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    NY Times Considers Notion That Terrorism Against Israel is a Matter of Free Speech

    The 2,000-word article ended with an exchange that suggested the public square deserved to hear from Leila Khaled:


    It never dawned on American Jews that they were facing a threat as they watched a legal and financial system which was based on fairness and hard work in which they participated and excelled, being trashed as inherently racist.

    Purim And The 2024 Elections

    We are not powerless to stem the tide of hatred

    Alternatives for Punishing Dead Terrorists

    Perhaps attacking a terrorist's legacy broadly and publicly would dissuade others from terrorism?

    25,000 Jews Remaining

    The number 25,000 is both random and round. Yet it serves as a powerful marker of the Jewish population in cities and countries around the world; which are growing and which are disappearing.

    Brooklyn Chanukah Donut Crawl 2020

    A picture=1000 Thousand words BUT ZERO calories

    Jews in the Midst

    Even embedded in society, Jews are picked out for attack for the simple reason that they are Jewish

    Collective Guilt / Collective Punishment

    Sometimes collective action against the heinous acts of the majority is not enough. The world should not only support the blockade of Gaza; it must enforce the dismantling of Hamas.

    Israeli Olympians get their #IsraeliLivesMatter Moment

    Arabs objected to the memorial of the Israeli athletes slain at the Munich Olympics, just as they refuse to recognize Israel, refuse to compete against Israeli athletes or even ride on a bus with them

    The Fault in Our Tent: The Limit of Speech

    {Originally posted to the author's website, FirstOne Through} Some passionate and eloquent liberals have bemoaned the state of inclusiveness among Jews today. Leon Wieseltier, editor...

    New York Times Pushes the Lie of Israeli Apartheid

    A complete Times piece on Israel must have #FakeNews in addition to #AlternativeFacts and inversions

    Hidden Reactors, Silent Reaction

    World capitulates to Iran on nukes; it should have remembered lessons from Syria’s nuke plant in '07

    If Palestinians are Scared, it Must be Real

    For the NY Times, Gazan and Palestinian fears are real while Israeli fears are overblown, delusional scenarios, which the army then uses as a propaganda to conceal their over-reactions

    The UN Can’t Support Israel’s Fight on Terrorism since it Considers Israel the Terrorists

    The emotions evident in describing terror attacks around the globe is absent if Israelis are victims

    I’m Offended, You’re Dead

    Believing a few “extremists” hijacked Islam is myopic in history and geography, numbers and scope

    Who’s a Terrorist according to the NY Times? The PKK or Hamas?

    The New York Times surrounds Hamas with euphemisms and distortions

    “Ethnic Cleansing” in Israel and the Israeli Territories

    The US and UN have no time or interest for Israelis stating simple truths about ethnic cleansing. If you want the world's applause, you'd best be served by denying facts as the Palestinian Arabs do.

    The First Dreamer

    Foreshadowing the Life Of Joseph

    The West Bank / Gaza Coronavirus Gap

    Why do Gazans want the vaccine while West Bank Arabs do not?

    “The Death of George Floyd” Opera and The Humanity of Derek Chauvin

    How does one compare the killing of a 6’4” 225-pound man in a physical tussle to the point blank shooting of a wheelchair-bound elderly man and subsequent tossing him off a boat while on an anniversary cruise?

    Will NY Democrats Come After A Pro-Jewish Pro-Israel Congressman?

    Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY17) has been very active supporting his constituents, particularly those interested in combatting antisemitism and promoting peace in the Middle East. It...

    Pride. Jewish and Gay

    If only Jewish Democratic leaders had an Iota of Pride in Being Jewish as they have for the gay community.

    Gimme that Old-Time Religion

    Judaism & Islam had amazing historical finds in July; NY Times thought only 1 important-Guess which?

    Uncomfortable vs. Dangerous Free Speech

    Politicians and media sources recently argued that only right-wing racist calls to violence should be illegal. Free speech has NOTHING to do with political views and everything to do with safety.

    Wearing Our Beliefs

    When a Jew puts on tefillin, he declares connection to both God and family tradition.

    The Invisible Anti-Semitism in Obama’s 2016 State of the Union

    Obama supporting fanatical, anti-Semitic, America-bashing Iran isn't a recipe to “keep America safe”

    Rashida Tlaib’s Modern ‘Mein Kampf’

    Successful race baiters become famous and powerful. They first attract attention which brings in followers, and then money and ultimately true power.

    Ending Apartheid in Jerusalem

    Discrimination still exists in Jerusalem and it is practiced against the Jews of the city.

    Palestinian Arabs De-Registering from UNRWA

    UNRWA Refugees are demanding de-registration from UNRWA to become regular refugees under the UNHCR which cares for every other refugee in the world.

    Missing: IHRA Antisemitism Definitions Related To Israel

    People are concerned that the IHRA definition of antisemitism has too many references to the Jewish STATE of Israel when in fact it has too few mentions of the Jewish LAND of Israel


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/firstonethrough/ny-times-considers-notion-that-terrorism-against-israel-is-a-matter-of-free-speech/2021/01/25/

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