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    Got Israel at Your Seder?

    The seder reminds us of our freedom now that we are home again in the land of the Nation of Israel

    The Holocaust Was Not Restricted to Jews Living in Europe

    Hitler promised Husseini that "solving" the Jewish Question in the Arab lands was part of Nazi Germany's plan.

    Moment of Silence

    It happened at the Olympics on London, despite all claims that it would not. Oh wait, it wasn't for the Munich 11. It was for the British victims of 7/7 and a tribute to British soldiers. Nothing for the Munich 11 - nothing.

    Rich Legacy of the Sephardic Jews of Muslim Spain

    “Themes of exile and redemption are central to Jewish poetry, reaching new heights of poetic expression in the works of the Golden Age of Spain.”

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 21

    Baba Batra 21: Can you make Talmudic Granola?

    Palgrave Macmillan Participates in ‘Israel Apartheid Week’

    Publishing house Palgrave Macmillan apologized for appearing to endorse "the Palestinian struggle."

    We Respect Women!

    I told him every Jewish household begin their Shabbat meal by singing Aishet Chayil-A Woman of Valor

    Jerusalem Rock

    Jerusalem's venerable troubadour, David Ben Reuven, presents his musical offering in honor of the US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. ENJOY!

    Why Do Arabs Oppose Recognizing a Jewish State?

    The traditional Arab-Muslim view of Jews is as an inferior dhimmi people, devoid of national rights.

    Why Ilhan Omar was BOUNCED?

    Why does it make sense for a woman who hates Jews to influence the way the House treats the Jewish state?

    A Woman of Courage and Strength

    When a doctor told her there was no hope... she decided not to listen.

    Israeli Elections, 2015, 5775, Chraredi Women’s Party Boycotted to Death

    Chareidi women who want to run for political office don't suit the full definition of "chareidi."

    Remembering Yehoshua Friedberg

    My friend was one of the 23,544 heroes who fell while protecting and defending this country. His name was Yehoshua Friedberg Hy"d Z"l.

    The Family Purity ‘Scandal’ in Israel: An Open Letter to Guy Pines

    At the end of the day, you and all your fellow “secular Israeli coreligionists” are my family, and I will always welcome you home.

    Banning the Rabbanut from Performing Weddings

    The proposal is to teach the Rabbanut a lesson in customer service and customer retention.

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and the OTHER Israel

    All this, not for a rock star, politician, or even a charismatic influencer. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky was a vessel of Jewish knowledge, an example of Jewish scholarliness, of putting learning, wisdom, and faith above all worldly comforts.

    Why is MK-Elect Dov Lipman Afraid of Losing His US Citizenship?

    MK-elect Dov Lipman is reportedly not very happy about having to relinquish his US citizenship.

    Democrats and the anti-Semitism Trap

    Is it any wonder that the Democrats don’t want to talk about anti-Semitism? But that’s a mistake because grappling with anti-Semitism would allow them to understand why their policies don’t work.

    Female IDF Officer Upgrades Diet & Exercise

    IDF Lieutenant Colonel Shirly Subul is a woman on a mission and has built a career out of transforming the physical fitness of IDF soldiers.

    Why Are You Orthodox?

    Rabbi Fink: "There are many ‘true believers who can’t even be in the presence of Orthodox Judaism."

    Liberal Senators Look to Funnel Money into Gaza

    Warren joined Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Barbara Lee in asking ask Pompeo to provide financial relief to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’

    Successful race baiters become famous and powerful. They first attract attention which brings in followers, and then money and ultimately true power.

    It’s OK for Sarah Silverman to Wear a Cross

    Does anyone among our readers feel outrage at the image of this Jewish girl from upstate New York with a cross around her neck?

    The Domestic Terrorists of Tomorrow are Blocking Traffic Today

    Leftist protests, like the terrorists they support, are also not about fixing anything, but staging ugly hostile confrontations with police and the public to recruit the malicious and the disaffected (while playing the victim) and then escalating the violence and using it to take over a country.

    Why You Might Not Want To Donate To Sport Relief (especially if you’re Jewish).

    With rising anti-Semitism in the UK it's a shame that Comic Relief/Sport Relief indirectly funds attacks on Israel and British Jews.

    J Street Proves Again It’s Progressive, Not Pro-Israel

    J Street is a progressive PAC first and foremost, which thinks nothing of standing alongside left wing groups that despise Israel.

    Nishbar Li–I’ve had Enough, I Won’t Take it Anymore.

    Uniformed soldiers were nearby, but they aimed and fired at the pregnant woman. Do I need to add anything? This is who (or what) the Palestinian Arabs are

    Deepening Chaos in Egypt and Sinai

    No bomber ever exploded because she or he wants to commit suicide.

    Ordaining an Openly Gay Jew

    What Rabbi Landes has done does damage the institution of the rabbinate. Ordaining a publicly gay man that lives with another gay man is a violation not only of the traditional image of a rabbi - it in effect says that a man who lies with another man as with a woman - a cardinal sin - is nevertheless an acceptable religious leader.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/got-israel-at-your-seder/2014/04/13/

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