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A Soldier's Mother

    Obama’s Timetable

    We'll be here, Mr. President, long after you have turned to dust, your memory not even a breeze in the wind.

    A Soldier’s Mother: A Terror Attack….Live

    "it's Elul and we need the shofar, especially this morning. Two police, did you hear?" "Yes" I answered sadly. "They should have a complete recovery." "Amen," I said and watched as he blew the shofar.

    Life in Israel: A Complaint to Egged

    While there are many heartwarming tales told about Egged, sadly, the less than amazing is often more the norm.

    What Can Happen on a School Trip?

    Scrambled air force jets shooting down a drone, an Arab attacking them with rocks are not the usual concerns with sending your children on a school trip.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Marketplace of the Left: Times of Israel Censors a Soldier’s...

    "The fact is, I can name no less than five right-wing bloggers who have decided to give TOI a pass rather than put up with any more abuse. "

    A Soldier’s Mother: Six Million Tears

    What I feel for the Nazis is timeless, endless and without bounds. It is a hatred so deep, it borders on poison

    Hypocrisy’s Fury

    You dare to hold Jonathan Pollard in prison for 29 years for spying on an ally...when you've been doing the same thing all along?

    A Soldier’s Mother: Facing the Enemy

    Here in Israel, soldiers are an integral part of our society. The army not only knows this but encourages this. Yes, God protect them, they fight in wars but they protect us in our daily lives.

    Obama’s Temper Tantrum

    Kerry...and Bide...and EVERY DEMOCRAT just happened to be unavailable to meet with Netanyahu.

    When Is A Dolphin a…Zionist Spy?‏

    Spain's SeaWorld canceled Zionist-spy dolphin's performance unless it supports a Palestinian state

    A Soldier’s Mother: Remembering War‏

    In war you don't know when you will next see your child...or, God forbid, IF you will see him or her

    A Soldier’s Mother: At What Point Do You Wish Someone Dead?

    At what point do you wish someone dead? For me, it is when they forsake their humanity and take real and clear steps to take the life of another. I shed no tears for the terrorist "neutralized" today

    A Soldier’s Mother: Wonder Woman Died in Jerusalem on Friday

    Like Gal Gadot, Hadas Malka was young, beautiful, strong, dedicated to her country. In the movie, Wonder Woman seems to live forever;. In real life, Wonder Woman was killed by a terrorist

    America Has Spoken

    America has spoken. Obama has been given and has claimed his victory. America will get the government and the leaders it elected and cannot now cry over the results that will come in the next four years. Some of us can and do regret the results, but we will live with them, no weaker than we were yesterday, no less aware of what this so-called victory will mean for Israel and for the US.

    A Soldier’s Mother: What Victory Should Have Meant

    Trump's mandate for the next four years should also mean a renewed examination into the behavior and actions of the media. The camera was always meant to share the picture, not create it.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton

    I hope Trump wins, because Israel deserves better treatment than it got from Obama or will get from Clinton and Caine, who supported Obama's ongoing attempts to humiliate and insult Israel's leaders.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Wishing Away Terrorism

    In the last few years, terror attacks in the US and Europe have clearly become more common. I question not the interpretation of the fact, but the almost-desperate need to manipulate and deny it. Why?

    Grounding Kings and Presidents

    We can walk among presidents and kings all week, but it is only as we ground ourselves on Friday and enter the Sabbath do we approach the True King. These men who spoke have voice but no real power. They do not determine the present and future of Israel. As we entwine strands of dough, we are entwined with our land, our people, our faith and most of all, with God. It is this act, of preparing the challah and caring for our families that Jewish women have done for millennia.

    Who Firebombs a Grave?

    The area around Rachel's Tomb has been fortified, cement barriers erected to protect those wishing to pray beside her grave.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Brave and the Heartless

    He's so busy hating Israel, he's missing the fact that Muslims kill more Muslims in a single year than Israel has killed in total over more than 70 years.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Here We Fight

    How dare those who live on distant shores offer to sacrifice Jerusalem for us. It is MY son on the front line defending this land, defending Jerusalem from the north, as my city defends it from the east. They have no right and more, they do much wrong.

    Trying to be Normal…Again

    My stomach is tied in knots. I'm tense and I can feel my heart racing. It's been so long since I had this sense of dread choking my throat. A terrorist has blown up a bus of Israelis. Not in Israel - in Bulgaria. I'm following the news. Three dead. Five dead. At least seven dead.

    Israel Voted Today: I Chose ‘Power for Israel’

    Someone asked me if Israelis were forced to vote or they had a choice...we so have a choice and we choose to vote.

    Dr. Seuss and the Fall of America

    The cat in the hat has left our fair shore, And here we are left, abandoned and poor.

    A Message to Ahmadinejad

    A response to Ahmadinejad's vitriol from a Jew of Persian descent.

    In the Name of Allah and Ramadan

    Allah is NOT merciful: Stabbing, beheading, shooting innocents is barbaric & cowardly acts of terror

    What’s Important to America?

    Here on vacation I woke up in the middle of the night to watch the second debate. I had not seen either the first one or the VP debate, though I saw and read clips. I thought I would be bored; I wasn't. I hoped I would be impressed - I was...by Mitt Romney.

    CNN and Terror – When Hypocrisy Rules

    Dear CNN: When hypocrisy rules a media outlet, its mandate to call what they do "journalism" expires


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/a-soldiers-mother/obamas-timetable/2013/03/05/

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