
The Third Reich Is Alive and Well and Fighting Every Sunday in New Zealand

When the wife confronted the Nazi-clad men about the idea of wearing Nazi uniform in public, one of those Nazi-imitating chaps told her: "It's history – if you don't like it [expletive] off."

NYC’s Jewish Museum Invites, then Uninvites, Major BDS Advocate

NYC's Jewish Museum portrayed pro-Israel patrons as the bad guys in a Kafkaesque episode.

4 Israeli Major Production Companies Commit to Auditioning Actors with Disabilities

KAN, RESHET, HOT and YES sign Ruderman Family Foundation-initiated pledge.

Secretary Pompeo: Biden Administration Lives in ‘Fantasy World’

"I am highly confident that many, many more nations will ultimately choose to do the right thing and recognize Israel as the rightful homeland of the Jewish people."

Oliver Stone Tells Colbert Israel Had More Influence than Russia on 2016 Election

Oliver Stone’s appearance on Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' was a disaster – and most of it never made it to air.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin Agrees to FOX News Interview

The conversation will mark Putin's first interview with U.S. media since June 2017.

Yaakov Shwekey Performs ‘A Song for Soldiers’ in Tel Aviv (Video)

“I’ve come to sing here tonight to show my gratitude to all the Israeli soldiers who work so hard to defend the Jewish state.”

Minister Chikli: Governor of the Bank of Israel Sabotaged the Economy

“As soon as he went on a foreign network and delivered an angry prophecy about Israel's economy, he sabotaged it.”

Muslim Brotherhood Channel Finds Home in Turkey

Muslim Brotherhood radio statio shut down in Egypt opens in Turkey, with terrorist-supporting Imam Al-Qaradawi as its first host.

Rightwing German Leader Banned from Social Networks for Anti-Muslim Attack

Two years ago, Cologne saw mass sexual assaults on New Year's Eve by North African and Arab young men.

New Ethiopian-Israeli Soldier Film to Be Released on Independence Day [video]

Born and raised in an Ethiopian village, Mekonen was a 12-year-old shepherd when his father died suddenly, less than a day before his family was to move to Israel.

Nazi-Looted Art in France Returned to Heirs of Jewish Owner

The Louvre and Musee d'Orsay museums in Paris maintained custody of the works after World War II until their legal owners or heirs could be tracked down.

New York Jewish Film Festival 2021 Streaming in the Age of Corona

The festival’s 2021 virtual lineup showcases seventeen features and seven shorts.

NYC Mayor De Blasio: ‘When You Are Attacked, We Also Feel Attacked’

NYC Mayor De Blasio visited badly injured victims of terror with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Saturday night at Hadassah Medical Center.

Sabra, Shatila Response to Sharon’s Passing Not Unlike Gush Katif’s

No one in recent memory has elicited such harsh reactions from their political enemies as General Ariel Sharon.

Jewish Music Megastars Yaakov Shwekey, Ishay Ribo, and Mordechai ben David to Sing Together...

An historic virtual concert called “Together as One” on Lag B’Omer, Tuesday May 12th

New Fund Honoring Itzhak Perlman to Help Include Disabled in Jewish Life

Itzhak Perlman received the $1 million Genesis Prize for his outstanding achievement as a classical musician and for his dedication to improving the lives of people with disabilities.

Court Allows Sheldon Adelson to Buy National Religious Newspaper

Gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson, owner of the pro-Netanyahu Yisrael HaYom free newspaper, can move ahead with the purchase of the financially troubled Makor Rishon...

White House Orchestrating ‘Biden Thinks Bibi’s Days Are Numbered’ Attack

To rob Israel of its 1967 gift from the Divine--the lands of our ancestors--the White House must get Netanyahu ousted.

Jerusalem Arab Children Taught ‘Martyrdom’ at Al Aqsa Mosque Summer Camp

Arab children are taught to be "martyrs" at the Al Aqsa Mosque summer camp in Jerusalem.

Girl, 13, Murdered in Kiryat Arba, Hebron Stabbing Terror Attack

According to an announcement by the Kiryat Arba community, Halel was a dancer and had participated only Wednesday night in a dance event.

Anti-Porn Censorship Bill Passes Unanimously in Ministerial Committee

The internet pornography censorship bill passed unanimously and now goes to the Knesset.

Career Change: British Paratroopers Use Corbyn’s Image for Target Practice

We must admit, we support the soldiers and admit to chuckling just the right, acceptable amount. Hey, you did too.

Who Are the Journalists and Who Are the Terrorists? (Video)

Once upon a time journalists covered the news. Now journalists are the front lines for terrorists can shoot at Israeli soldiers before journalists shoot the pictures, but who gets the credits?

Two Jewish Conservatives Launch ‘Jews Against Soros’ Website

They seek to counter the claim that any criticism of the billionaire qualifies as antisemitic.

High Court Removes ‘Get Married’ from Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Commercial

"The struggle for same-sex couples' right to marry is part of the struggle for civil marriages in Israel, since it is clear that religious law, which regulates marriages and divorces in the state, does not allow it."

ZAKA’s Disgraced Yehuda Meshi Zahav Dead at 62

In 2003, Meshi Zahav lit, as one of the founders of ZAKA, a beacon at the torch lighting ceremony on Mount Herzl.

Court Rejects Yair Netanyahu’s Appeal, Former PM’s Son to Pay $75K for Libel

The Netanyahu Jr. post stated that the plaintiff participated in acts that deemed an investigation, and therefore he should be arrested.

Left Irate: Habima National Theater to Perform in Kiryat Arba-Hebron

Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) issued a directive whereby theatrical institutions that perform in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria will receive a 10% increase in their state budgets.


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