Israel to Export Natural Gas to Egypt, Energy Minister Holds Talks in Egypt

Natural gas exports to Egypt are expected to reach seven billion cubic meters annually over the next decade.

Who’s a Good Osprey? Look at the Big Fish She Caught

Lots of these magnificent hunters live in the trees around the pools.

Watch: Arava Rivulet Turns into a Dangerous River Flood in Minutes

On its way, the hour-old river sweeps everything in its path.

Israel Sets New Record in Using Renewable Energies

Israel's renewable energy innovation has received global recognition, with innovative ideas such as converting wind into electricity, technologies for clean water and other inventions.

Central Bureau of Statistics Releases 2020 Report on State of the Jewish State

We picked and chose some of the summaries we know all of us are curious about.

Bennett Declares Tackling ‘Climate Crisis’ a New Israeli National Security Interest

“The climate crisis is one of the major issues on the world agenda. It concerns the lives of all of us,” says the Israeli prime minister.

Tens of Thousands of Cranes Arriving at Hula Lake on Winter Migration

By the end of November, an estimated 50,000 pelicans will also have passed through Israel from on their migration to the wintering grounds in Africa.

Suspect Arrested in Golan Eagle Poisoning

Eight eagles have died and two others are fighting for their lives after they ingested poison on the Golan Heights.

World’s Longest Marlstone Cave Discovered in Israel Near Dead Sea

Since the discovery of the Qumran caves, several other marl caves have been discovered, but their finding was considered episodic and not particularly significant.

Wild Mountain Goats Invade Eilat Hotel Under Lockdown

Nature abhors vacuum, including the silent vacuum of the coronavirus lockdown.

Parks Inspector Captures Brown Tang Reproduction in Eilat Bay at Twilight

"You can see a number of different species such as the Koi who feed on reproductive products, and barracuda who attempt to devour the tangs during the breeding process."

Israeli Company Converts Trash into Hangers Used in Fashion Outlets Around the World

UBQ Materials, an Israeli company based in the Negev, has developed a process to convert unsorted household waste into a plastic substitute that can be made into everyday goods.

Abundance of Blessings as Water Level Rises Steadily in Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)

The water level of the lake is now standing at just four feet from full capacity.

One Man Dies, More Injured in Puerto Rico Earthquakes

A first5.8-magnitude quake on Monday destroyed five homes and damaged many more.

Jellyfish Swarm in Israel Unusually Intense as 9 B’Av Approaches

It has been established that the swarm of “meduzas” arrive on Israel’s shores around Tamuz 17 and floats away after 9 B’Av.

Motorists Start the Week with Sinkhole Across Tel Aviv’s Major Highway

It was a miracle this happened on Shabbat when traffic in Israel is relatively tame.

Israel’s Environmental Ministry Delivers Setback to Israel-UAE Pipeline Deal

Hailed as the first major partnership to come out of the Abraham Accords, the deal has come under fire from environmental groups for allegedly posing a risk to the Gulf of Eilat’s coral reefs.

Israelis Brave Gaza Rockets to Visit their Kalaniot

Over the weekend, Israelis flocked to the western Negev, to grab an eyeful of the annual miracle of the return of the Kalaniot – the red Anemone which paint the desert red each winter after the big rains.

Israel Rules Out Greek Tanker as Suspect in Mediterranean Oil Spill

The “Minerva Helen” was not the source of the ecological disaster, says Israel's Environmental Protection Ministry after inspecting the vessel.

Thousands Ordered to Evacuate as Fires Continue to Rage Across Israel

"We are preparing with all our might for the morning when the strong winds will resume and there is a fear that the fire will also resume strongly."

Kinneret Rises Above Lower Red Line

This is the first time in two years that the Kinneret's water level has risen above the Lower Red Line.

Sea of Galilee Rises Over the Weekend

The water is just 1.64 meters below the upper red line.

Environment, Tourism, Energy, Foreign Ministries Join Fight Against Emirati Oil Pipeline Deal

The loss of income from an oil spill catastrophe on Eilat's shore would cause a direct loss of income worth NIS 4.5 billion ($1.5 billion).

Kinneret is Almost Full, but its Beaches Remain Empty

Just inches from its highest level in 20 years, the Kinneret’s biggest fans remain barred from its shores due to current travel restrictions.

Heavy Rain, Snowfall Raise the Level of Lake Kinneret

The level of the lake at present is still at 17.7 feet (5.4 meters) below its fullest level.

Hebrew U Study: Desert Regions Best Predictors of Climate Change in Wet Areas

These results can be incorporated into models to simulate how nature will function under drier or hotter conditions.

Watch: Nature Preserve Director Extracts Trapped Hystrix

The relieved hystrix took off at once, followed by Badran who was making sure it returned safely to nature.

Fire Commissioner: This Worst Blaze in Jerusalem Area was Man Made

Officials believe that the fire was created by humans, but it is yet unclear if this was an act of arson, and possibly terrorism, or the result of negligence.

4.4 Magnitude Quake off Lebanese Coast Rattles Northern Israel

The quake struck 73 kilometers northwest of Sidon, Lebanon at a depth of 10.0 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Judaean Desert Looks Majestic in Winter, Too

The Dead Sea has a weaker UVB radiation, and the air has a higher oxygen content as compared to oxygen concentration at sea level.


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