United Hatzalah Establishes Medical Complex in Uman ahead of Rosh Hashanah

Every year, United Hatzalah sends a delegation of volunteer physicians, paramedics, and EMTs from Israel to support the influx of visitors in Uman.

Evangelical Group Donates 42 Ambulances, 2 Stations to MDA

The event took place in Avshalom, where Graham honored the memory of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Roi Idan, and Smadar Mor-Idan.

Sheba Medical Center Ranked 10th Smartest Hospital Worldwide

Only one other hospital outside the US is among the top 10 smartest: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin was ranked 8th.

TAU Innovative Technology Seeking Early Parkinson’s Diagnosis

"We examined the samples under a unique microscope, applying an innovative technique called super-resolution imaging."

Israeli Study Shows Aquatic Plant Reduces Sugar Levels in Diabetics

The study found that the reduction of blood sugar levels after consuming Mankai is comparable to that of some medications.

Feinberg School of Medicine Deletes Arab Students’ Images to Protect their Careers

JSP complained angrily about the medical school’s career-salvaging move.

Israeli Suicide Prevention Group Trains UH Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Teams

“MOSHE's knowledge and simple tools, combined with United Hatzalah's strength, are a real breakthrough for suicide prevention."

Watch: United Hatzalah EMT Saves Family from Burning Building in Jerusalem

"One of United Hatzalah's bravest, Yechiel Stern from Jerusalem, heroically climbed a burning building to save an entire family."

Israeli Researchers Working on New Antibiotic from ‘Long Pepper’

The Indian long pepper or pippali, is known in traditional medicine for its treatment of a variety of illnesses.

More than 700 Israelis Diagnosed with West Nile Virus

The prevalence of mosquitoes infected with the virus usually rises between June and November.

Catch a Virus by the Tail: Weizmann Institute Making Strides in Investigating Bacterial Immunity

A bacterial immune system that alters the tails of phages might help clarify an immunity mechanism in humans.

New Hope for Paralyzed Patients as Israeli Researchers Achieve Thought-Driven Speech

“In the future, it will be possible to train a computer for an ALS patient in the early stages of the disease while they can still speak."

Rosh Pina Kosher Meat Restaurant Charged with Death of Dairy-Allergic Patron

The Health Ministry’s report shows failures on the part of the hospital and Osher’s Leumit HMO.

Israeli Findings on a Hidden Brain Hub Open Path for New ADHD Treatment

The findings open a new door to potential new treatments for disorders characterized by impaired impulse control, such as ADHD, drug addiction and schizophrenia.

U of Haifa Study: Two-Thirds of Israelis Abroad Suffer PTSD Since October 7

According to the study, 91% of Israelis living abroad were exposed to anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment in the first two months of the war.

Sweet New MRI Method ‘Lights Up’ Pancreatic Cancer

The method could lead to earlier detection, better treatment and a more hopeful outcome for pancreatic cancer patients, the researchers said.

United Hatzalah Mourns the Death of Its Volunteer EMT, Hamas Hostage Dolev Yehoud

The entire United Hatzalah family bows its head in sorrow and grief upon receiving the bitter news that our dedicated volunteer EMT, Dolev Yehoud...

Man Indicted for Threatening Michigan Jewish Officials Is Too Crazy to Stand Trial

Carpenter claimed to have established a new sovereign nation called "New Israel."

Israeli Scientist Forces Brain Tumor Cells to ‘Burn Out’

When you disable the brakes on a race car, it quickly crashes. Dr. Barak Rotblat wants to do something similar to brain cancer cells.

Israeli Study Shows Increased Risk of Cancer in Patients with Heart Disease

The discovery may improve the protocols for treating heart disease so clinicians also consider the increased risk of cancer.

Israeli Scientists Create New Treatment for Colorectal Cancer

The developed technology was recently licensed to a biomedical company (Vaxil Biotherapeutics) for further clinical development.

Israeli Study: Sephardic Jews at Greater Risk for Early Onset Alzheimer’s

The researchers found 64 percent of those who were diagnosed were from Sephardic Jewish backgrounds while 36 percent were from Ashkenazi backgrounds.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Launches Medical Aliyah Program to Remedy Israel’s Physician Shortages

The objective of the International Medical Aliyah Program is to facilitate the Aliyah of 2,000 physicians over the next five years.

TAU Researchers Prevent Memory Deterioration in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s

The researchers discovered the potential for early detection of Alzheimer’s during sleep or anesthesia between 10-20 years before the onset of dementia symptoms.

Flying to Visit Rebbe’s Tomb, EMT Saves Passenger from Seizure

With remarkable composure, he directed the flight attendant to halt takeoff procedures and swiftly accessed the onboard medical kit.

Absorption Ministry: 494 Physicians and 83 Nurses Made Aliyah in 2023

The average age of physicians who immigrate to Israel is 41.4, and the median age is 37.

Researchers: Israelis Endure Steep Mental Stress, Move Less, Sleep Less after October 7

The researchers examined the relationship between media use in the week after October 7 and the prevalence of PTSD.

Bar-Ilan U Announces Breakthrough in Fighting Sleeping Sickness

A novel way to prevent the parasite from producing essential proteins, thus impairing its ability to survive.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/global/europe/ukraine/united-hatzalah-establishes-medical-complex-in-uman-ahead-of-rosh-hashanah/2024/09/30/

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