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Shiloh Musings

    Untangling Israel from the American Web

    Israelis are not happy about the next round of talks being directed by United States Secretary of State John Kerry.

    Shiloh Musings: Bibi and Likud Right? No, Wrong!

    Gd willing, there will be a miracle, and we'll finally have a true, reliable Jewish Leader who fears nothing but Gd Almighty. Gd willing, there will be a miracle, and we'll finally have a leader who will impose fully Israeli Sovereignty over the Entire Land of Israel

    Shiloh Musings: Message to Our Government Leaders based on Parsha

    Gd willing in the upcoming year, 5778, the Jewish People and the Government of Israel will have the faith in Gd to think of what's best for the Jewish People and State of Israel, and not what "the world" may say or do.

    Terror Close to Home

    If I can trust my memory, Psagot was a brand new yishuv when we moved to Shiloh in 1981.

    So Much Ignorance About Israel…

    I heard Netanyahu state his aim was to run for PM as a Centrist, establishing a Centrist coalition

    Shimon ‘The Dangerous’ Peres Wrong Again

    Shimon Peres personifies secular Labor's faulty reasoning.

    Shabbat Revolution in Israel‏

    Shabbat afternoon soccer games, a tradition in Israel's league, may become a thing of the past.

    Insane! Israeli Laws Endanger Soldiers and Civilians!‏

    Despite many IDF soldiers jailed for defending themselves, families say,"Rather jailed than dead."

    Jewish/Israeli Pride–Michael Douglas & Orange

    Being "nice" in order to placate bullies only increases the diplomatic offensive against Israel

    Shiloh Musings: UNESCO’s Anti-Jewish Policy Due to Israel’s Ambivilance

    There has been a big hue and cry here in Israel about the UNESCO's Anti-Jewish Statements re: Israeli/Jewish connection to our holy sites by the...

    We’ll Start the Year 5774 by Eating on the Fast Day

    Tzom Gedalia is one of the "minor" fast days, when we only fast during daylight.

    Shiloh Musings: Biblical Yitro and The Modern Baal Teshuva Movement

    Reflections from the well-known blogger on her inspiration to being Torah observant and how it is reminiscent of Yitro.

    The Dangers of Rebuilding Gaza‏

    Reuters has an article up claiming that to rebuild Gaza it will cost $7.8 billion. (Reuters) - Rebuilding Gaza will cost $7.8 billion, the Palestinian...

    Aliyah to Har HaBayit/Ascending the Temple Mount: Can Rabbis be Wrong?

    Despite mutual admiration between Glick and Rav Bin-Nun, they disagree on Jews ascending Har HaBayit

    NYC Jurors Make The P.A. Pay!!

    The Palestinian Authority, led by the "moderate" Abbas, and murderous terrorism are synonyms.

    Embarrassed to be An American!

    Obama-style diplomacy: "Kerry Brings Hugs and James Taylor to Repair Relations with France"

    Israel’s Secret Weapon!‏

    Israel has a secret weapon: G-d Almighty!

    Danny Danon’s Big Test in The UN

    Danon is still young, perhaps one day he'll succeed Bibi. Representing Israel in UN is good training

    Shiloh Musings: Memories of A Miraculous Flight

    Reflections on the 1991 Scud attacks, inspired by events this past Shabbat in Israel's north

    Shiloh Musings: Is Bibi on His Way Out?

    If Bibi had been strong about keeping the new security devices in place, the latest polls would have shown his Likud taking seats from Jewish Home, Yisrael Beiteinu, Yair Lapid and Kulanu. But he was not,

    The Jewish Calendar: More Awful News During the Tragic “Three Weeks”

    It's no surprise that the Kerry-Obama brokered "deal" with Iran was signed during the Three Weeks.

    Bennett and Lapid Lost the Game of ‘Chicken’ and We Got Livni

    Bennett shouldn't have trying to play chicken against a pro.

    Palestinian History 101, Curriculum and Essay Question‏

    Pop quiz: The shortest book ever written? "Palestinian History and Positive Contributions" text book

    Judges aren’t Gods- Israeli Judicial System Unjust

    Israel has a serious problem because judges choose judges and they have a STRONG Leftist ideology

    Take off the Gloves and Destroy the Arab Muslim Terrorists!

    How could the Jerusalem Post think the attack could have been other than a terrorist act?

    Shiloh Musings: Premise of “Jerusalem Bill” Horrendous

    They keep talking about this "Jerusalem Bill." Those in favor claim it will protect Jerusalem, but I think that the very premise behind the bill is a greater danger.

    Down with the ‘Land Swap’ Idea!!!!

    When you have nothing to die for, you really don't have anything to live for.

    Intermarriage Rarely Has a Happy Ending

    'Doublelife: One Family, Two Faiths and a Journey of Hope' is well written and compelling, but wrongly suggests that intermarriage is a workable option.


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