Analysis: Merkel’s Party Losing Badly as Social Democrats, Anti-Immigrant AfD Win Berlin State Vote

The SPD is expected to form a new regional coalition government with the Left and the Greens, who suffered a 2.5% drop to 15.1%.

Departing Diaspora Minister Shai: Labor Should Have Expressed More Right-Wing Attitudes

"Our society is moving to the right and we had to draw our conclusions."

MK Elazar Stern to Join Yesh Atid

Stern quit Livni's party last month...

USA Today: Netanyahu Will ‘Look Into’ Weapons for Ukraine If Elected Prime Minister

Netanyahu said he prefers “getting all the information, then making decisions on what and if we do anything. . . beyond what has been done so far.”

High Court Blocks Petition to Disqualify Him from Forming Government

The High Court declared it would not be discussing the issue before the election, stating that “at this time the petition is theoretical and premature.”

Netanyahu Leaves Official Residence after 12 Years, Bennett Will Only Sleep Over

the Shin Bet wants to renovate the prime minister's residence at a cost of between NIS 10-15 million ($3-4.6 million) after Netanyahu's departure.

Video & Full Transcript: President Biden Explains Why He Decided to Abandon His Campaign

"Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy, and that includes personal ambition. So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation."

Friday’s Poll Shows Likud Getting Weaker, Shaked at 3%

Should Ayelet Shaked manage to squeeze out 4 mandates, the right-wing bloc could grow to 62, if not higher.

First Elections Poll Is Out: Bibi Stays, Labor Sinking from 24 to 9

Habayit Hayehudi headed by Naftali Bennett receives 11 seats in the new poll, compared to 8 in the current Knesset.

Erdan Announces Support for Netanyahu in Likud Leadership Primary

Erdan does not oppose the challenge presented by Sa'ar, saying such a race “maintains the democracy” within the party and “strengthens” the Likud.

Despite Hamas Boycott, Fatah Loses Municipal Elections in the Palestinian Authority

Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party does not enjoy support from the PA's population, and they would be quickly replaced by the Islamists and other terror groups if given the chance.

Pastor for Cruz Shot Six Times

Pastor for Cruz shot six times following rally for Texas senator.

Ben & Jerry’s Launches New Flavor: Bernie Sanders

The firm's Jewish co-founders handed out $1,500 worth of ice cream at Sander's presidential campaign event in Vermont on Wednesday.

J Street Flipped Jamaal Bowman Against Israel, Ruined his Career

They went and ruined a friendly African American politician – not just for Israel, who is in dire need of friendly Democrats on the Hill, but they went and ruined Bowman’s career, too.

Ted Cruz Calls for Financial Boycott of Universities Backing BDS Israel

Cruz said everything the GOP's Sheldon Big Bucks Adelson wanted to hear, but wouldn’t it be better to let BDS die from lack brain disease?

1 Year Later: Poll Shows Likud, Labor Setback, Lapid, Bennett Increase

The left would lose even more than Likud if the elections were held today, with Labor dropping from 24 to 18 seats.

World Leaders Congratulate Netanyahu on Victory

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Netanyahu in English and in Hebrew.

WATCH: Elections and the The Real Deal

The elections will have a significant role in how the Deal of the Century gets implemented.

Smotrich Rules Out Coalition with Ra’am Party, Bennett Rules Out Fifth Election

Smotrich and Bennett notwithstanding, it may yet come down to a fifth round at the polls.

Re-elected Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Sends a Message to the Kotel

Rabbi Schneur Oirechman, Chabad emissary in Tallahassee, Fla., read the note, which he then placed in the Western Wall as is customary.

Hillary Clinton Adviser Recommended Making Bibi’s Life ‘Uneasy’

Sandy Berger: “Going forward, if Bibi continues to be the obstacle, you will need to find the ground from which you can make his politics uneasy."

AG Barr Launches Countrywide Probe of Voting Irregularities

The Secretary of State in each state must certify the election results by December 8, which is therefore the date by which all recounts and lawsuits must be resolved.

Despite PM’s Objections, Shaked Demands Final Deal with Peretz, Smotrich in 24 Hours

Too inclusive a union might actually cost the bloc some votes, because the purists in each section of the public to the right of Likud might opt to stay home if they're turned off by this or that partner.

Report: Habayit Hayehudi Will Oppose Any Kahlon Attempt to Alter Nationality Law

The Habayit Hayehudi Knesset faction will resolutely oppose any attempt by Kulanu and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon to make any changes in the Nationality...

Turkey’s Erdogan Expects to Maintain Relations with Israel After Netanyahu Win

Israeli President Isaac Herzog established a warm relationship with Erdogan earlier this year during his official visit to Ankara.

National Religious Movement Wins 13 Seats – Highest in Its History

In 2018, Bennett explained to reporters at a press conference in Tel Aviv—not Jerusalem—that Netanyahu’s contempt for religious Zionism had reached an intolerable peak.

Kamala Harris Vows Unconditional Support for Israel, No Nukes for Iran

She said the Biden administration will seek an amended "diplomatic agreement” with Iran that would include the Islamic Republic's terror activities around the Middle East.


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