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E-Poch Chronicles

    Don’t Let Your Wonder Turn Into Closure

    Endings New Beginnings, and Living a Life in Between

    Going it Alone, Together

    Everyone in Israel is putting in the effort. We may not agree on the exact methodology, but we all want the same things

    Being the Heroes Our Children Need Us To Be

    To all of these heroes among us - you showed us all that even in the darkest of times, there are points of light.

    Today I Remember Yigal

    This is one who I remember, the man I served alongside with, the man I am proud to have called a friend while he was alive.

    Learning a Lesson in Patience on a Whatsapp Group

    But this week, I learned a lesson in patience from someone on the same WhatsApp group as me, and I’d like to share this lesson.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/e-poch-chronicles/lessons-from-the-game-and-mlb-all-star-voting/2024/07/16/

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