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Am Yisrael Chai

    Learned Nothing in 18 Years

    , Zehut (“Identity” in English) is a new political party in Israel that was started by myself and a few others, including Moshe Feiglin who is our party’s Chairman. The Zehut plan calls for assisted emigration for all Arabs living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Part 1 deals with those who want to leave and offers them full compensation for their homes (if built legally) and financial assistance to take their families out of Israel.

    The Fight is Part of the Mitzvah

    To deserve Israel is to fight for her.

    Whatever Happened to “Never Again”?

    I joined the Jewish Defense League in 1972 because of their slogan “Never Again”. The JDL had been formed 4 years earlier and I...

    The Tisha B’Av of Yesterday AND Today

    A few years ago, I realized something that changed the way I look at Tisha B’Av and while I can’t say I look forward to Tisha B’Av I started to focus on what I call “The Tisha B’Av of Today”. I focus on the national tragedies of what is happening right now – and what I can do to prevent them from continuing.

    Challenging but Not Crazy

    Be full of joy – yes, real “simcha” – especially now during these challenging days.

    Pizza, Donuts and Eretz Yisrael

    Question #1 to my fellow AI Jews; When is the last time you stopped to actually look at the words of “Al ha’Michya”?

    Why Didn’t We Listen?

    We had two great Rabbinic leaders who were crystal clear in what the State of Israel needed to do to defeat the enemy, but their words fell on deaf ears...

    The Revenge We Are Waiting For

    Today’s anti-Semite has become very clever. He/she no longer says they hate Jews. That’s not nice and very politically un-correct. The buzz word these days is called “Anti Israel”.

    When Are You Making Geulah?

    It's simple, when Jews move back to the Land, the “Geulah” – the redemption – gets much closer!

    75 Reasons Why I Love Israel

    It is very common to read about the problems in Israel and to hear the criticism. How about pausing that for a while and trying to focus on the good?

    If I Were the Israeli Ambassador

    Recently, Israel’s Ambassador to the USA, Michael Herzog, was summoned to a meeting with Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman...

    Going the Wrong Way

    Make time to learn with your children. Sit with them, not just on Shabbat, but during the week as well and light their neshamas on fire! Make Torah fun for them and show them you genuinely care about their connection to Hashem. Show them how you are growing closer to Hashem and they will want to do the same thing!

    Standing in the Same Spot

    Someone asked Eli why we stopped at this spot to read these verses in Shmuel Aleph. He smiled and then said words that I will never forget...

    World Opinion is Changing Against Israel

    We are here to stay and – like it or not – we will conquer Gaza and destroy whoever stands in our way

    How it Happened: A Response to Rabbi Moshe Hauer

    The town of Hawara got what they deserved and the next time a brick is thrown, the response will be even more severe.

    Listen to Congresswoman Tlaib

    While I am not a member of the Rashida Harbi Tlaib fan club, her twisted logic has actually scored two points in my book, without her even noticing!

    Finish the Job

    His question is actually one that many people have been asking lately. Why not simply finish the job with these terrorists?

    Spy News

    Stop listening to the media and open your eyes to the truth; Life in Israel is wonderful!

    Trump’s Victory – Cautiously Happy

    At the end of the day – the only thing that really matters is who leads Israel, not America.

    Short Neck Syndrome

    Over and over again the Torah tells us how to fight the enemy, but these guidelines don’t fit well in the “play-nice” world of 2023.

    Real Jewish Unity

    My wife and I were eating Friday night Shabbat dinner in one of the Israeli hotels, when we noticed a family sitting next to...

    You Won’t Believe What Happened in my Shul in Herzliya

    While everyone agrees with those saying “Bring Them Home” – we completely disagree with the weak and defeatist attitude of those willing to free the next Sinwar, as he was freed in the Shalit deal!

    Bibi Did NOT Win the Elections

    It has been my prediction all along that Netanyahu will turn the Knesset upside down just to leave Ben-Gvir out of the coalition.

    When Will the Wars End?

    It has been 76 years and it feels as though we have been at war every one of those years! This is not an exaggeration.

    Learn How to Use Your Jewish Fist

    Jackie Mason made a joke recently that there are 3 things we can always count on: Death, Taxes and Anti-Semitism...

    Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?

    For all people who claim that they are now “more Kahane than Sackett”, have them take this simple 5 question test...

    The Most Dangerous Thing Today

    The biggest danger we face is not from social media, antisemitism, cellphones, addiction, or poverty. It's...

    Do You Trust The Polls?

    Sometimes the longshot does win.

    Jews Outside Israel – Protect Yourselves

    Jews of the world; read my words carefully, not because I am anyone special, but because I say what others are afraid to.

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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/learned-nothing-in-18-years/2019/01/23/

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