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    What is Behind the Deal President Trump is Pressuring Israel to Make with Hamas?

    Why would Trump, who has built his reputation on peace through strength, be pressuring Israel into such an agreement? It doesn’t align with his previous declarations.

    Highlights of 2024’s Most Prominent Assassinations

    Here's the chronological list of notable eliminations.

    Syria: What’s Next? Should Israel Be Concerned?

    What would be better for Israel in Syria: the continuation of Assad’s regime or a rebel-controlled Syria, where many factions lean toward ISIS and al-Qaeda?

    Understanding Israel’s Deep State Spy Scandals

    One scandal you hear about, but the other has been hushed up.

    As an Arab, I am Sorry

    What my people have done to your people on, after, and before October 7--and for decades and even centuries before that--is inexcusable. It can never be repaired.

    Ari Fuld on the Passing On of Leadership – Parshat Vayelech

    We're going to talk about something that is probably one of the most practical pieces of advice for today. We're talking about handing over leadership.

    My Rabbi’s Summer Vacation

    My Rabbi is in Miluim this summer. Where is your rabbi vacationing?

    The Only Indigenous People

    It's time to shed light on a politically incorrect truth that has been swept under the rug for far too long: Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel and are, in fact, the ONLY people indigenous to the land.

    Ari Fuld on Shavuot: On the Indigenous People of Israel and Why There is...

    Ari talks about the holidays of Shavuot and Yom Kippur, the Shofar that connects the two holidays, and the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.

    There’s No More “Yom” Ha’Zikaron

    I have been living in Israel for 34 years and have always taken Yom Ha’Zikaron very seriously. Unlike the fun, shopping, vacation and BBQ...

    Ari Fuld on the Holidays | Passover: Freedom vs. Responsibility – 5778 (2018)

    Ari Fuld discusses: What are we celebrating on Passover and what are the lessons to be learned?

    UNRWA Is Hamas’s Iron Dome

    ‘Shield’ is an English word which is both a noun and a verb. As a verb, it means to protect something, and as a...

    My Daddy’s a Tank Commander

    I recently visited a kindergarten in northern Israel...

    The Smiling Soldier Project: Remembering Elkana Newlander

    A tribute to Sergeant First Class (res.) Elkana Newlander, may his memory be for a blessing.

    Surrender Means Victory

    The question is not "When will it end?" but rather "How do we win?"

    The Day After

    No soldier is fighting to hand Gaza over to the Palestinian Authority...

    Grab Onto the Rope! – Ari Fuld on Tisha b’Av

    I want to tell you about a dream I had this past Shabbat on Tisha B'Av.

    How to Achieve Jewish Unity

    People throw around the term “Jewish unity” all the time, but what does it mean and how do we achieve that important goal? Do we have to agree with everyone?

    A Successful Operation – Lessons Learned

    Lessons learned from Operation Shield and Arrow.

    Israel at 75 – The Future is Bright

    Huh! Not worried about the protests? Not worried about the hatred in the eyes of the left? Not worried about the lack of unity among the people?

    Ari Fuld on Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut – 5777 (2018)

    Last night, I was asked to sound another alarm as we held a special Teffilah (prayer) for the opening of Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Independence Day celebrations).

    Rabbis Efrem Goldberg and Shay Shachter on the Israel-Diaspora Connection

    The rabbis discussed how to strengthen the connection to Israel for Jews still in Galut.

    Ari Fuld on Yom HaShoah

    Ari Fuld's broadcast for Yom Hashoah - May 5, 2016.

    Arabs Riot Overnight in Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount

    After 13 relatively calm days during Ramadan, except for a shooting incident on Saturday, Islamic officials in the West Bank (Juda & Samaria) and...

    Two Sides Won, and the Anarchists Lost

    Yesterday, a small group of anarchists and power-elites held the entire country hostage, shutting down the country as the economy and security of the nation hung in the balance.

    The Community Organizers Miscalculate

    Until now the protesters drowned out any other voices, but the Haredim of Bnei Brak got them to start talking.

    Stories of a Madman

    Rav Nachman of Breslov has some stories that can get us through the anarchy crisis.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/pulse-of-israel-avi-abelow/what-is-behind-the-deal-president-trump-is-pressuring-israel-to-make-with-hamas/2025/01/17/

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