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Inspiration from Zion: This is a Love Story

    Inspiration from Zion: Nakba 2023

    But we will prove to them and everyone watching that we meant it when we said Never Again.

    Message from a Jew to Christians Everywhere: Put Christ back in Christmas, for All...

    Words shape meaning and if you take the 'Christ' out of Christmas there is no reason to celebrate. Accommodating bullies who want to enforce political correctness isn’t “being nice.”

    Inspiration from Zion:: From the Maccabees to the IDF: 6 Things you NEED to...

    Hanukah is a celebration of Jewish nationalism (which does not exist without God) and not a holiday of religious holiness although there are some prayers that are specifically associated with Hanukah. It similar to celebrating Israel’s Independence Day which also commemorates the victory of a tiny group of stubborn Jews fighting for sovereignty and freedom, against an enemy much more powerful and well equipped and – by the grace of God – WINNING.

    Inspiration from Zion: Stop Explaining Israel’s Right to Self-Defense

    It makes me physically ill to see Jews abroad and even my own government in Israel bend over backward to not seem “too aggressive” to the nations of the world who love to condemn Israel for defending her citizens.

    Inspiration from Zion: Longing for Sun-Drenched Zion

    “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” "They say there is a land.” That Land is the Jewish homeland, Israel

    Inspiration from Zion: Should Netanyahu Resign?

    These are the 3 reasons I not only hope to God Netanyahu doesn’t resign but that he also continues to serve as Israel’s Prime Minister.

    I’d Rather Write about the Oranges of Be’eri

    I would rather write about the oranges of Be’eri. Or their extraordinary printing business. I don’t want to write about the horror or the feeling of being violently violated.

    Intersectionality and the Jews

    Jews choose life. We choose building a thriving, happy future. THAT is our identity. Others choose victimhood, anger and stewing in past offenses against them. These two positions are diametrically opposed. THAT is why we can never take part in the intersectionality equation, no matter how “nuanced” it is.

    Anatomy of an Interview: Tzipi Hotovely–Ideals and Fake news

    Could the expressions of offense taken with the things Ms. Hotovely said actually be masking feelings of guilt by American Jewry?

    Inspiration from Zion: What Victory Looks Like

    Yesterday we saw a hoard of ecstatic Muslims celebrating their historic victory over Israel. They had fought for sovereignty over the holiest place in the world for the Jewish people, in the heart of the capital of the Jewish State – and won.

    Inspiration from Zion: The People Who Dance with their Book

    Joy is a simple but profound emotion. Not one usually evoked by a book. But this is not “a book”, it is “The Book.” This is the book of life, of civilization, of morality and humanity.

    Michal Roemi

    I’ve known Michal since she was a child. Today I am going to her funeral.

    Inspiration from Zion: 3 Reasons Both the Left and the Right are Terrified of...

    A quick look at Bennett’s resume makes it crystal clear that there is no place for the word “weakness” in any sentence describing the man.

    Inspiration from Zion: Walk in the Land of Israel

    Taharlev, an astoundingly prolific writer, articulated the primal truths of what it means to be part of the greatest love story ever documented – the love story between this Land and her People, between the People and our Land.

    Inspiration from Zion: My Identity: Unapologetic Zionist Feminist

    Feminism is about freedom. It is about the value of the individual woman and the freedom to achieve whatever she dreams about and is willing to work hard enough to achieve--Just like Zionism.

    Inspiration from Zion: Life in Israel Under Fire

    We all know the war is coming. It’s only a question of when. We actually had thought it was going to happen earlier but whatever is happening behind the scenes on the political level is keeping the attacks on a low flame rather than a full-blown war.

    Ori Ansbacher: Light, Freedom and Jewish Sovereignty

    Ori’s murder is different because it wasn’t just a horrific attack on her, it was an attack against our nation. It wasn’t an attack on a woman who happened to be a Jew, it was an attack on a Jew who happened to be a woman. It was an attempt to erase the Jew from Israel.

    Thoughts from my Grandfather…

    The conviction that “Jewish blood was worth more than Arab oil” is what brought my Saba to my grandmother and changed his life forever.

    Naftali Bennett and Me – Relationship Status: “Complicated”

    Am I happy that my friend became Prime Minister? Absolutely--At the same time, I am absolutely horrified by the way it happened and the problems it is and will create in our society for the years to come

    Inspiration from Zion: 3 Principles that Make Inclusion in Israel a Success

    Israel is a family. Family doesn’t put members in a closet to make their own lives easier, and families love all of their members, finding the best in each other and helping each other grow. Just as we would not leave one of our own children behind, it would be inappropriate to leave someone else’s child behind – even if he or she needs a little more help to keep up.

    Inspiration from Zion: Last Request – Rabbi Avichai Rontzki

    The last thing Rabbi Rontzki did was to request of the Nation one thing: That when we meet someone during the day, pass someone in the hall, ride in the same elevator etc, we smile and say “HELLO”

    Inspiration from Zion: Gun Control: America, Israel and the Chasm in Between

    In Israel gun control is very strict and most Israelis are against easy access to guns. Israelis tend to be dumbfounded by American attitude towards guns – we see guns as necessary tools to be used to defend lives, nothing else. They are not toys for collecting or weekend entertainment and hunting is not considered a sport or cool.

    Inspiration from Zion: Israeli Elections 101: 7 Lessons on Marketing, Slogans and the “NOT...

    Watching him, I felt sorry for Gantz. He was trying to make the gestures and say the things he was told would make the best impression but his body language expressed louder than words just how uncomfortable and unsure of himself he was.

    Inspiration from Zion: How do you Feel about the Color Red?

    Children’s thoughts about colors should not be dictated by a terrorist organization. Children should be free to play outside, free to walk from their home to visit a friend, without having to worry about where the closest bomb shelter is.

    Ending Apartheid in Israel

    The holiest place in the world for Jews is JUDENREIN on Friday and Saturday and can be “cleaned” of Jews without notice.--THIS is apartheid

    Inspiration from Zion: Bon Jovi in Israel: We Will Love You, Always

    In the middle of the concert Jon rededicated “We Don’t Run” to our People.


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