The Rebbetzin’s Tisch: Rosh Hashana: Love and Fear
What is the secret to really becoming something completely different; to becoming the new, real you?
Look but DON’T Touch
Judaism understands that every behavior, action, sight, and thought will affect us to some degree; that we humans do not remain static and unaffected by our surroundings.
The Family Purity ‘Scandal’ in Israel: An Open Letter to Guy Pines
At the end of the day, you and all your fellow “secular Israeli coreligionists” are my family, and I will always welcome you home.
Iris Chaim: A Beacon of Love, Light and Hope
Iris and her husband sent a recorded message to the soldiers in Gaza (during shiva!); a message of love, forgiveness, understanding, empathy, and a request that they continue to fight their best, and not worry about what happened!
My Beloved Nephew Yakir, ztk”l, Hy”d
Aunts don’t sit shiva, but I am definitely STANDING shiva