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Emes Ve-Emunah

    Why the Deal with Iran is So Bad

    Iran not only hates the ‘Little Satan’, Israel, they hate the US- "The Great Satan too.

    Corrupting Daas Torah

    Daas Torah has been extrapolated to include ‘asking a Gadol’ about every decision one makes in life

    A Challenge for our Time

    Studies have shown that there are more people leaving Orthodoxy than are coming in.

    A Deal at Any Price? Willful Ignorance? Or Both?

    Obama wants a deal at any price, ending sanctions that brought Iran to the table in the first place

    A New Deal for Charedim?

    Israel's Charedi world is in financial crisis. If the trend worsens it may be their breaking point.

    The Way We Were

    Life in Europe's pre-War Yeshiva world makes today's rulings look like the Taliban has taken over.

    The Hair Covering Conundrum

    Often wig wearers become more attractive after marriage. Doesn't this turn the intent on its head?

    The Disappearing Woman

    It appears that Agudah has joined with those choosing to erase women from the public sphere.

    The Israeli People Have Spoken

    As long as radical Islam exists it would be irresponsible for Israel to give up an inch of land

    Another Charedi Cry for Help

    This very bright Chareidi young man was unable to earn a decent living because he had NO education

    Jewish Education and Jewish Philanthropy

    We must convince Jewish billionaires to support Jewish education in ways they support other projects

    President Obama, Listen to Netanyahu on Iran

    When evil threatens to conquer the world, it's the duty of free nations to endeavor to prevent it.

    Shmuley’s Chilul HaShem

    Mentioning genocide in the same breath as Susan Rice crosses a redline about Obama’s foreign policy

    A Win for Herpes

    Chasidim believe that Metzitza B’Peh (MbP) is an essential part of the circumcision ritual.

    Dov Lipman – Telling it Like it Is

    A Rosh Yeshiva guessed 60% of bochurim in Israel's yeshiva system belong there only 3-4 yrs post HS

    Working Charedim

    Lapid is not anti-Haredi; He's pro-Haredi in his way, wanting them to flourish. and join society

    The Wrong Message About Aliyah

    If Bibi is in the US already Pres. Obama MUST meet with the leader of America’s closest ally!

    Sherut Leumi? Yehoreg V’Al Ya’avor!

    Sherut Leumi is the national service many women choose in lieu of military service-

    A Place for Expatriate Ultra-Orthodox Jews

    My understanding of Footsteps is that they have no religious – or anti-religious agenda.

    Do Poverty and Violence Glorify the Torah?

    A violent confrontation between 2 groups erupted at the Ponevezh Yeshiva; dozens injured

    Kosher Sex

    There should be more information about intimacy disseminated to young people before they get married

    When Your Spouse Loses Faith

    Scenario: When you and your spouse got married you were on the same page religiously; now...

    Torah Only? They Aren’t Kidding

    In the Hareidi world, Torah study is worshipped to the exclusion of all else. Nothing else matters

    Netanyahu, Obama, and Iran

    Despite "excuses" about not wanting to influence Israel's election Netanyahu’s views should be heard

    Kiruv from Without and from Within

    Responsible Jewish outreach encourages BTs to retain and to enhance their relationship with parents

    When Too Much Piety Causes Embarrassment

    The Hareidi paper HaMevaser wanted to have their cake and eat it too: use the photo; lose the women

    A Call for Change that will Not be Heard

    No Charedi leader has suggested a change that would make a difference to a failing paradigm

    Emes Ve-Emunah: A Disappointing Dialogue

    The average Israeli may not fulfill all mitzvos but shops at the mitzvah "store" regularly

    I am a Jew

    The rally tells me that the recent anti-Semitism in France isn't representative of mainstream France

    MbP and DNA Testing

    {Originally posted to author's website, Emes Ve-Emunah} So now there is DNA testing. This is the point made in a Yated article (republished in Maztav)...


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/haemtza/why-the-deal-with-iran-is-so-bad/2015/04/07/

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