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Sultan Knish

    Looking for Racism in America

    It's about a black leadership that is more interested in posturing as angry activists and shaking loose some money than in healing the problems of their own communities.

    Jews Hate BS–Bernie Sanders

    One out of 25 Jews like Bernie--More than you'd think-or should

    Unless They’re by Lefties

    Facebook isn’t banning protests during the coronavirus lockdowns. It’s banning conservative protests.


    The question is not when will the Jews wake up, but will there be any left to wake up.

    The Graveyard of Neoconservatism

    Democracy only works when the character of the people is better than the character of their government. It works very badly when the character of the people is actually worse and the existing system serves much the same purpose as bars in a tiger cage do. The neo-conservatives were unprepared to grapple with such troubling notions.

    Kill the Two State Solution Dead

    Like the old Monty Python bit, the two-state solution is a 'dead parrot.' The Press 'shopkeepers' keep trying to sell us its stiff body insisting the peace process is just pining for the Oslo accords.

    Victims Wanted!

    Revolution is about money and power for a select few, but for the dulled denizens of a society that has long since blurred fact and fiction, reality and ideology, the performance is the thing.

    The Left’s Plot Against George Washington

    In Portland, the BLM mob toppled a statue of George Washington. Four years later, local leftist activists and officials have continued sabotaging efforts to...

    Manufacturing Gaffes

    If you read the newspaper, watch the telly or turn the radio dial to something besides the greatest hits of the 70's and 80's, then you know that Romney's international trip was a disaster. How do you know that? Well, the same way that Soviet citizens knew that their economy was booming and it would only be a matter of time before the slaves of capitalism threw off their shackles and bowed their arrogant heads to the hammer and sickle. They read it in the paper.

    The Left’s War On Childhood

    Progressives sacrificing our children to their god ofwokeness

    Invaders from Outer Space

    In the movie theater, we revisit that terrible knowledge that we are engaged in a war with no natural end under a hundred disguises. We recreate September 11 in our ten-dollar nickelodeons every summer and look to the sky. But it isn't aliens we are watching for. It's planes.

    Angry Liberals in America

    Lawrence O'Donnell's job is to yell angry things on MSNBC.


    Why does Biden lie so much? The easy answer is that he gets away with it.

    Playing for Islam Against Ourselves

    It's still going on now. The same old courtship that has become the mid-life crisis of the West.

    The Subversive Hebrew Language

    No one who boycotts Israel wants a specific demand met, what they want is an excuse for unleashing that overpowering hatred that Wagner tried to rationalize by claiming that Jews were incapable of creating true music and that the left rationalizes by claiming that the Jewish State is starving babies. The elaborate explanations are not the content, they are the context, they make the hatred, which is the end, seem like it is only the means to a noble end.

    The Cloud Dwellers

    An American workers' revolution will not be a Socialist revolution, it will be an Anti-Socialist revolution of the new poor of the middle class.

    The Conspiracy Theory Is the Conspiracy

    The JFK assassination became a liberal martyrdom in search of a conservative inquisitioner.

    Being Thankful for the Left

    Good emerges in response to evil. We need our enemies to remind us of who we are and what we can do when our backs are against the wall

    Chanukah in Israel Upholds Light Against Darkness

    Some miracles are obvious, while others are hidden. Survival is itself a miracle.

    Everything is Fake Now: The Virtual Reality of Politics

    When all the bubbles of rhetoric pop, there are still the hard unpleasant realities to deal with.

    From Slavery to Freedom

    Passover is a road that we still travel, a long journey from slavery to freedom.

    Our State of Police

    We've become very good at symptom management and at not thinking about the underlying problem.

    The Speed of Progressivism

    A few months ago the CEO of Chick Fil A would have done nothing worse than echo a consensus so mainstream that it was adopted as a campaign position by the leftiest Democrat to sit in the White House. A few months later that same position is so outrageous that it leads to mass boycotts, threats of violence and mayors of dysfunctional urban centers threatening to drive the reactionary chicken franchise out of their cities.

    Rename America

    Either we stop the left’s assault on history or we lose our country. Every time a statue is taken down, a school is renamed, a building is vandalized, a holiday is abolished, we move one step closer to the final undoing of our history. We should not be afraid of the truth. And the truth is that history is complex.

    The Cult of Obama

    In retrospect, the Cult of Obama had much in common with other cults. Like them it recruited young volunteers on campus. Its recruitment materials leaned heavily on books by its beloved leader. It promised them that a new age was coming and that they could be a big part of bringing it about.

    George Zimmerman Cures Cancer

    "Cancer is a white man's disease," said MSNBC political commentator Al Sharpton.

    Biden’s Deal for Israel “Nearly Identical to Hamas’s Own Proposals”

    This is a proposal by Hamas and its allies, Egypt and Qatar, along with Hamas allies in the Biden administration who are fighting to keep it alive, that Biden is imposing on Israel.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/sultan-knish/looking-for-racism-in-america/2013/07/14/

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