Camp and Begins to Fulfill Netanyahu’s Prophecy

Netanyahu said "radical elements...would certainly attack Israel and... threaten the Palestinian Authority and take control of the Palestinian public."

Egyptian Culture Rife in Israel ‘For Years’ After Exodus

Israeli archaeologists prove Egyptian culture was rife in Israel "for years" after the Exodus.

2 Cops Hurt, 1 Female Attacker Killed Outside Istanbul Police HQ

Two cops were hurt Wednesday and a female bomber was killed in a shootout outside Istanbul's police headquarters.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/obama-finally-forced-to-admit-irans-nuclear-breakout-time-zero-in-13-years/2015/04/07/

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