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A Soldier's Mother

    Blaming Wrong

    Last night, an Israeli bus was pelted by stones thrown by Arabs as Jews traveled to the Western Wall. No, the Temple Mount itself is not enough for the Arabs and so they attack Jews who are even close by.

    A Message to Ahmadinejad

    A response to Ahmadinejad's vitriol from a Jew of Persian descent.

    A Soldier’s Mother: A Message to Geula and Mea Shearim

    But if a soldier of Israel cannot walk safely in your neighborhood, than neither can I.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Bus Driver

    Finally, a story that won't "DRIVE" you crazy and which has a happy ending...

    What Can Happen on a School Trip?

    Scrambled air force jets shooting down a drone, an Arab attacking them with rocks are not the usual concerns with sending your children on a school trip.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Another Terror Attack

    In today's attack, one soldier is seen running towards the attack, only to stop and turn back. Then dozens of others are seen running away from the truck that rammed into the soldiers.

    A Soldier’s Daughter

    Months ago, Elie and Lauren asked us for names of relatives.

    Eilat Has Been Hit

    People go to Eilat to get away from it all, but today the trouble came to them.

    What DOESN’T Make the News‏

    100% of the 'First Responders' helping those Arab school girls were Jewish and they didn't hesitate!

    Olympic Runners Would Die…

    I wonder if anyone in the Olympics has thought of the reality that people in Israel's south live with every day.

    Tea, Chocolate and Running Around…

    I asked him how it went - it went fine.

    Yes, Jonathan Pollard Again

    Obama, don't come...or at least have the decency to bring Jonathan Pollard home.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The ‘Times of Israel’

    There are days that the anger chokes you. Well, to the Times of Israel Staff, congratulations. I'm choking. I can only pray Hallel's parents are not reading your paper's reporting of the TERROR attack

    France without Jews‏

    France not wanting to be Judenrein is understandable; Isn't what's best for French Jews the issue?

    A Soldier’s Mother: In My Little Country Today…

    In my little country today, we were hit by a missile. The siren sounded; the red alert was announced. Children, panicked and frightened, were hurried into bomb shelters

    A Soldier’s Mother: Why Tonight There Will Be No Funerals

    How do you return to normal on a day that wasn't supposed to be normal at all? Even as I ask the question, I know the answer. Normal is what we Israelis dream of, pray for, work towards.

    Stages of War

    One inevitable fact I have learned after almost 20 years here is that tomorrow will come, as planned, as designed, no matter what I do.

    With Clarity Comes Propaganda

    According to the Israeli government, the quick actions last night of Israel's soldiers prevented a greater tragedy from happening. According to those who support the Palestinians cause...well, they're stuck. They have to lie because they can't possibly work with the truth. So, here's how it goes, according to the twisted logic of the other side.


    In the days and hours before my operation, many of my friends, even strangers that I meet, are asking me for my name and when the operation will be.

    The Gift

    {Originally posted to the author's blog} Imagine if your grandfather gave you something precious, a legacy from his father. Imagine as well, that before giving...

    Anti-Aircraft Missiles in Sinai?

    The Egyptians have never proven themselves to be particularly open or honest in their dealings with Israel. At least four wars have been fought between our countries. Peace is a fragile thing that must be nurtured. It must be built on honest dealings and trust. Moving tanks and anti-aircraft missiles violates not only the agreement, but the trust as well.

    The Spin of Evil‏

    Impossible, after 6 long years of Obama's reign to ignore his total disdain for Bibi,Israel, Judaism

    The Collective Jew

    Three incidents have once again reinforced what I have known all my life.

    A Soldier’s Mother: When the Arabs Make Our Point Better Than We Ever Can

    The Left's shifting to the Right;the Right welcomes them because regardless of side we're one people

    A Blessed Land, Wet or Dry

    There are things we do not understand - so many things, but I believe God answers every prayer that is sent to Him.

    What You Don’t Put on Facebook

    When it comes to the army, there are some thing you just don't post online.

    Going Radio Silent…

    I feel I have the best of doctor and I'm looking forward to being able to use my arm fully...

    A Woman of Courage and Strength

    When a doctor told her there was no hope... she decided not to listen.

    The Shame of Virginia

    For the record, the grand total of Jewish grandmothers in Israel that have blown up ANYTHING: ZERO!

    A 19 Year Old’s Vote‏

    "They all attack each other" is how David described campaign tactics. "Welcome to politics, my son,"


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/a-soldiers-mother/blaming-wrong/2012/08/05/

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