INTO THE FRAY: Swastikas over Gaza!

Nothing could expose the true intent of the Judeocidal riots on Gaza border more than the Nazi-style swastikas on incendiary kites flown into Israel to set Jewish property (& if possible, Jewish people) ablaze.

The Dead-Baby Strategy

Exploiting the death of a Palestinian infant shows the depths to which anti-Israel propaganda has sunk and how effective such immoral arguments can defending human rights.

Jerusalem, City Of Headlines

A modern-day record for the number of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount was set this week on Jerusalem Day – 2,046 Jews! Among them were many who sang and danced, "May G-d rebuild His House soon!" a healthy expression of the Jewish People singing its joy at returning to its land and city.

The Mask Is Off

When Israel is attacked, the world forgives the attackers because, after all, what are we doing here in the first place? In order to win, we must possess a different kind of justification –one that relies on truth.

Did Trump Endanger Israel?

Withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal raised tensions, but it’s Iran that’s more isolated and weaker now, not Israel.

Wrong Man? Right Decision!

Pres. Donald Trump’s Iran-deal decision was a first, necessary step to reverse his predecessor’s dangerous appeasement policy that empowered a rogue nation.

Feiglin on Pres. Trump’s Withdrawal of US from the Nuclear Deal with Iran

Regardless that the US withdrawal from the nuclear agreement was best thing that could have happened to Israel, we must stop passing the responsibility for our own defense.

INTO THE FRAY: Iran & the Chilling Significance of the “No Alternative” Argument

The attempt to justify the 2015 deal with Iran, as being the only viable alternative to allowing it to develop nuclear weapons, is both infuriating and disingenuous.

Nobody Knew

The JCPOA was based on Western charity for Iranian lies. After Israel’s intelligence coup, the question is: Will JCPOA boosters continue to deny reality and accuse Israel of being alarmist? Will they continue to pretend they didn’t know, and to accept Iran’s naked denials?

Palestinians: The Real Gaza Blockade

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh recently admitted that the Palestinian protests are aimed at thwarting Trump's yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East rather than improving conditions for Gazans

A Baby Called Alfie

Alfie Evans was born in May 2016 with an incurable neurological condition and has been in the hospital ever since. The boy’s parents have been fighting in the courts to keep their son alive. Last week, his family lost their latest legal appeal and Alfie's life support was switched off. But then something unexpected happened. Alfie carried on breathing without the life support.

220 Airstrikes on Palestinians; World Yawns

Dropping barrels of dynamite on houses and hospitals in a Palestinian refugee camp is apparently of no interest to those who pretend to champion Palestinians around the world. Nor does the issue seem to move the UN Security Council.

Trump, King Darius, And Jerusalem

President Trump has not yet given his "permission" to build the Third Temple, but he seems to have gone a fair ways towards taking his place in Jewish history.

Hamas, Abandoned Bodies, And A Cynical Calculation

The calculus of Israel's politicians today is that it is easier to deal with the pressure from the family of fallen soldier Hadar Goldin, and to hold out a bit longer until the next round of fighting than it is to confront Hamas.

INTO THE FRAY: Natalie Portman as a Symptom

Israel must convey a resolute message to arm-chair liberals who are staunchly prepared to defend their principles…down to the last Israeli

Just The Facts

Oslo, the "gift" that keeps on taking.

The Portman Factor

The actress’s snub isn’t a victory for BDS or the Israeli prime minister’s political foes, but it does show how Netanyahu’s image problem has undermined one of his strengths.

Taking On Netanyahu

There are those who want to remain in servitude to Oslo, to the Left, or to Netanyahu – who gets votes by saying the Arabs are running to the polling booths… and then destroys Amona.

Stop Going To Poland

Visiting the places where the horrors were perpetrated certainly benefits our short-term memory of the Holocaust, but we disconnect from the fact that the people of the country we are visiting slaughtered our parents.

70 Years of Miracles

The focus on Israel’s problems often obscures the astonishing nature of a historic turnabout for the Jewish people.

Three Ways that Obama Caused the Syrian Disaster

Syria is just the culmination of a series of bad decisions guided by a single disastrous philosophy.

INTO THE FRAY: Syria-Reaping Storm Obama Sowed

If surrendering US primacy in the region to Russia was the result of US passivity and inaction, the intrusion of Iran into Syria can very definitely be attributed to ill-conceived, active American policy.

Syria – Reaping the Storm Obama Sowed

If surrendering US primacy in the region to Russia was the result of US passivity and inaction, the intrusion of Iran into Syria can very definitely be attributed to ill-conceived, active American policy.


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