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A Soldier's Mother

    A Soldier’s Mother: Beersheva Terror Attack Moments Ago‏

    7 victims: 4 policemen, 1 soldier, 2 civilians. All to carry scars for life.

    Security, Then, Now, Here, There

    How shocking now to think that two of my sons are older than that young man was then...

    A Soldier’s Mother: What We Do to Ourselves

    Why did I wear my "star"? Here once, Germany had labeled Jews, now I freely chose to label myself.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Temple Mount and 97 Arabs

    Israel, unlike Jordan and unlike the Palestinians, practices freedom of religion and so we allow...read that again...WE ALLOW all religions...well, except Jews...to pray on the Temple Mount.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Defiant…Determined…Dedicated…‏

    The People of Israel Live: We are defiant; we are determined; and most of all, we are dedicated.

    A Soldier’s Mother: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    You want to remember the Holocaust, Europe? Great but please work harder at preventing the next one

    A Soldier’s Mother

    I once loved the clouds... yet now, I don't know.

    Ready, Aim…Toast

    Yesterday, Gaza supporters began tweeting that Israeli helicopters were randomly firing... I saw the video. It does not look random to me.

    Gadi Eizenkot Should Resign NOW

    Eizenkot, resign! You can't send a 19-year-old boy into battle then hang him to dry for a mistake...IF he made a mistake

    A Soldier’s Mother: Praying for Tzvika

    Arabs work here, shop here, see doctors here and Friday morning, tried to murder a security guard

    A Soldier’s Mother: Laughing at UNESCO

    When it gets to be too much, sometimes, you really have to laugh...

    Sirens and Erie Thoughts in Israel

    I listened to what was supposed to symbolize a massive missile attack - sirens wailing all over Israel.

    The Blood of an American Hero

    I keep hearing the words of Charles Woods as he speaks of his son Tyrone. Tyrone was a Navy SEAL - who did what Navy SEALS have been doing for as long as they have existed - he went to the aid of his fellow Americans. For 7 hours, he fought terrorists. He and Glen Doherty managed to hold them off, managed to kill 60 of them, according to some reports. And in all that time, no Americans arrived to help them, to save them. No one came to their aid despite repeated requests, despite available assets.

    They Didn’t Let Us Finish

    At some point, Israel has to do more than just stop Hamas until the next time. At some point, we will have to finish the job and eliminate Hamas' ability to fire on our people...or perhaps, just eliminate Hamas.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Trying to Be Normal

    The funerals continue here, and the stories of who they were and what they were able to accomplish before their lives were cut short will bring you to your knees.

    Olympic Committee Builds Barriers Between Nations

    I am disgusted that after ordering all flags to fly at half-mast in 1972, the Olympics Committee rushed to raise the flags of 10 Arab nations who protested mourning the massacre of Jews/Israelis. And today, I am beyond sickened by the thought that complicity has turned to action; that the Lebanese could demand a wall be built - and the Olympics Committee complied.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Facing the Enemy

    Here in Israel, soldiers are an integral part of our society. The army not only knows this but encourages this. Yes, God protect them, they fight in wars but they protect us in our daily lives.

    The Gift

    {Originally posted to the author's blog} Imagine if your grandfather gave you something precious, a legacy from his father. Imagine as well, that before giving...

    I Surrender…

    For weeks now, I've been posting and writing about the International Olympic Committee's pathetic, disgusting and disturbing decision not to grant one moment, sixty seconds, of silence in memory of the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich - not once...in forty years. And today, I read an article about the heightened security concerns.

    The Russian and the Charmer

    Both men are, above all else, pragmatic. They will defy logic and critics to shake up the political spectrum. Bibi has done it several times. A few months ago, polls guaranteed him a sure win if he called early elections. The announcements were made; dates were discussed and then, in the dead of night, he made a deal to unite with Kadima. No surprise to anyone, that deal fell apart rather quickly and Israel is once again on the path to elections.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The ‘Times of Israel’

    There are days that the anger chokes you. Well, to the Times of Israel Staff, congratulations. I'm choking. I can only pray Hallel's parents are not reading your paper's reporting of the TERROR attack

    A Soldier’s Mother: What Religion Are We?

    Our children grow in this land of Israel, strong and proud. We march through the streets of our land, unafraid and yet committed to helping others, seeking peace, treating others with respect.

    A Soldier’s Mother: The Silence

    The sound of the explosion is deafening...so too is the silence of the world.

    Anti-Aircraft Missiles in Sinai?

    The Egyptians have never proven themselves to be particularly open or honest in their dealings with Israel. At least four wars have been fought between our countries. Peace is a fragile thing that must be nurtured. It must be built on honest dealings and trust. Moving tanks and anti-aircraft missiles violates not only the agreement, but the trust as well.

    A Soldier’s Mother: Why Can’t You Understand?

    How can you possibly understand the horror of watching your land burn? It is an open wound you don't forget for a moment, a thought that stays in your mind as you go about your day.

    Find the Message

    The loss is incalculable. What can we learn?

    U.N. Head Rejects Calls for Israel’s Annihilation

    Honestly, that message could have been delivered from New York.

    Outrageous, Offensive, Improper, Incorrect, Wrong, Just WRONG‏

    I encourage the Times of Israel editors to re-balance their site before ToI loses all credibility

    A Soldier’s Mother: Dear Son, Wear the Damn Coat‏

    Big difference between "fighters" & "jobniks" is the sense to wear a coat in a storm; Point Jobniks


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/a-soldiers-mother/a-soldiers-mother-beersheva-terror-attack-moments-ago%e2%80%8f/2015/10/18/

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