Hate Crimes Statistics: June 2024
(Representing June 1 – June 30 for calendar years 2024 and 2023)
Motivation 2024 2023 Diff % Change Asian 3 2 -3 50% Black 2 5 -3 -60% Ethnic 4 1 3 300% Gender 0 2 -2 -100% Hispanic 3 2 1 50% Jewish 45 19 26 137% Muslim 3 0 3 *** Religion 2 1 1 100% Sexual Orientation 17 15 2 13% Grand Total 79 47 32 68% Note: Statistics above are subject to change upon investigation, as active possible bias cases June be reclassified to non-bias cases and removed from counted data.
You can see at glance that anti-Jewish hate crimes far exceed all other kinds – combined.
This is happening while other types of crime in NYC are decreasing. As the report says:
The NYPD accomplished the repeated monthly crime reductions across the five boroughs while attending to and safeguarding a record number of demonstrations this year, many of them related to Israel’s ongoing battle against the terrorist organization Hamas. A hefty increase in the number of potential anti-Jewish bias incidents being investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force were a result of the fiery rhetoric and sometimes violent actions that accompanied the protests in New York City. Twenty-six of the 32 additional incidents taken on by Hate Crime investigators in June 2024 were anti-Jewish in motivation, reflecting a 137 percent increase in that category compared to the same month in 2023.
This has been the pattern since October 7. Here are the statistics for May:
Motivation 2024 2023 Diff % Change Asian 2 12 -10 -83% Black 1 0 1 ***.* Ethnic 3 8 -5 -63% Gender 6 5 1 20% Hispanic 0 2 -2 -100% Jewish 55 22 33 150% Muslim 4 1 3 300% Religion 4 1 3 300% Sexual Orientation 9 4 5 125% White 2 1 1 100% Grand Total 86 56 30 54%
{Reposted from EoZ}