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Jordana in Jerusalem

    Jordana in Jamaica Estates (Part 1)

    One exciting element of traveling is that it was my first time ever doing so as a dual-citizen!

    It’s Been 9 Years

    9 years ago this week, the Israeli government forced 8,000 Jews from their homes and lives in Gaza.

    69 MORE Reasons I love Israel!

    And Israel's Birthday Party continues...

    Rock the Vote (Part 2)

    "Please stop shushing me" They kept shushing! Shushing seems to be how Leftists do Israeli politics!

    Aliyahversary, the Second!

    My Aliyah continues to be the best decision I've ever made. But with any huge life decision there are peaks and valleys. And this year came with higher peaks and lower valleys than in my first year

    This Is Just a Drill

    Today is one year since the "3 boys" Eyal, Gilad and Naftali were kidnapped and killed by terrorists

    Just Right of Center

    The terrorists more often than not are Israeli Arabs, with the full rights of Israeli citizens.

    My Declaration of Independence

    I've decided to move away from my safety net-and I wouldn't change that decision for anything.

    Deep Breaths

    You'd think my passion, language skills&sparkling smile would've opened doors for me, right? Not so!

    A Girl with Two Homes

    Today is a month since I made aliyah! Was it only one month ago that I landed in Ben Gurion, clutching my teudat zehut,...

    Jordana Takes Tel Aviv: A Peace Summit on the 480

    Two Jews on a bus going the same -yet opposite directions, to hopefully, the same place.

    And The Hits Just Keep On Comin’

    American Jews think they know what's best for Israel-better than Israelis. Here's my take...

    Jerusalem of Cold

    And I know in Israel you have to be psyched when it rains-but I'm not there yet.

    The Misinformation of Lauryn Hill

    Hill's Israel concert was selling tickets for months. Had she even planned a concert in Ramallah?

    Lest Ye Be Judged

    If I love Israel, do I actually have to hate America? What a stupid question, of course not!

    It’s Party Time!

    I never felt an election resonate so much; I had true existential fear that my candidate might lose

    Fear and Loathing in Jerusalem

    My city isn't like Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beit Shemesh or even Tzfat. My city is Israel's eternal capital.

    Calling a Spade a Spade

    The French suffered for trying to see the good in humanity and not for willfully ignoring the bad.

    Une Famille Juive

    Majority of mourners were French, mourning both the slain and the loss of France's Jewish community

    House Hunters: Jerusalem

    Apartment hunting is kinda like dating: You go see anything that looks right on paper-and pray.

    Holiday Candles, Birthday Candles, Emergency Candles

    January 1st is known as Sylvester here in Israel. It always strikes me as funny, since it's named after St. Sylvester, a pope who...

    Enough is Most Definitely Enough!

    Now is the time to wave the flag, stand on a rooftop & scream "Am Yisrael Chai"--We are NOT leaving!

    On Parades and Aliyah

    Supporting Israel is great. Visiting Israel is great. Donating to Israel is great. Singing hatikva is great. Flying an Israeli flag is great--but none is the goal. Start thinking about aliya.

    Jew in a Box

    Here in Israel, the Jewish state, we are blessedly not the "other" and this is great and this is bad

    The One with the Stairs

    My stairs had been built, big and strong-BUT ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE APARTMENT!

    Aaaaaand…We’re Back!

    "...people making jokes about turning this into a shelter rave, taking #bombshelterselfies..."

    Hello from Jordana in Jerusalem (, ISRAEL!)

    Jordana weighs in with her Top 5 on the US recognizing JERUSALEM as the capital of ISRAEL.

    Looking For the Right One

    I need a job, my friends. A real life, full-time, pay-the-bills, up at 7, home-after-nightfall JOB!

    The Wandering Jew(ess)

    Regardless of your opinion on the hareidi community, the food is delicious and super-duper kosher!

    Taking the “Home” Out of Homeland

    Jerusalem, mentioned 700 times in the Torah and not once in Koran, apparently isn't Israel's capital


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/jordana-in-jerusalem/jordana-in-jamaica-estates-part-1/2015/04/26/

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