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Abu Yehuda

    Confrontation with Iran: Who Won?

    Israel can’t continue on the path of subservience to the US, because American objectives in the region are inconsistent with the continued existence of a Jewish state.

    “The Axis” vs. the Jews of Judea and Samaria

    Unfortunately, many Israeli politicians seem to have internalized the mindset that is promoted by the psywar campaign

    How Orwell’s Vision Might Become Reality

    What is worrisome is that the people running these corporations are also products of the American university system. They share the revolutionary ideology that is popular there.

    Amnesty and its Israeli Collaborators

    Why does Israel permit her enemies to support a subversive fifth column inside the state? I don’t know. Big money corrupts. Maybe enough Israeli politicians have personal connections to these NGOs, and they or friends and family benefit from them, and that’s why the laws that have been passed to regulate foreign money are weak and toothless.

    How to Survive in the Middle East

    After the recent terrorist attack in Beer Sheva that took four lives, I (rhetorically) asked our leadership if they had a plan to deal...

    What is it about Us?

    explain it to me. Explain how Israel is so villainous that the good that Israelis do can be dismissed. Explain why it is so important that its conflict overshadows all the other disputes in our contentious world. Explain why they support “solutions” that imply the replacement of Israel by a Palestinian Arab state.

    Ford vs. Kavanaugh

    Kavanaugh has suffered greatly through this process and it seems to me that even if he is confirmed, his credibility and reputation have suffered a serious blow.

    Russia in the Driver’s seat

    It will be crucial for Israel to find some form of leverage – something we can offer to Putin or threaten him with – that can be used to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran.

    The Forward Revives the Massacre That Never Happened

    Allowing this hit job on Israel and the IDF to be published was no less than editorial malpractice.

    Ministers of Silly Walks

    What’s truly wrong is that portfolios are given out as bribes and rewards for political support.

    Special: Experts Say New Nuclear Agreement Worse than the Old One

    In other words, Iran will be able to get the bomb with very little lead time for Israel to act, and the US will be obligated to prevent Israel from acting against Iran.

    Why YOU Should Make Aliyah

    Israelis, according to the 2017 World Happiness Report, are happier than most of the world, coming in 11th out of 155 countries (the US only made 14th place) There is something special here. In my opinion, it is a sense of national purpose

    To our Arab citizens

    There is one and only one Jewish state in the world, compared to 23 Arab states. Even if you accept the contention that there is a historic Palestinian people – and not just a group of Arabs of various origins that recently coalesced in opposition to the establishment of Israel – there is a state that was created from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire and the partition of the Palestine Mandate that arguably is rightfully theirs, and that is Jordan.

    The Fires

    While Israel burns, world media fiddles tiny violins of unctuous sympathy fro the Palestinians.

    Ten Minutes of anti-Israel Propaganda

    The flight of several hundred thousand Arabs in 1948 was primarily a consequence of decisions made by Palestinian leaders and elites, as well as the leaders of the Arab states. We don’t have anything to do tshuva for.

    Annex It Already

    No better time than the present.

    Why Israel Should Not Talk to the PA

    If we draw Venn diagrams of the minimum demands made by the PA and the maximum concessions that Israel could afford to make (and vice versa), the intersections will be empty. There is no “creative” way to solve this problem.

    Facebook’s Essential Extremism

    Facebook will never do anything that will significantly impact its primary objective, which is to get people to spend more time scrolling through it and encountering ads.

    Restoring Balance Between the Knesset and the Court

    The issue that is presently driving the controversy is a series of Court decisions that have made it impossible for the government to deport any of the 38,000 African migrants that entered the country illegally since the early 2000s

    Now What?

    Our actual duty is to face the truth, which is that the price of a deal is far too high and endangers the existence of the state. The only option is to increase the military pressure.

    Don’t Be the Battlefield for Somebody’s Proxy War

    Israel’s next war, which may be fought on several fronts simultaneously, has the potential to hurt many more civilians than any of her previous wars, both in Israel and among her immediate antagonists,

    No, it wasn’t Antisemitic

    Trump is comfortable with nationalism, which American liberals have long since rejected, and it makes sense to him that members of a people would naturally want to stick up for their ancestral homeland, even while preferring to live somewhere else.

    Absurdity of Land Swaps

    The idea of swaps ought to be unacceptable to Israel, because it presupposes Arab ownership of all of Judea and Samaria. Why should Israel be required to compensate the Palestinians for taking its own land?

    One Reason Americans Often are Wrong About Jews and Israel

    Why are liberal Americans often so wrong about anything connected to Jews or Israel, despite the fact that they are seemingly obsessed with these subjects? Just ask the New York Times

    Ha’aretz is an Enemy of the Jewish People

    Every day, the paper – which publishes both a Hebrew print edition that few Israelis read, and an English internet edition that is read around the world by decision-makers in governments and businesses – pumps out its vileness. Every day its writers present a slanted version of events in which Israel and Israelis are oppressors, occupiers, murderers, racists, thieves, and liars.

    Trumping the Golan

    By recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, President Trump struck a blow against the idiotic principle of “land for peace”

    Upsetting the Narrative

    There is a Palestinian people, but it is not a remnant of ancient Canaanites. It is a group that has coalesced quite recently, perhaps as recently as the 1960s, when large numbers of Arabs began to self-identify as “Palestinians.” The Palestinian people was forged by the conflict with the Jews in the past 100 years,

    Have the Jewish People Become too “WEIRD?”

    Why are there so many Jewish anti-Zionists? Why do so many Jews take the side of their enemies,?


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/abu-yehuda/confrontation-with-iran-who-won/2024/04/21/

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