Can Surrender Be Far? Hamas’s Health Ministry Ran Out of Shrouds

There’s a cranky mother-in-law in every Hamas official.

Jews Retake Gaza on Sukkot to Repair the Arik Sharon Destruction

You want to teach the Islamists a lesson they’ll never forget? Take away their land.

Hamas Funding Thrives in Europe, Despite Terror Designation

Four reports from ELNET identify some 30 organizations and people affiliated with Hamas who work in Europe.

Russian Spokeswoman Compares Killing Sinwar to Cannibalism, a Well Known Russian Cuisine

What cannibalistic virus is lurking up the spine of this Putinesque blonde? Are there cases of Russian cannibalism?

These Officials, Pundits Fought Netanyahu’s Determination to Capture Rafah, Kill Sinwar

on Friday, hordes of politicians and pundits who tried to stop Netanyahu from conquering Rafah are lining up to cheer the IDF (never its supreme commander) for the successful kill of Sinwar.

Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Israel Over Hamas, But…

54% say Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear weapons program, 46% say it should not.

Report: White House Still Struggling to Understand Hamas but Insists It Knows How to...

Compared with the US outlandish incineration of Iraqi civilians in 2003-2005, Israel’s ratio of 80 to 20 bad guys to innocent civilians has been the most scrupulous in the history of war.

In Pitiful Show of Dwindled Prowess Hamas Launched 4 Rockets at 6:29 AM, October...

That’s what has remained of the Hamas threat, one year after the war began.

Chairwoman Foxx Slams Harvard for Failure to Discipline Pro-Hamas Students

Fifty-two of the 68 students who were referred for disciplinary action relating to the encampment are currently in good standing.

Hold the Presses – US Jews Discover Rashida Tlaib Is an Antisemite

We need to direct our energies to find a good replacement for Tlaib, as AIPAC has done this election year with two Squad members.

Sinwar Doesn’t Talk, Doesn’t Write, Israel Fears the Worst

Sinwar was not the target of the Tel Sultan attack, which is why today there’s a major disagreement between military intelligence and the Shin Bet regarding his fate.

IDF Shuts Down Al Jazeera’s Bureau in Ramallah, PA

The shutdown followed the May expulsion of Al Jazeera's staff and operations from eastern Jerusalem.

Columbia U Interim President Apologizes to Pro-Hamas Rioters

The university was sued by Jewish students who said “mobs of pro-Hamas students and faculty march by the hundreds shouting vile antisemitic slogans, including calls to genocide.”

Cornell Prof. Russell Rickford Who Called Hamas’s Atrocities ‘Exhilarating’ Is Back Unscathed

“This madness will only get worse as long as high officials like Hochul refuse to crack down on it."

Illegal PA Arab Building Attached to IDF Base in Binyamin

October 7 taught us about the importance of protecting the open spaces in general, and particularly around the IDF bases.

Retired IDF Generals Promote ‘Eiland Plan’ to Evacuate Northern Gaza

"The hostage deal last November, which was a good deal in today's view, was due to the fact that Israel only allowed 2 trucks into the Strip each day."

Netanyahu May Boycott UN Secretary General at the General Assembly in Two Weeks

Guterres equated the Hamas with Israel and came as close as he could get to justifying Hamas’s horrifying crimes without saying outright that Israel deserved it.

Hamas Makes Half Billion Dollars from ‘Humanitarian’ Aid, Pays Its Terrorists

The US-led humanitarian aid is the main oxygen pipeline for the terrorist organization.

Ben Gvir in Court: I Am the Political Echelon and I Ban MK Tibi...

MK Tibi said in a press conference several months ago that Barghouti had been beaten twice in March this year, resulting in bleeding injuries.

Report: Israel Lobbying Congress to Pressure S. Africa to Drop Hague Complaint

Israel wants Congress to convince South Africa’s new rulers the Hague complaint would come at a high cost.

London Police Bigwig Admits Making Mistakes in Handling Pro-Hamas Rioters

The findings suggest a public desire for a more balanced approach to managing protests, with greater emphasis on protecting the rights and daily activities of non-participants.

UK Investigation Reports 1,500 Incidents of BBC Pro-Hamas Bias

Jeremy Bowen, BBC's international editor, was accused of rationalizing Hamas's terrorist activities.

‘Disgusted’ by DNC Antisemitism, Alan Dershowitz No Longer a Democrat

“…I'm 85 years old. If I were 25 years old, I wouldn't be talking to you today, I'd be in Gaza with a gun joining the IDF."

Report: Erdogan’s Rabid Antisemitism Is a Sign of his Political Weakness

Ankara has imposed a trade embargo on Israel, sought to join South Africa’s case in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide, and invited PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to address its parliament.

Polls: Israelis Prefer Remaining in Philadelphi Corridor Above Hostage Deal

Two new polls show that the Israeli public backs the Netanyahu government's position that holding the Egypt-Gaza border is critical to Israel's security.

Halachic Dispute Erupts bet. Chabad and Shas over Hostage Deal with Hamas

"Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef’s words should not be taken literally, the deal is prohibited according to Halacha."

Report: Israel Buying Google’s ‘UNRWA’ Searches, Linking Them to Information Website

Kronenfeld realized that she had stumbled upon an online advertising initiative by Israel aimed at discrediting and undermining UNRWA's funding.

EXPOSED: Hamas Forged ‘Independent’ Survey Results to Claim Widespread Support

Hamas detailed the different ways to influence public opinion and media coverage.

Feinberg School of Medicine Deletes Arab Students’ Images to Protect their Careers

JSP complained angrily about the medical school’s career-salvaging move.

Rescued Hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi Thanks Prime Minister ‘Abu Yair’

"I thank you for this work, in which I see my family and am here. You truly did sacred work. There are other people who are waiting."


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