Report: El Al to Lay Off 80% of Employees Until the End of June

The total number of laid off employees will depend on the number of flights the company will be operating, which currently stands at about four daily flights, based on demand.

Rabbis Approve In Vitro, Split on In Utero Meat

Rabbis Dov Lior, Yuval Cherlow, and Shlomo Aviner believe that the new invention is vital.

FDA Approves Emergency Use of Pfizer’s Corona Vaccine, 50 Million Doses in 2020, 1.3...

Pfizer’s and BioNTech’s combined manufacturing network has the potential to supply globally up to 50 million vaccine doses in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021.

Israeli Health System to Strike After Nurse Set On Fire

The alleged arsonist, an elderly man who was mentally ill, said he hadn't intended to kill anyone.

Report: Hezbollah Rocket Hitting Haifa’s Ammonia Stock Would Kill Thousands

According to various reports, Hezbollah today is in possession of an estimated 130,000 rockets of various types.

Report: El Al Extends Ban on Passenger Flights Until End of September

The Israeli airline is extending the unpaid leave of most of its 6,080 employees • El Al CEO: “There is still a significant way to go until the restart of scheduled flights.”

Tiberias Medical First Response Team Now Trained in Firefighting Too

The special crew will enhance the hospital's ability to offer first response at a fire event and be able to effect an organized handing over control of the scene once the firefighters arrive on the scene.

Report: Gaza Hospitals Provide Medical Helium for Firebomb Terror Balloons

During the 2014 Operation Protective Edge, Al-Shifa Hospital in the neighborhood of North Rimal in Gaza City was described by The Washington Post as being a "de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices."

Dr. Talia Golan Leads the Battle to Find a Cure for Pancreatic Cancer

The South African-born doctor heads the Sheba Pancreatic Cancer Center and the Pancreatic Cancer Translational Research Laboratory

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Quarantine After Meeting with Infected Doctor

The news came just after Merkel had announced a raft of nationwide measures aimed at limiting contact between people.

Report: PM Forced into Lockdown by Interior Minister Deri

In practice, the closure this weekend will be very similar to the overall closure in March-April; with businesses, education system, restaurants and other industries on lockdown.

ThyssenKrupp AG, Maker of Israeli Submarines, Suffered ‘Massive’ Cyber Attack

ThyssenKrupp's revelation came a week after the attack which hit a million routers, resulting in outages for Deutsche Telekom customers.

Corona Blamed for Increased Fetal Deaths in Israel Even as WHO Calls Omicron Variant...

The causes of intrauterine death are most likely the Coronavirus affecting the placenta, the metabolism, and oxygen transfer to the fetus.

Right-Wing Activist Donates his Kidney Only to Jews and the World Hates Him

“It's nice that the communists also take ownership of the kidneys and decide for the donors whom to give to.”

2nd Israeli Coronavirus Patient, 67, Dies

The deceased was hospitalized for a week and it is unknown from whom and where she was infected.

Israel Offers Aid After New Earthquake Rocks Italy

Israel offers aid to Italy after a 6.6-scale earthquake rocks the central region, destroying buildings.

40 Arab Doctors, Interns, Pharmacists Arrested over Forged Diplomas

Using these fraudulent documents to apply to the Israeli health ministry, the suspects received licenses to engage in the medical professions in Israel, police said.

New Research: COVID-19 May Cause Male Infertility

Researchers found moderate to severe changes in the testicular cells that support sperm development.

Israeli Health Minister Slams WHO for Ignoring Shifa Hospital Terror

Bosso and Bar Siman Tov call on the WHO to “publicly and immediately” acknowledge Hamas’s use of medical infrastructure for terrorism and to condemn it.

Kfar Chabad Moves to Complete Lockdown After Coronavirus Spreads in Village

Israel Police will enforce the lockdown and track violations of these restrictions.

New Cases of COVID-19 Breaking Records in New York

"Omicron has proven to be the fastest, fittest, and most formidable variant of the virus, thus far."

Gaza Report Shows 80% Below Poverty Line, 50% Unemployment

The report claims that during the decade of the blockade there has been an increase of half a million civilians in Gaza, without any improvement in services. Instead, poverty, unemployment and the decline in purchasing power have increased dramatically.

Israel Develops New App to Alert Users on Exposure To Coronavirus

"The app is updated in real-time ... regarding the whereabouts of a person confirmed to be a carrier of the virus."

Sheba Medical Center to Host & Quarantine Returning Diamond Princess’ Israeli Citizens

Sheba is set to comfortably host the quarantined travelers, keeping both staff and other patients safe.

Shin Bet Discovered 24% of Corona Patients in Israel

28% were discovered through epidemiological investigation.

Human Testing of Israeli Corona Vaccine ‘Brilife’ to Start in October

"We set out nine months ago, on February 2, and we are entering the last round at the end of October."

IAF Officer Publishes Open Source Code for Production of Cheap Automatic Respirators

The Haifa Technology Center had joined Israeli Air Force (IAF) Major David Alkahar in developing a computerized automatic respirator and has published the code online for the world’s benefit.

Israeli Teen Wounded in Terror Attack Becomes MDA EMT

Dvir Schnerb was certified to be an MDA EMT on Tuesday, less than two weeks after a terrorist bomb in southern Samaria killed his sister and left him seriously injured.


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