Hamas Releases Video of Israeli Hostage Hisham a-Sayed Being Given Oxygen

“Hamas is playing on people’s emotions. It is abusing human beings. . . According to the publication, it is impossible to know if he is alive.”

Pentagon Defends Jordan Valley Pullout: No Worries When ISIS Invades Jordan

Israel and the US disagree over the crisis in Iraq, but the Pentagon insists Israel should trust the US to form a plan for the Jordan Valley.

Hamas Vows Revenge Against Israel for Air Strikes in Gaza

Hamas vows revenge after Israel bombs its terror base in retaliation for a rocket attack.

Report Exposes ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ as Terror Affiliated Anti-Semitic Network

Northeastern University’s SJP faculty advisor, Professor M. Shahid Alam, has told SJP members that they should be proud to be called anti-Semites, and should wear the title as a “badge of honor.”

Arabs Desecrate Al-Aqsa Mosque with Terror Attack (Photos)

Arabs escalated their Temple Mount riots from stones to firebombs.

Israel Continues Air Strikes on Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorist Positions in Gaza

Israeli residents living near the border with Gaza were ordered by IDF Home Front Command to enter their bomb shelters and other safe spaces as the bombing began; they were allowed to leave them an hour later.

Israel Says ‘No Way’ to Malaysian Consuls Passing Through the Country to Ramallah, Gaza

The decision is in response to the Muslim country’s vicious anti-Israel stances and actions.

Foreign Ministry Lectures Abbas on History of Jesus the Jew

Jesus was born a Jew more than 1,500 years before Islam appeared in the world, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said Tuesday in...

Hamas Rejects Ceasefire Offer in Cairo

“We have seen them reject a number of proposals before that we have thought would deliver incredible benefits to the Palestinian people that they claim to represent,” a U.S. State Department spokesman said.

Kerry and Abbas to Meet in Paris on Wednesday

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will talk with Mahmoud Abbas in Paris on Wednesday in his non-stop diplomatic assault to break the Palestinian...

IDF Soldiers Attacked in Beit Fajar Near Gush Etzion Junction

A vehicle driven by two IDF soldiers was pelted by rocks when it accidentally entered the Arab village of Beit Fajar in Judea.

Fenethylline Was Found on the Bodies of Dead Hamas Murderers

ISIS fighters were known to ingest fenethylline to suppress their fear before going to battle.

Defense Minister Launches Campaign to Reclaim Area C from Illegal Arab Construction

“We are not in the United Nations, we are the State of Israel and our political interest is to seize and settle Israeli territory.”

Daphna Meir Fought Back

Daphna Meir hy'd fought back against her murderer, struggling to grab the knife as he stabbed her to death.

Kushner Tells Interns There May Be No Solution to Mideast Conflict

"There may be no solution, but it's one of the problem sets that the president asked us to focus on. So we're going to focus on it."

Prime Minister Netanyahu Heads to Washington to Meet With President Trump

"President Trump and I see eye to eye on the dangers...but also on the opportunities," Netanyahu said.

Safe From Hamas, Italian Reporter Reveals Truth About Gaza

An Italian journalist reveals that Gaza’s children are injured and even die when Hamas misfires missiles meant for Israel.

9/11 Spreads in the Middle East

Al Qaeda brought down the Twin Towers 12 years ago. With the help of other terrorists, it is bringing down Mideast regimes, banking on chaos to spread its policy of destruction of the West.

IDF Soldier Injured Along Southern Gaza Border

One Israeli soldier was injured Thursday in shelling by Hamas terrorists along the border with southern Gaza.

Yehuda Glick Attacked 1 Year, 1 Hour, 1 Minute after Murder Attempt

The windows of the Temple Mount activist's car were smashed on "Rock-Throwing Lane," also known as Highway 60.

Palestinian Authority Submits Bid for Full UN Membership

The United States has indicated that it will block the move in the UN Security Council.

Israel’s High Court Rejects ‘Khan al Ahmar’ Petition on Illegal Dead Sea Road Outposts

The illegal encampment of Khan al Ahmar will be demolished in June, and the residents will be given free land in Jahalin West.

Abbas Blasts Israel as ‘Racist’ at UN Speech, Downplays Statehood Bid

Describing what he said were "racist" attacks by settlers on Palestinians in collusion with the Israeli government, Abbas told the General Assembly on Thursday that he has reached the conclusion "that the Israeli government rejects the two-state solution." He said, however, that Palestinians remain ready to negotiate a two-state solution. "We do not seek to delegitimize an existing state, that is, Israel," Abbas said.

Hamas Claims Victory Even as IDF Continues to Batter Gaza

Excessively Optimistic? Perhaps. But it also reveals a Hamas strategy that was both ambitious and imaginative.

Rightwing News Website’s Investigation Sends Convicted Terrorist to Isolation

In recent years, dozens of terrorists imprisoned in Israel have been placed in solitary confinement and punished after being exposed by Hakol Hayehudi.

IDF Designates Reserves Company to Provide Medical Care to PA Arabs

“The idea of adapting the unit actually came from our soldiers who recognized the need for it in the field,” explained Captain Dr. Lev.

Incendiary Balloon Flies North, Catches on Netivot Power Lines

The cluster of balloons got caught on high power lines above the street over a Sonol gasoline station in the town.

Shootout as Abbas Forces Are Pushed Back by Demonstrators in Bethlehem

Anonymous PA source actually blamed Israel: “We think there are sides like Israel who might want to plant disturbances and benefit from them."

Hamas Warns Power Reduction Will Prove ‘Catastrophic’

The Hamas government seems to have no problem obtaining expensive advanced weaponry, but can't seem to find a way to pay its region's electric bill.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/hamas/hamas-releases-video-of-israeli-hostage-hisham-a-sayed-being-given-oxygen/2022/06/28/

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