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    Ashkenormativity: “Go Back to Poland,” Columbia Students Shout; But My Jewish Family is from...

    Ashkenormativity... a system of oppression that favors white Jewish folx (sp).”

    HEADING in the Wrong Direction

    Yes, indeed the permanent, knee-jerk reaction is to tell WOMEN to make a change that may help bring about a refuah for someone sick or for some other ill that plagues a community.

    “Disproportionate Response,” Anti-Semitism’s Latest Keyword

    The term “Disproportionate Response” is becoming the latest anti-Semitic keyword.

    Operation Tsuk Eitan: “Under Siege”

    No human casualties; over 1million citizens under siege.What if it were Mexico attacking the US?

    The Left That Cried Wolf

    After years of ranting about nonexistent threats to democracy like the Shaked proposal, the Israeli Left has destroyed their credibility.

    The End and the Beginning

    The lighting of the Chanukah candles which took place just minutes after the conclusion of his funeral was meaningful in that it represented the rekindling of that exact spiritual light which he infused in this world during his over 100 years of active service to Hashem and His people.

    America Crosses the Line

    After Erin Schrode’s, a Jewish woman running for Congress in California, personal information was posted on a neo-Nazi website, she received messages of anti-Jewish abuse, death and rape threats.

    Listen to Them Howl!

    Not asking the world for the right to defend ourselves; such a right is obvious to anyone with a spine.

    Remember the Lessons of Our History‏

    Next week we celebrate Purim, more relevant and illuminating in light of current events than ever

    Tisha B’Av- The Lessons of Jerusalem 5773

    Every year, one of the greatest challenges going into Tisha B'Av is the statement of the Gemara Yerusalmi “A generation in which the Temple is not built is considered to be one in which it was destroyed"

    Rock & Roll Zionism

    As much as I enjoyed listening to Springsteen while in a US college, I'm glad my sons, and the generations that follow them, will spend their formative years in a far more consequential pursuit--serving the Jewish people and Israel

    Day and Night Intermingled

    The sharp transition caused by the observance of Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) followed in immediate succession by Yom HaAtzmaut is very difficult emotionally, and also deeply profound.

    Yom Yerushalayim: Chag Sameach

    We will celebrate and thank the L-rd for our blessings, determined to truly liberate our Holy sites

    The Time for Righteous Judgment

    Why won't the gov't finally annex YESHA & Jordan Valley formalizing their status in State of Israel?

    “From the Edge of the Heavens” by Rabbi Dr. Yosef Mendelevitch; A Review

    One amazing story ends and immediately a new one begins. Like a string of pearls threaded expertly.

    Mahmud loves Moral

    The media dumped on the "Lehava" people as extremist - racist and should mind their own business.

    Tunnel Vision

    Hamas' tunnels were destroyed as were plans for their unparalleled terror attacks on Rosh Hashana.

    Guiding the Druze

    In 1948 Druze were the bottom of Arab society; By working with Israel, today they're envied by Arabs

    Neither Hatred Nor Terror Will Defeat US!

    Palestinian Authority makes no attempt to educate its people towards peace & coexistence with Israel

    How to Say ‘Eye Contact’ in Hebrew

    Eye contact in Hebrew, literally, is eye connection.

    The First Time I Ever Truly Felt the Pain of Tisha B’Av

    The year 2005 was the first time I ever truly felt the pain of Tishabaav.

    Dead Arabs Don’t Matter to the World — Unless Israel Killed Them

    International journalists and international "human rights" bodies --dragging their halos around-- customarily overlook Arab victims whose sufferings have nothing to do with Israel.

    Sukkot-‘Hodu’ L’Hashem

    What is the nostalgia for? The answer comes with Succot.

    Is America a “Failed” Experiment?

    We are not perfect, but there is a lot to celebrate on the Fourth of July. Radical rhetoric aside, no nation has ever provided more freedom and prosperity for more people—regardless of skin colors.

    Tough Beans: Kitnyot on Pesach

    Kitniyot, Kitniyot, the controversial legume; for Ashkenazim to eat it is a big ASSUME

    Can this Nation Remain United?

    The 6 Day War and the Reunification of Yerushalayim was marked, almost exclusively, in one of two ways. Those with a more Religious Zionist leaning, celebrated grandly; in the the "yeshivish olam," one was not even aware of the anniversary.

    Social Climbing Through Prison

    Dafna Meir's killer is just 15-Despite what you might think, his life is NOT over-it's just starting

    Temple Mount-Again

    An old Arab man yelled at me "You're stupid!" I returned the compliment; He had murder in his eyes.

    Student’s Commencement Speech in D.C. Emphasizes Torah Values

    Felder said he and his fellow students learned well the teaching of the Rebbe.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/guest-blog/ashkenormativity-go-back-to-poland-columbia-students-shout-but-my-jewish-family-is-from-egypt/2024/04/23/

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