Construction Begins in Hebron’s Historic Hezekiah Neighborhood

A 31-apartment building is under construction along with two kindergarten buildings.

Suffern Man Arrested for Threats Against New Square

No information was released about the nature of the threats.

New Yorker Suing Munich Collector for Return of Nazi-Looted Art

A New York man has gone to court for the return of several Nazi-looted artworks from the controversial collection of Cornelius Gurlitt in Munich. David...

Trump Administration Rejects Airbnb Move to Join Anti-Israel BDS Campaign

So far, the company has de-listed at least 200 Jewish-owned rental homes in Judea and Samaria.

Jewish Bloggers Condemn Murder in Joint Statement

Jewish bloggers respond to murder with joint condemnation statement.

IDF Denies Arab 13-yr-old Killed by IDF

Israeli forces used stun and gas grenades in clashes with Arab attackers; a Ramallah hospital claims a teen was killed.

After Losing her Father and Brother, She Discovered Light Could Be Extracted from the...

"People tell me: Stop dealing with bereavement all the time," Orit says, "But I feel that there is where strength lies."

Sweden Rips Up Saudi Military Deal After Cairo Spat Over Human Rights

Swedish politicians have been attacking Riyadh’s preference for sharia law, complete with flogging and beheading, and how that relates to our common notion of human rights.

Palestinians’ UN Statehood Gambit Puts Israel Against Wall

JERUSALEM - With talks at a stalemate and no agreement from the Israelis to reinstate a settlement freeze, the Palestinians are playing a new card: an end game to statehood through an appeal to the international community.

More Than a Dozen Terror Suspects Arrested in West Bank Raids

More than a dozen terror suspects were arrested by the IDF in raids across Judea and Samaria overnight Monday into Tuesday.

DePaul U Fires Professor over Course Assignment on Gaza ‘Genocide’ and ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

Did it occur to Dr. D'Aquino that by pre-suggesting an intent to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing she was skewing her assignment?

Panel Finds Alleged Sex Offender Malka Leifer Mentally Fit to Stand Trial

In the coming days, the Jerusalem District Court will determine whether to extradite her back to her country, where she is wanted for sex offenses.

Shekel Getting Stronger Despite Prospects for Long War

The longer the war lasts, the less likely the Bank of Israel would be able to compensate for inflationary trends.

Training Rifles and UNICEF Donations Found in Gaza Elementary School

Meanwhile, UN and USAID sacks were being used by Hamas to construct terror tunnels in Gaza.

Teva Cost-Cutting Means Lost Israeli Jobs

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (TEVA) is probably preparing to cut jobs in its home market of Israel, according to Bloomberg, at a time when...

US Court Orders Iran, Syria to Pay $178M Compensation For Death of Baby in...

An American court awarded damages of $178 million, to be paid by Syria and Iran, to parents who lost a baby to a Hamas terrorist.

Soon: Bar-Ilan App Commemorating Greek Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust

"The witnesses are no longer with us, so we must revive their voices. We simply have no choice but to expand our long-term memory."

Oklahoma Legislature Lauds Jewish Assistance After Tornado

Showing its gratitude for the immediate and ongoing support and assistance offered by Jewish groups and individuals from around the country, the Oklahoma House...

Austrian Woman Fined for Denying Holocaust in Bathroom

A court in Feldkirch, Austria, on Friday fined a woman $1,280 and gave her a suspended jail sentence for calling the Holocaust "lies" and...

Jewish Medal Streak Continues

On Sunday, just 3 days into the Sochi games, Jews have already won 3 medals.

Temple Mount Terror Weapons Hidden Days in Advance

Police suspect Waqf officials may aided the terrorists.

Former El Al Officials Join Cyber Tycoon to Launch ‘Air Haifa’

Air Haifa plans to operate routes to Eilat and Bucharest, beginning with the Romanian capital this October.

Israel Warmly Welcomes New Ambassadors from South Sudan, Angola, Philippines, and Jamaica

President Rivlin commented that Angola has a central role in Africa. “We are impressed by your progress in the area of water and agriculture, and successful use of natural resources,” Rivlin told the Angolan ambassador.

IDF Attacks Islamic Jihad Terrorists Who Tried to Launch Rockets at Israel

Iran, which is the Jihad’s major funder, is pressing for revenge.

Obama’s Hesitation On Syria Prompts Bibi To Reconsider Options On Iran

JERUSALEM – Despite repeated assurances by President Obama that the U.S. will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has quietly met with senior military and political leaders to reassess Israel’s options against the Islamic regime in the wake of Obama’s reluctance to launch an all-out military attack against Syrian positions.

Knesset Delegation in Rome Thwarts PA Anti-Israel Proposal

The PA representative, Zuhair Sandouka, attacked Israel, but his speech was cut short by Committee Chairman Renato Soru, an Italian member of the European Parliament.

Moses Took the Right Turn after all, Says Netanyahu

“It turns out that Moses wasn’t such a bad navigator after all, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Israeli Presidential Conference birthday party for...

Beitar JM Soccer Team Owner Shot

This isn't the first assassination attempt against him.


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