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Emes Ve-Emunah

    Emes Ve-Emunah: Is It All Over but the Shouting?

    Trump has exponentially surpassed all expectations and is on a path to win the Republican nomination

    Why the Deal with Iran is So Bad

    Iran not only hates the ‘Little Satan’, Israel, they hate the US- "The Great Satan too.

    The Elephant in the Room is Islam

    It has been Islam that is the source of the ideology that motivates these terrorists. Overwhelmingly, the violence perpetrated against the civilized world (primarily Europe) has been done in the name of Islam.

    Another Moderate Haredi Speaks Out

    “I have daughters to marry off and the husbands they want to marry will not accept daughters of someone who is working!”

    Emes Ve-Emunah: Restoring Our Image as a Light unto Nations

    How disappointing it is that a declaration made about Jewish ethics in Jewish leadership is needed.

    President Obama, Listen to Netanyahu on Iran

    When evil threatens to conquer the world, it's the duty of free nations to endeavor to prevent it.

    Emes Ve-Emunah: A Breathtaking Distortion of Chanukah and Judaism

    Chanukah is not a holiday about our violent intolerance of others as Binyamin Zahav seems to suggest. It is a holiday of freedom from anti religious tyranny imposed by a kingdom bent on eradicating our faith and traditions.

    Cost/Benefit – An Analysis of a Jewish Education

    If one looks at the range of tuition one would have to pay per child, one might get sticker shock. It doesn’t take a genius in math to multiply those figures by 5, or more, children.

    We Cannot Allow Pain to Drive the Jewish Agenda

    Unlike the survivors of abuse that took place at YU, I do not want to see YU close down.

    Happy Thanksgiving – 2012

    I see nothing wrong with our participating with all American citizens in observing Thanksgiving.

    Another Haredi Tells It Like It Is

    Rabbi Grylak blames the Israeli Yated -- specifically naming its editor Nati Grossman for fomenting enmity and violence by vilifying anyone that does not agree with extremist views.

    Jewish Terrorists!?

    These people are no better than the arsonists of who set fires during the '68 riots that followed the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King . Then Mayor Richard J. Daley gave police the green light to police to shoot to kill anyone seen attempting arson. People who throw firebombs into cars are murderers. There is no justification for targeting innocent people. These terrorists ought to be treated accordingly. That no one died yet from that act is a miracle.

    Scaring Us Straight

    If not scared by God be scared by man; Hopefully ethics will integrate into lives for proper reasons

    The ‘Absolute Morality’ of Liberal Orthodoxy

    Liberal Orthodoxy is now the Torah of the left. It is a doctrine that is constantly being heard on campuses all over the land. A philosophy reflected by the media with little to no opposition.

    Missing the (Life) Boat

    How can a Charedi family survive when they are spending $800 more per month than they earn?

    The Beauty (and the Beast) of Chasidus

    Even the subject of sexual relations is discussed quite candidly and in my opinion quite beautifully.

    Democracy Under Siege

    I am discouraged. Is this the end of America as we know it? ...the America I know and love?

    Is Consent for Metzitza B’Peh Really about Banning Circumcision?

    Metzizah b'peh is not even required by many Orthododx poskim. In fact it is actually discouraged by some.

    Of Apples and Trees and Rabbis

    I never liked comedienne Sarah Silverman. I never thought she was all that funny. Her humor is mostly vulgar and designed to shock people into laughing. Most comedians will tell you that if the only way you can make people laugh is with vulgar jokes, then you’re not really much of a comedian. But I digress. What upsets me the most about her is her very open self-identification as a Jew. Normally when successful people tout their Judaism, it makes me proud. But when she does it – it is an embarrassment. In fact I wish she would just change her name… or go away altogether.

    Emes Ve-Emunah: A House Divided

    This issue of ordaining women is not a Charedi versus Modern Orthodox battle. Only the fringe of liberal orthodoxy embraces it; The entire spectrum of Haredi to centrist-Modern rejects it.

    Holy from Womb to Tomb?

    "Holy from womb to tomb," is lying; It is a lie of omission which is worse than a lie of commission.

    A Place for Expatriate Ultra-Orthodox Jews

    My understanding of Footsteps is that they have no religious – or anti-religious agenda.

    Emes Ve-Emunah: A Disappointing Dialogue

    The average Israeli may not fulfill all mitzvos but shops at the mitzvah "store" regularly

    Is Getting Married Younger the Answer?

    Should young people be advised to marry before they are ready just to solve the shidduch crisis?

    Lapid Concedes: Haredim Have Won (Video)

    Lapid is a patriot who is both honest and who has a clear vision for the future. A vision that is inclusive of all!

    Making a Horse Look Like an Elephant

    I believe that Partnership Minyanim are sourced in a culture that is foreign to Judaism - the radical feminist ideal of equating the sexes in all areas of life. In Orthodoxy that idea is doomed to failure. The mere fact that women can never be counted towards constituting a Minyan means that equality can never be fully achieved in the sense that feminism requires it. Even if there are a hundred women and 9 men, there is no Minyan.

    Whose Judaism is it Anyway?

    The tragedy that we face today is that everyone thinks they are the sole possessors of the answer.

    Shmuley’s Chilul HaShem

    Mentioning genocide in the same breath as Susan Rice crosses a redline about Obama’s foreign policy

    The Israeli People Have Spoken

    As long as radical Islam exists it would be irresponsible for Israel to give up an inch of land


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/haemtza/emes-ve-emunah-is-it-all-over-but-the-shouting/2016/03/07/

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