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Am Yisrael Chai

    Nowhere Else to Go

    I feel ashamed from the gigantic sign that has been posted at the entrance to Herzliya. It’s a quote from Golda Meir...

    He Refused to Stand

    Can we only help a brother in need if we agree with his ideology?

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    From Hebron to Pittsburgh… to Monsey

    Over Shabbat many ex-JDL’ers shared stories about what they did to protect Jews in Philadelphia, Miami, Toronto and even in Ottawa.

    They Are NOT Our Cousins

    What about the line that “we both come from Avraham”?? Wouldn’t that make us one big happy (or miserable) family??

    If I Were the Israeli Ambassador

    Recently, Israel’s Ambassador to the USA, Michael Herzog, was summoned to a meeting with Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman...

    Nine Ideas For The Nine Days

    No laundries, no showers, no swimming, and no pastrami sandwiches. It seems like the big expression during the Nine Days is: "Just say no!" Please allow me, therefore, to change things up a bit. Here is a list of things you can say "yes" to during this period.

    World Opinion is Changing Against Israel

    We are here to stay and – like it or not – we will conquer Gaza and destroy whoever stands in our way

    Please Take Care of this Today

    A major injustice is occurring in Israel that I wanted to bring to your attention.

    Retire in Israel? There’s a Better Way!

    I have spoken to thousands of people about making Aliyah and have received some very interesting reasons why – even though they would love...

    How it Happened: A Response to Rabbi Moshe Hauer

    The town of Hawara got what they deserved and the next time a brick is thrown, the response will be even more severe.

    Finish the Job

    His question is actually one that many people have been asking lately. Why not simply finish the job with these terrorists?

    Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?

    For all people who claim that they are now “more Kahane than Sackett”, have them take this simple 5 question test...

    Do We Pray for Peace or for Revenge?

    Allow me to answer the question right away; we pray for both! But keep reading....

    IDF Soldiers are Our Future Leaders

    Why is it so challenging to find people capable of leading the Jewish Nation?

    From Fans to Players

    “You are Shmuel Sackett? Wow! My wife and I read all your articles and are your biggest fans!”

    A Message to American Jews: Don’t Run Away

    I cannot stand with those people who are posting – all over social media – that Jews need to “leave America NOW, before it’s too late!”

    Pharaoh, Please Forgive Us

    Did anyone change their daily routine or – just like the ‘ol Pharaoh - are we still the same ‘ol Yossi, Rivka, Sarah and Chaim?

    Two Important Lessons from the Holocaust

    With Yom Ha’Shoah being commemorated this week, what lessons did we learn from that tragic era?

    It’s All About Us

    129 countries voted against the Jewish people... who do we blame?

    The Pollard Photo-op

    Rabbis, politicians, community leaders, activists and successful businesspeople paying their respects to Jonathan Pollard. Where the heck were these people when he sat in prison for 30 years?

    How To Cry

    This is how the daughter of Pharaoh knew the baby was a Jew… by the way he cried! Tears of hope, not despair… weeping of yearning, not hopelessness.

    I am AGAINST Iron Dome

    Better to believe in the 'Iron Fist'

    The Most Dangerous Thing Today

    The biggest danger we face is not from social media, antisemitism, cellphones, addiction, or poverty. It's...

    How to be Happy on Sukkot During These Crazy Times

    When I can’t learn Daf Yomi with my regular Rav, I make sure to watch and listen to Rabbi Eli Stefansky’s amazing daf on...

    When Are You Making Geulah?

    It's simple, when Jews move back to the Land, the “Geulah” – the redemption – gets much closer!

    Is Everyone REALLY Kahane Today?

    A person I know well – who has been a proud leftist from the day we met – recently said to me that Kahane was right.

    Israel at 75 – The Future is Bright

    Huh! Not worried about the protests? Not worried about the hatred in the eyes of the left? Not worried about the lack of unity among the people?

    Will You Be Part of the Jewish Future?

    Listen closely and you’ll Yaacov Avinu; “My dearest children, stop building Jewish communities outside the land. Stop thinking that a trip every few years is enough. The Jewish nation needs you in Israel permanently. Move there with your family. Build a home, support the schools, grow the economy, plant some trees and defend the land.”


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/am-yisrael-chai/nowhere-else-to-go/2024/06/24/

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