WATCH: Ramadan in Gaza, Month of ‘Mercy,’ Delicious Foods
"Ramadan is the month of forgiveness, the month of mercy," the narrator is told by those he interviews. "During Ramadan the environment is very nice here in Gaza."
Report: ISIS is Building Air Force in Sirte
ISIS is reportedly training a terrorist air force in Sirte, Libya, with flight simulators and fighter jets.
Trump: Obama Lied on Iran Ransom for Hostages [video]
The cash payment to the Iranian government is the subject of the latest war between the Republicans and the Obama administration, with the Republicans saying the payment was ransom for the release of the three American prisoners from Iranian captivity.
Watch: Lod’s Mayor vs. Mosque Loudspeakers
The mosque broke their agreement and woke everyone up with their loudspeakers.
After Second Postponement Arab League to Meet on Jerusalem
"Everyone knows how deep and dangerous ... plans have been for years to Judaize Jerusalem.”
Embassy in Austria Warning Saudi Women their Burqa Is Now Illegal
Austria followed Switzerland, Belgium, France, and some Spanish regions in banning the burqa and the niqab in public places, as well as other religious symbols.
US Senator Call to Bring 100K Syrian Refugees into the US
UK's PM David Cameron was warned that 1 in 50 Syrian refugees may actually be ISIS Jihadists.
UNRWA Suspends Senior Employee for Membership in Hamas
The senior employee suspended by UNRWA was “chosen as a senior Hamas member from Jabalya in northern Gaza," according to Israeli military officials.
Toronto Islamist Terrorist Attempts Mayhem, Authorities Pretend Otherwise [video]
Toronto authorities pretend otherwise as Islamist terrorist attempted slaughter at Canadian military recruiting center.
Kuwait Joins Sunni Nations Cutting Ties With Iran
Kuwait has joined those who recalled their ambassadors from Iran over the crisis with Saudi Arabia.
ISIS Urges Lone Wolf Attack at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
ISIS recommends wannabe terrorists focus on Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade this year.
Gulf Arab States Impose Sanctions on Hezbollah over Syria
Gulf Arab states on Monday threatened sanctions against the Lebanese Shi'ite terrorist group Hezbollah in retaliation for its intervention in support of Syrian President...
Israeli Authorities Arrest 23 (Muslims) for Incitement on the Temple Mount
Several of them had led chants inciting and in support of terror attacks.
Emotions Run Deep as Body of Ezra Schwartz, z’l Arrives in US for Burial
The body of young Ezra Schwartz arrives home in Boston for burial after an Arab terrorist ends the dream of a gap year in Israel.
Expert: Pakistani Spy Agency Approved Attack on Mumbai Chabad House
The targets were Indians, Americans and Jews – the targets of the global jihad.
Analysis: ISIS Will Go Down to Defeat in Egypt
Israel, like the non-radical Islamic world. will be happy see the ISIS beheaded for once.
Boston Bomber Implicated in 9/11/11 Triple Murder, including 2 Jews
The slain former friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, deceased suspect in the Boston Marathon Bombings, apparently told authorities Tamerlan had participated in the triple murders in Waltham, MA on Sept. 11, 2011, court documents revealed
Former Jerusalem Mufti Indicted For Inciting Terror
Sheikh Ekrima Sabri was appointed by Yasser Arafat, and served as Mufti of Jerusalem from 1994-2006.
US Indicts Kenyan Al Qaeda Member for Plotting Repeat of 9/11
“Today’s announcement shows that foreign terrorist organizations, like al Shabaab, remain determined to plot, plan, and conspire to commit terrorist acts across the globe against the United States."
Ex-Pastor to Obama Says ‘Jesus Was a Palestinian’ at Farrakhan Rally [video]
The "Million Man March" in Washington was held under the threatening slogan of "Justice or Else."
Watch: Arabs Riot on Temple Mount, Shoot Fireworks at Police
After completing their Friday prayers, the Arabs began attacking police.
PM Netanyahu Warns Britain Evacuated Territory Will Become Iranian or ISIS Outpost
PM Netanyahu says he told Britain's PM May that any area Israel leaves will become an Iranian or ISIS outpost, or both.
Obama Says ‘Give Iran Talks a Chance; Israel Safer Than Ever
US President Barack Obama contends Israel is "safer today than ever before," says give Iran talks a chance.
Muslim Teen ‘Wants to Behead Jews’ in Netherlands
A 14-year-old Dutch Muslim high school student is suspended after posting a video saying he is "from ISIS" and wants to "behead Jews."
Bill Letting 9/11 Victims Sue Saudi Arabia Passes Senate
Senate Democrats went against the wishes of the Obama administration, which warned the bill could expose Americans overseas to legal risks.
Israeli Security Forces Arrest Two Bedouin Women for Contact with ISIS
The two planned to travel overseas in order to join the Islamic State as fighters.
5 Jews Arrested in Counter Protest at Barzilai Hospital
Five Jews were arrested Sunday night for rioting at a protest against PIJ terrorist hunger striker Mohammed Alla'an at Barzilai Hospital.
European Union to Open Iran Office
The European Union wasted no time establishing a presence in Tehran.
White House Statement: ‘President Trump Stands With Israel’
"Our deeply rooted ties reflect our shared values, strategic interests, and dynamic economic and trade relationship."
PyroTerrorism Not New, ‘Inspired’ in Past by Al Qaeda
The idea of using fire to attack a targeted population did not originate with Arab terrorists from the Palestinian Authority.