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My Aliyah Journal

    Hachofesh Hagadol

    There is actually a fantastic Facebook group – “LoveLoveIsrael-Tried and Tested” – where you can find everything you may want to know about visiting almost anywhere in Israel.

    Ordering Online In Israel

    The items wouldn’t be replaced or refunded. I was informed that they had been delivered by their use-by date and that I could have frozen them.

    A New School

    I spent the rest of the day wondering how he was doing. When I arrived for pickup, I was relieved to see his smiling face.

    Doughnuts Galore

    Every gift came with a personalized note, letting the recipient know that her Secret Maccabee was thinking of her.

    Beyond Our One Kilometer – At Long Last

    As my kids and I have taken daily walks for a month now, it is not an exaggeration to say that we literally know every crack in the sidewalk within our allowed kilometer.

    Customer Service & School Dress Codes

    Here in Modi’in we have a wonderful Absorption Department, with olim coordinators that go above and beyond to help.

    Life Under Lockdown – Again

    In true “Big Brother” fashion, the Shin Bet finds contact points between Covid-19 patients and others using cell phone tracking systems generally employed for counterterrorism operations.

    Entertaining The Kids Under Lockdown

    While I certainly don’t love giving my Adi too much screen time, I must admit that I found myself easily caving whenever he begged me to allow him to “review” the videos just one more time.

    A Belated Birthday

    Indeed, I could not believe how grown up she looked at her party. Sitting on her birthday throne, crowned in a wreath of flowers, bedecked in her best party dress, she looked like such a little lady!

    Finding A Home In The Homeland

    He advised us, though, that we didn’t need to be a “fryer” (a naive oleh) and accept the terms since everything in Israel is subject to negotiation.

    Rosh Hashanah Under Lockdown

    While my children and I did not attend shul this year (my husband attended a very small, very early morning minyan), we did manage to have a special davening experience.

    Opening A Bank Account

    I wish I could say it has been smooth sailing since then, but the banking system here is more complicated than I can do justice to here.

    New Questions

    Perhaps the hardest questions have related to the political issues here in Israel.

    Our First ‘Yom Kef’

    As I watched my family devouring their ice cream cones on the walk back to the car, one thing was clear. My family was really enjoying their time in Israel.

    Hebrew Lingo

    Think that despite it all, things are going fine? Perhaps you “chai b’seret,” live in a movie – i.e. not in reality. (Someone who is a drama queen is referred to oddly as “l’echol sratim,” someone who “eats movies.”)

    We Had 90 Seconds To Reach Our Safe Room

    While we were cleared to leave the mamad 10 minutes after the siren ended, we continued to sit there long after, trying to process what had just occurred.

    Back To Normal?

    My husband and I debated what was best for the kids. We wanted to do whatever we could to keep them safe, but we also wanted to give them their best opportunities to grow, learn, and have fun.

    The Ins And Outs Of Ulpan

    While I generally had a lot of fun on these interviews, I still am embarrassed when I recall our first in-Hebrew television interview.

    Olim Cholim

    Unfamiliar with other parents in my daughter’s gan, we also didn’t have anyone to commiserate with during the long sleepless nights of my daughter’s illness.

    Speech Therapy And Scary Masked Men

    From our first appointment, which was with a social worker, I realized that we were going to be facing a challenging experience.

    Buying A Car In Israel

    While olim are offered a steep discount on taxes associated with purchasing a new car, it comes with many complicated strings attached.

    Celebrating Shushan Purim On Masada

    While the chag was still nice, it just wasn’t the Adar excitement we had expected. Reflecting on this over Shabbat, my husband and I decided we still had time to make this holiday special.

    Making Aliyah… During A Global Pandemic

    Making aliyah is never easy, let alone in the age of coronavirus.

    First Grade!

    As I approached the school along with tens of other children and parents, the excitement was palpable. The principal stood at the gate of the school, greeting each child with an elbow bump and a smile.

    Electronics In Israel

    In New York, you can walk into a showroom and examine a range of models; here, most stores carry a few show pieces and otherwise direct you to look through their catalogue to see if you like anything.

    Our Aliyah Anniversary

    My husband Tzvi has settled into working remotely, and the kids love being able to drop in to supervise his work.

    Our First Blackout

    Neighbors congregated in the building hallway to commiserate. Apparently, like cats on patios, power outages are a common part of life here in Israel – especially in the summer.

    Taking Out The Trash

    Before calling the municipality to arrange a special pickup of furniture or large appliances, residents often post pictures of these items on Facebook or WhatsApp groups with the simple message of "limisira b'ahava" (for donation with love).

    It’s My Flag Now

    I was so much indebted to these heroes; what more could I do to keep their memories alive?

    Buying English Books In Israel

    Generally, orders arrive in a matter of weeks. Little did I realize that due to coronavirus-related postal delays, our lift would arrive weeks before the books I ordered from this site!


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/review/in-print-review/hachofesh-hagadol/2020/09/03/

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