Mid-Air Crisis Forces US Flight to Make Emergency Landing in Buffalo

A mid-air crisis when a United Express flight from Chicago is forced to make an emergency landing in Buffalo.

Albany Beat

“If we put money in health, we can’t put money in education,” Flanagan recalls hearing from the opponents.

New Jersey Get-Ring Convicted

They Get-ring was uncovered by an undercover FBI agent posing as an Orthodox wife whose husband refused to grant her a Get.

President Rivlin’s Independence Day Message Thanks Jews in the Diaspora

He thanks Jews who stand up for Israel but didn’t even hint they should make Aliyah.

Brandeis Commencement Speaker Leads Iran Cheerleader Squad

Forget about Israel, doesn't Brandeis care about Iran's abysmal human rights record?

US Warship Steaming to Head Off Iranian Supply Ships for Yemen

As Iran may be re-supplying the Houthis, US warships steam towards Yemen.

Khamenei Mocks Obama Officials’ Silly Bluffs’

Obama figures he can deal with Iran by letting it humiliate him.

More PA Lobbying from the State Dept Briefing Room

Once again a Palestinian Arab journalist sought money for the PA during a State Dept. press briefing

Netanyahu Warns of Increased Iran Aggression in Middle East

PM Netanyahu warns that world powers are ignoring Iran's increased aggression in the Middle East.

US Consulate Targeted by ISIS in Iraqi Kurdistan

U.S. officials in the Middle East are on high alert after a Consulate was targeted in Iraqi Kurdistan by ISIS.

Obama’s Creativity: Signing Bonus Substituting for Sanctions Lifting

Obama to maintain phased-in sanctions relief pegged to compliance; he'll give Iran a huge signing bonus instead!

Philanthropist and Self-Made Millionaire Taubman Dies at Age 91

Alfred Taubman, who helped shopping in the United States by developing malls, died of a heart attack while at home on Friday, He was...

ISIS Expands To Afghanistan and Kills 35 in Suicide Attack

Is Afghanistan becoming another country that US has made safe for the Islamic State?

Israel Caves in to US and Frees Tax Money for PA without Erasing Debt

Netanyahu's "humanitarian considerations" are a euphemism for political considerations."

No Victory for V15 and Not Healthy ‘Healthy’ Snack Bars

First thwarted at the Israeli polls, now V15 funder's "healthy" bars are also losers.

Secretary of State Kerry’s Yom HaShoah Message

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry calls the Shoah "the most painful and horrific chapter in human history."

Obama Saves ‘Never Again’ but Steers Clear of Mentioning Iran

The president was very politically correct on Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.

Jerusalem Heights 2-Day Sale Event in New York

The 2-day real estate event will take place in Brooklyn on April 26 and 27.

PI-INOs (Pro-Israel In Name Only) Continue to Give Cover to Obama

Some American Jews continue lobbying Obama to more aggressively undermine Israel

Obama Gift List to Former Enemies Continues: Cuba Plucked from Terrorism Sponsor List

The US is removing Cuba from list of state sponsors of terrorism. But Cuba's recent BFF, Iran, doesn't have such a clean record.

Corker-Menendez Bill So Bipartisan that Even Obama No Longer Objects

Congressional oversight of Iran bill unanimously passes Committee, President no longer threatens veto.

Congress to Prevail: Iran Nuke Deal Oversight Veto-Proof Following Compromises

With latest compromises, Congressional oversight of Iran deal believed to be solidly veto-proof.

US Ignores Linking the ‘Deal’ with Russian Sale of S-300s to Iran

Kerry clinched the deal, expresses "concern" over sale of S-300 missiles but says it won’t affect a final agreement.

‘Enigma’ Code-Breaker’s Notebook Sells at Auction for $1M

The hand-written notebook belonging to British World War II "Enigma" code-breaker Alan Turing sells for $1M at auction.

GOP Sen. Marco Rubio Launches Presidential Run

Florida Senator Marco Rubio officially launches his presidential campaign, slams the Obama administration's "hostility" towards Israel.

Israel Ranks as Third-Largest US Television Content Provider

Israel ranks as the third-largest provider of U.S. television content after the U.K. and the Netherlands, Forbes reported. Three Israeli companies—Armoza Formats, Keshet Media Group,...

Those ‘United States’ Determine Their Own Sanctions Against Iran

The US may sign a nuclear deal with Iran -- but individual states in America say they will still impose sanctions of their own.

Hillary Clinton’s Video Launch: ‘I’m Running for President’

Hillary Clinton officially launched her campaign for president Sunday with a video aimed square at Middle America.

Netanyahu Addresses Obama Via YouTube, Since the Telephone is Broken

Netanyahu is hoping Obama will finally hear his recommendations if he posts them on YouTube, since Obama is claiming he doesn't hear them at all.

Echoing Netanyahu, Livni and Herzog Criticize Major Holes in Obama Deal

While Obama chooses to ignore Netanyahu's criticisms, Israel's leftwing Herzog and Livni warn about the same exact gaping holes in Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/mid-air-crisis-forces-us-flight-to-make-emergency-landing-in-buffalo/2015/04/22/

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