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Atlas Shrugs

    Atlas Shrugs is a blog by Pamela Geller.

    Report: Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda Worked to Infiltrate CIA

    A good number of their proxies are in the Obama administration.

    Marine Corps Drops Charges in Urination Case

    The Marine Corp withdrew the charges because senior commanders had interfered in the case to get a guilty verdict.

    State Dept. Now Fighting ‘Enemies Of Islam’

    Does President Obama know that his Administration is launching an all out effort to kill or capture people in the name of Islam?

    U.S. Military Hires Terror-Tied Chaplains

    If the US military doesn't know better, then who are we to trust with our defense?

    Ground Zero Mosque Imam Vows It Will Be Built ‘in my Lifetime’

    He said: "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims."

    The Israelis Have Finally Responded and So Will the Media

    The Israeli air force launched strikes Tuesday afternoon on targets in the Gaza Strip

    Islamist Showdown

    They didn't just "flag" our talk: these brutes and thugs are attempting to destroy freedom of speech and impose the blasphemy laws under Islamic law.

    Saudi Nat’l First Questioned in Boston Bombing to Be Deported

    When I heard he was from a very powerful Saudi family, I worried about this kind of thing happening.

    Topless Anti-Jihad Activist Hunted Down and Arrested

    A Muslim cleric in moderate Tunisia called for her stoning death.

    Muslimah Misogyny: ‘Muslim Women Against Femen’

    A Muslim women's group has emerged to protest a western women's group which is protesting oppression of women in Islamic countries.

    UK: Muslim with Machete Stabs Cop and Three Others in a Mosque

    A 32-year-old man, believed to be of Somali origin, has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and is currently in custody.

    Devout Muslim Group Vows to Kill ‘Anyone Who Supports the Christians’

    Here, again, the very definition of Islamic supremacism from another devout Muslim group.

    Afghan Ally Kills US Soldier

    The Obama Administration announced that it wanted to meet with the Taliban in Doha for “peace talks.” The Taliban laughed and never showed.

    Betrayal: Republicans Who Voted for Hagel

    Four Republican senators voted in favor of Hagel, including Rand Paul of Kentucky.

    State Dept Recruits at Conference with Reportedly Islamist Groups

    The U.S. State Department appears to be coordinating recruitment efforts with groups reportedly associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Texas Police Double as Mahmoudberg’s Militia

    Exclusive: Pamela Geller examines law-enforcement connection to U.S. terror compound.

    Top Al Qaeda Operative Left Blueprint to Govern Entire Muslim World

    Nasser al-Wahishi provides a step-by-step assessment of what worked and what didn’t in Yemen.

    ‘Islamic Emergency Defence’ aka UK Vigilante Sharia Mobs

    A jihadist group, "Islamic Emergency Defence" (IED), has set up a website and hotline in the UK for Muslims to to report non-Muslim initiatives and demos.

    Iraq Uncovers Al-Qaeda WMD Jihad Plot

    Three workshops for manufacturing the chemical agents, including sarin and mustard gas, were uncovered.

    ‘Moderate’ Malaysia: Sharia Police Hunt Down Christians who Say ‘Allah’

    Selangor Perkasa chief Abu Bakar Yahya said it was inappropriate for non-Muslims to use the word.

    After Drawn Out Battle, Chicago Transit Allows Anti-Jihad Ads

    The City of Chicago has the indecency to call us 'morally reprehensible,' but it is they are morally reprehensible for attempting to deny us our First Amendment rights.

    UN Diplomat: Jihadists May Have Used Gas – Not Assad

    "There are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated."

    Muslim Terror Plot to Bomb BC on Canada Day Foiled

    Pictures provided by the RCMP showed rusted nails inside the pressure cookers.

    Europe’s Meltdown: A Cautionary Tale

    It isn’t just in Sweden. It’s in France as well.

    Muslim ‘Youth’ Looting the Dead at French Rail Crash

    A police spokesman described groups of local people “picking through the wreckage” on Friday night and looting from the bodies of victims.

    Yet Another Rabbi Comes Out for Islamic Oppression

    Why would it alienate true moderates to discuss the elements of Islam that need reform and the violent and supremacist actions that make that reform necessary?

    A Democrat FINALLY Uses the Word ‘Jihad’

    .....to describe the Republicans' principled stand for the American people.

    Iranian Commander: ‘We Have Targets within America’

    Reports indicate that terrorist Hezbollah forces — allies of Iran — have infiltrated the U.S. and have mapped out targets.

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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/atlas-shrugged-blogs/report-hamas-hezbollah-al-qaeda-worked-to-infiltrate-cia/2013/09/03/

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