Iran Issues Warning About Muslim Disunity

Iran -- ironically -- has issued a warning that Sunni militants are trying to create 'disunity' in the Muslim world.

Islamist Held for Offering to ‘Guard’ Norwegian Jews With AK-47

Norwegian police have increased security around Oslo’s main synagogue after an Islamist extremist threatened to “protect” the Jewish community with an “AK-47 assault rifle and a hunting permit.”

Back Stabbing Arab Gets 35 Years

Following the attack, Meri posted on Facebook a picture of himself with the killer with the caption: 'My praises to the Shahid.'

House Subcommittee to Meet on ‘Worsening Anti-Semitism’

The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on human rights will convene a hearing on anti-Semitism Wednesday, saying it is worsening, especially...

Lebanon Soldier Abducted in Tripoli

On Saturday, fighting between the Lebanon Army and ISIS-affiliated terrorists in the Lebanese city of Tripoli left at least 14 dead and dozens wounded.

N. Philadelphia Mosque Leadership ‘Shocked and Outraged’ at Guest Imam’s Anti-Semitic Sermons

It is difficult to believe that the board of trustees of the mosque which invited the imam to deliver sermons to its congregation did not realize just how vicious and inciting his message was.

Syria-Lebanon Threat Sparks Surprise Army Reserve Call-Up Drill

Obama gets ready to strike Assad. Hezbollah drags Lebanon into the war. And guess who is the most likely victim? Israel. That’s why the IDF called up 2,000 reservists for a surprise drill in the north.

German Interior Minister Seeks to Reform Corrupt Refugee Agency

"The so-called executives, and not the low-ranking employees of the federal office" are to blame, according to an open letter published Tuesday.

Israel’s Children Singing Away Fears of ‘Red Alerts,’ Rocket Attacks

Israel's children are again being taught how to deal with their fears from rocket alerts, by song.

Israel’s Condolences to Japan on ISIS Beheading

ISIS terrorist murder of a Japanese citizen is terror against the world, says Israeli PM Netanyahu.

Jordan Warns Israel to Block Jews from Visiting Temple Mount

Jordan again warns of "dangerous consequences" for "invasions" by Jews who visit the Temple Mount.

Report: ‘Raid in Progress’ in Hunt for Paris Terrorists

French police narrowed a hunt for the Paris terrorists with a raid in progress Wed. night.

Lone Wolf Arab Terrorists Inspired by Islamist Incitement

Who's who of the Islamic inciters, inspirers, funders and terror-supporters.

ISIS Beheaded American Journalist Steven Sotloff And Posted Video

The Islamic State (ISIS) has just released a video showing the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, according to a monitoring group.

Report: Elderly French Jew Thrown Out of 17th Floor Window by Muslim Neighbor

“Why was he defenestrated? Was it a dispute between neighbors? Was his defenestration antisemitic?"

CIA Head John Brennan Makes Unannounced Israel Visit

CIA director John Brennan made an unannounced visit to Israel to discuss the situation in Syria with Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Friday. They...

ISIS Calls on Muslims to Kill Non-Muslims Everywhere, in Every Way

ISIS urged all Muslims to kill all non-Muslims, and referred to Kerry as an 'uncircumcised old Geezer.'

Israel Expands Crackdown on Islamic Movement

The group calls for replacing Israel with an Islamic caliphate and does not recognize the legitimacy of Israeli government institutions.

Burka-Clad Terrorist Kills American Teacher in Abu Dhabi Mall [video]

The victim’s 11-year-old are being cared for by the police. A video shows the murderer’s escape.

Morsi Buried in Cairo Against his Family’s Wishes

The last thing President al-Sisi needs is a shrine to Morsi some 80 miles away from Cairo, to be frequented by enemies of the regime.

Israel Arab Mayor Complains: Terror Chasing Away Jews

Israeli Arabs are raising their voices against their own MKS and terror that are ruining normal life for Arabs.

Netanyahu ‘Will Go Anywhere Invited’ to Prevent Iran from Achieving Nuclear Weapons

PM Binyamin Netanyahu says he'll go anywhere he's invited to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons.

A Turkish Muslim Expresses Love For Israel

"I was amazed and pleased that a rabbi would call the Islamization of Europe a good thing. Likewise I believe an all Jewish Europe would be a great thing too," Turk said.

Arabs Calling for Tisha B’Av Confrontations on Temple Mount

Of course, no Jew has even mentioned Al Aqsa mosque, because Jews, especially religious Jews, prefer to attend their services in a synagogue, thank you very much.

They’re Canceling Chanukah in Melbourne, Australia

The lights are going out: Melbourne's Chanukah celebration canceled due to international terrorism.

Court Quotes Isaiah: Jew Can Hold Out His Hands on Temple Mount

Police threw Yehudah Etzion off the Temple Mount for "praying" because he held out his hands.

Jews, Muslims, Outraged at Anti-Semitic Imam’s Sermon in Montreal

The hadith describes the end of times, when stones and trees will ask Muslims to kill Jews.

Gaza Tunnel Collapses And Another Digger is Gone

At least one Gaza terrorist is dead after a tunnel collapsed while he was working underground on the terror network.

Hezbollah Warns of ‘Costly Adventure’ After Israeli Air Strike

Hezbollah warns an IAF air strike on its convoy in Syria may lead to a "costly adventure."


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