Liberman following 5 Condemnations: Nothing Left for Israel at UNHRC

Prime Minister Netanyahu was more amused than angry in his response tweet: "The time has come to change its name to the Council for Decisions against the Only Democracy in the Middle East."

Tamar Zandberg Elected Meretz Chairperson

Voter turnout was particularly low at the computerized 130 polling stations throughout the country.

Trump’s New NSA Is Settlement Enterprise’s Best Friend

The Bolton appointment presents the Israeli right with a window of opportunity for swift changes in Judea, Samaria and Gaza – a window which may be as narrow as a mere few months.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Blocking US Nuclear Deal with Saudis

Two lawmakers sent a letter to Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan threatening to "introduce a resolution of disapproval" to block a nuclear deal with the Saudis.

Bennett Wants Ultra-Orthodox Candidates in Bayit Yehudi

Bennett has been courting the Haredi community to expand the ranks of Bayit Yehudi voters.

Polish Media Watchdog Attacks Senator Menendez for Condemning ‘Polish Death Camp’ Law

Only one tenth of one percent of Poles turned millions of Jews into the hands of the Nazis, robbed them, took their homes and murdered them in well documented pogroms, during and after the war.

WhatsApp Co-Founder: Time to #DeleteFacebook

Last year, a former Facebook VP, Chamath Palihapitiya, shared her "tremendous guilt" for bringing into the world tools "that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works."

Alan Dershowitz Warns Jewish Voters: Nixon’s the Anti-Israel Candidate for NYS Governor

Despite a very long list of television and movie credits, Cynthia Nixon has absolutely no experience whatsoever in politics.

Putin Not Insulted by Trump’s Failure to Congratulate his Election Victory

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday dutifully sent his congratulatory message to President Putin.

Cognitive Dissonance: INSS Recommends 2-State Solution While Admitting Inevitable Hamas Takeover

It is disheartening that recommendations for the preservation of Israel's "Zionist vision of a Jewish, democratic, secure, and ethical state" while ignoring Hamas' Hitlerist designs on the Jewish State's very existence.

Pro-Jewish, Anti-Arab Slogans, Slashed Tires, in Arab Town outside Jerusalem

The attack was likely a retaliation for Sunday's murder of an Israeli security guard in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Russians in Crimea, Israel, Participating in Elections to Determine by How Much Putin Will...

More than 40 international observers from 20 countries, including from Israel, will cover the presidential election in Crimea.

Hundreds Demonstrate Outside Court President’s Home Against Judicial Dictatorship

Activists chanted, "The Knesset Legislates, the Supreme Court Erases."

Rwanda Bans Muezzin Loudspeakers

The government issued the new ban as part of its fight against noise pollution in Kigali.

Police Are ‘Plowing Up the Earth to Find a Reason to Charge My Brother’...

“It’s unbelievable. Like this, one could incriminate every minister and public figure.”

Egypt, Saudis, Pressuring Abbas to Embrace Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

Senior Hamas figures who recently visited Egypt were exposed to heavy pressure from Egypt to agree to the proposed Israeli-American draft of a peace agreement.

2019 Israeli Budget Increases Spending on Unprecedented Scale – While Lowering Taxes

The budget for next year will stand at 479.6 billion shekels ($140 billion), an increase of 4.3% compared to the 2018 budget, and an increase of 24.9% compared to the 2015 budget.

Trump’s New Top Diplomat Is Pro-Israel and Anti-Iran – But Can He Stand Up...

In 2016 Russia and Iran signed Memoranda of understanding on dozens of industrial projects, to the tune of an estimated $40 billion. Most of those projects are still in drawers, but there's enough potential wealth in those drawers to make Russia and Iran inseparable.

Torah Students’ Enlistment Bill Passes Preliminary Vote But Its Future Is Doubtful

"No one thinks that forced recruitment would lead to mass mobilization," Shaked said, adding, "The army does not want tens of thousands of Haredim to enlist now."

Religious Zionists’ Spiritual Leader on Vaccination: Listen to Doctors, Don’t Be Your Own Physician

"We very much value independent and critical thinking, but we also need some common sense and humility."

Trump Fires Tillerson

As a result, CIA deputy director Gina Haspel will become the first woman to be nominated to become the director of the CIA, and Pompeo’s successor.

Shaked Warns: Toppling Rightwing Government Over Nothing a Big Mistake

The last time a strong, rightwing government broke up over nonsense, in 1992, it resulted in a Labor victory and the Rabin-sponsored Oslo accords.

Poll Shows Why Bibi So Eager for Elections: Likud Soaring, Liberman, Kahlon, Labor, Shas,...

When asked who is best suited to be Israel's next prime minister, 36% of respondents supported Netanyahu—graft investigations and all. None of the above received 25%.

Employer Suing Driver Who Recorded Yair Netanyahu’s Friday Night Drunk

Upon his admission at work, the plaintiff claims, Rosen underwent a security classification, in which he undertook to maintain confidentiality.

Shas Minister Resigns, Replaced by Son

Azoulay made headlines in 2015, when he said that Reform Judaism is "a disaster for the nation of Israel."

Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Daughter: It’s Time for Shas to Disappear

Adina Bar-Shalom attacks Shas chairman Aryeh Deri: "He has changed since he entered prison, completely deteriorated."

Report: Zionist Rabbi Opposing Women in the IDF Dismissed from Reserves

Last Thursday, the IDF apparently had had enough with this iconoclast and informed him that he was being dismissed from reserve duty.

Liberman’s Party Refusing to Support IDF Draft Compromise

"We will not support any law unless it passes through the defense establishment. We will not support an 'Israbluff' vote and similar combos. We will vote against. We have no intention of voting for it."

Bennett: I’ll Run Against Netanyahu if He Declares Elections for Personal Reasons

Bennett told Israel Radio that the crisis in the government is "a fake crisis that can be solved."


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