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Fresno Zionism

    Israel Should Pre-empt Hizbollah Now

    As Israel comes closer to a confrontation with Iran, we should note that Iran’s primary strategy is unlikely to be direct conflict with Israel. Iran’s air and missile forces, despite their bragging, are not sufficiently well-developed to support such a conflict. Instead, I expect that they will depend on their main proxy, Hizballah.

    The Same Old Tired Nonsense

    When can we finally put the idea of the “two-state solution” out of its misery?

    The Two-Paint Solution

    Why the two-state solution is no solution at all.

    Jew-Hatred in Egypt and Britain

    Morsi, who all but expressly said Jews control the Western media, would find a comforting embrace in the anti-Semitism of some Westerners.

    Syrian Crisis Not Serious (Yet)

    President Obama feels boxed in by his ‘red line’ promise.

    Honor and Deterrence

    Honor is a concept that is paramount in non-Western cultures, but sometimes it seems that the West has no clue about.

    Stay off the Slippery Slope

    A policy of appeasing the US and EU can only aid the Arabs in their project to weaken Israel and slice away at it, bit by bit.

    Cut off the Iranian Head of the Syrian Snake

    The real villain is the Iranian regime, which has colonized Syria and is colonizing Lebanon in its attempt to squeeze out U.S. influence in the Middle East.

    The Samira Ibrahim Affair

    It's not surprising that, especially in Egypt, the State Department had a hard time finding someone who did not share the common prejudices against Jews.

    Antisemitism in the UK, Then and Now

    In Birkenhead, near Liverpool, slaughterhouse workers had refused to process any more meat for Jewish consumption until the attacks on British soldiers in Palestine stopped.

    Jewish Support for Obama Not Mystifying

    Somewhere between 68 and 70% of American Jewish voters went for Obama, depending on whose exit poll you believe. Israelis that I talk to are mystified. “Are they crazy? What were they thinking?” they ask. It’s not really mystifying. Here are some general facts about non-Orthodox and secular (the large majority) American Jews.

    Don’t Kick the Can of Violence Down the Road

    The only thing that can prevent Israel from winning this mini-war and neutering Hamas is outside intervention.

    The Idiocy of the ‘Two-State Solution’

    It has always fascinated me that those calling for a “two-state solution” seem to believe that once an agreement is signed and the IDF leaves the territories, then there will be peace.

    How Israel Should Use Its New Found Energy Wealth

    Israel should use its new gas resources to further its political interests, just as the Arabs have done with their energy resources.

    Khaybar, Khaybar ya Yahud

    The series is explicitly intended to demonize the Jews as an alien race hostile to Muslims and the welfare of the world.

    Polls and Flying Pigs

    There is as little chance of the conditions described in the poll being fulfilled as there being a porcine airlift.

    Democratic Platform Tilts Against Israel: Side by Side Comparison to 2008, 2004

    My pro-Obama friends tell me that nothing’s changed, that this administration is as pro-Israel as any previous one, Democratic or Republican, and I needn’t fear that a reelected President Obama will punish Israel. With all due respect, they are full of it.

    NPR Takes the Side of Multiculturalism

    Europe has taken the path of multiculturalism and we can see the results.

    ‘Highest Levels’ of US Administration Deny Jewish History

    The U.S. government is tacitly agreeing that the historical truth about the Jews and Israel is inimical to “peace.”

    A Very Bad Weekend

    It looks from here like a really bad weekend in Israel. Some 40-odd rockets were fired from Gaza at southern Israel within 48 hours,...

    The Arab Street Says ‘Don’t Bomb Iran!’ But Who Cares

    Israel, of all nations, can’t let the Arab street set policy for it.

    Smelling Chuck Hagel & Other Anti-Semites

    My alarm bells went off when the President chose Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

    Is Soros Pumping Money into ‘A Jewish Voice for Peace’?

    A tangled web of non-profit political organizations reveals that George Soros is behind yet another Jewish anti-Zionist front.

    Cancer Imagery and Jew Hatred

    The idea persists, despite the fact that — by any objective standard — the behavior of Israel is anything but expansionist and invasive.

    Tell the NYT: Israelis Have Lost Interest in the ‘Peace Process’

    There was little discussion during the campaign of 'the peace process, because everybody in Israel, with the exception of the European- and NIF-funded Left, knows that the “peace process” is dead.

    Barry Rubin, Scholar and Friend

    This is not a post that I wanted to write, though I knew it was coming.

    Why the World Loves Palestinians

    In 100 years, there will be 116 million Palestinian refugees!

    Why Russia Supports Iran

    It seems Russia has decided that the "strong horse" in the Middle East is Iran and the Shiites.

    Egypt: Let Them Eat F-16s!

    What is the Obama Administration doing in the face of the imminent collapse of the largest and historically most important and powerful state in the Arab world, now ruled by an anti-Western and anti-Semitic radical Islamic regime?

    In Praise of Nationalism

    If we compare Western and Islamic cultures, we find that universalist attitudes are common in the former and rare in the latter.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/fresno-zionism/israel-should-pre-empt-hizbollah-now/2012/09/27/

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