Rambam Hospital Doctors Save Gaza Girl with Congenital Heart Defect

Rambam Medical Center Public Affairs Director David Ratner describes how the life of a young Palestinian girl was saved by the hospital.

Jewish Press Exclusive: Likud Elections Exposed

An official ballot member and secretary for the Likud primary gives a first-hand account of the controversy surrounding the election.

Second Thoughts About The Mosque Fire In Tuba-Zangariya

Conventional wisdom states that the January 14th mosque fire in Tuba-Zangariya was perpetrated by vindictive Jewish vandals, but upon closer inspection, such a claim seems dubious at best.

Preempt Iran — At All Costs!

A discussion about the cost of a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities that reflects skepticism and acquiesces to a nuclear-armed Iran ignores precedents, plays into Iran's hands, and threatens Israel's existence.

The AP’s Gonzo Journalism

There is a place for what Hunter Thompson called “Gonzo journalism,” but it isn’t a wire service news report, where the ancient Five Ws are still appropriate.

Israel Ranked 2nd Most Educated Country in the World

Results were derived from OECD report, Education at a Glance 2011.

Jewish Democrats Malign Newt Gingrich

The National Jewish Democratic Council website blasted Gingrich last week for opposition "to the values of the vast majority of American Jews,” when in fact Gingrich's position are highly consistent with "Jewish values".

The Wannsee Legacy: Lessons for Genocide Prevention

Let me please start with Fanny Englard, an active survivor of the Holocaust and a friend of mine. She grew up in Germany/Cologne and...

Where Were $3.4 Billion of American Tax Dollars Spent?

USAID continues to offer funding to Arab 'development and humanitarian projects' in Hebron despite Abu Mazen’s attempt to unilaterally declare a ‘Palestinian state’ at the UN in September 2011.

Will Netanyahu Call Early Elections?

Israeli national elections are scheduled for November 2013.

Syria on the Brink: Arab League Suspends Mission, Shifts Focus to UN

The Arab League suspended its observer mission Sunday after government violence this weekend resulted in the deaths of approximately 200 civilians.

Kadima MK Breakdown: Who Supports Livni vs. Mofaz?

The battle lines in the Kadima primaries in March have been drawn: Livni-Mofaz, Round II

Obama’s Success Trumps Israel’s Defense

Roger Cohen’s New York Times column was the latest in the Obama camp’s efforts to pressure Binyamin Netanyahu to risk Israel’s being nuked by a nuclear Iran rather than cause any ripples in President Obama campaign for re-election to a second term.

CAMERA: Much Needed Media Watchdog

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA) monitors media of all types for biased or false reporting about Israel and seeks to educate the public about Middle East issues.

Israel Is Not About to Attack Iran and Neither is the United States: Get...

On the surface, of course, there is apparent evidence to assume Israel will attack Iran. Yet any serious consideration of this scenario says this isn’t going to happen.

Will New Oil Sanctions Be the Game-Changer in Iran?

EU outlawing of Iranian oil imports is already hurting the Iranian economy. But will it have an effect beyond that?

Politics, Israel, the Economy: A Chat With Rep. Bob Turner

New York’s 9th Congressional District will forever be remembered not only for the departure of disgraced veteran Congressman Anthony Weiner but also for who replaced him. Bob Turner’s victory marked the first Republican win in that district since 1923, and his September 2011 election stunned the Democratic Party.

Saving Lives in Judea and Samaria – The Untold Story

Many Palestinians in Judea and Samaria turn to the IDF and to Israeli medical emergency services to receive medical attention. Whether ill or wounded, local Arabs receive immediate life-saving medical treatment regardless of existing security tensions, and with no pre-requisites.

Yaalon: Abandon Corrupted Paradigm

Vice PM Ya’alon to Likud Anglos: Israel cannot overcome both internal challenges and external threats with an obsolete paradigm he identifies as “Westernism”.

Who’s Winning in the Middle East? Everyone Outside the West Knows It’s The Islamists

Why would anyone even think of making peace with Israel when they are enthusiastic believers in total victory, the idea that events are on their side for wiping out Israel? Everyone in the Middle East understands these attitudes are triumphing, no matter which side they are on.

Jewish Press Radio: Iran in the Media, Arabs in the IDF, Robots at the...

Yishai and Malkah share stories of liberation in a week when the Torah portion (Vaeira) describes the beginnings of the Jewish people’s fight against Egyptian slavery three and a half thousand years ago.

Annexing Area C – Israel’s Turn For Unilateral Move?

The new initiatives come on the heels of the European Union's plan to invest in infrastructure in the Arab areas of Area C. According to the E.U.'s numbers only 5.8% of Judea and Samaria's Arabs live in Area C, which comprises 62% of Judea and Samaria.

PA Strategy After the Peace Process

The negotiations Abbas is conducting with Hamas are intended to create a joint Palestinian strategy in the aftermath of the failure of the peace process with Israel.

The Evolving Security Scene in Eastern Jerusalem: A View from the Arab Neighborhoods

We already know what happens when the Arabs control our holy sites. The Jordanians, who should never have been awarded part of Jerusalem in the first place, did not allow access to Har Hazeisim or for that matter the Kosel despite signing the Armistice Agreement of 1948 which explicitly provided access to Jews.

Thank You, Hamas

Is Islam the solution for hunger? Unemployment? Ignorance? Violence? Poverty? Illness? Neglect? The leaders of the Islamist movements, like the leaders of the nationalist movements, shout one thing and mean the opposite.

Reflections on National Jewish Reality

We too cannot be so capricious of nature, so weary of our national responsibility, as to give away what is, in truth, not ours alone to barter... We cannot be so selfish as to sacrifice a holy heritage for what is, at best, transitory expediency.

Evacuation of Mitzpe Avichai – Beyond the Pale

"They arrived in the middle of the night. It was brutal. I woke up after they broke down the door and were already in the living room."

The Rise of Hamas & “Death to Jews!”

Until recently, most of the Arab countries had boycotted Hamas. But now many Arab leaders are competing who will embrace Hamas stronger than the other.

2011: The Year of the Arab Winter

This year six Arab countries experienced severe shocks that brought about the fall of some rulers or serious threat to their rule. The process began at the end of 2010, and continues until today.

Rabbi Dov Lior – A Quintessential Jewish Patriot

Rav Dov Lior is not only a Torah scholar; he is quintessential Jewish patriot, whose allegiance is pledged fully to God, Torah, the People and the Land. His courage in speaking the truth is undeniably tangible, without regard for any public controversy or dispute.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/rambam-hospital-doctors-save-12-year-old-gaza-girl-with-congenital-heart-defect/2012/02/05/

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