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The Muqata

    Shlissel (Key) Challah: The Loaf of Idolatry?

    Jameel discusses the origins of the minhag of Shlissel Challah.

    Another Dark Day for America

    I think it's fair to say that Putin spit in Obama's face yesterday, and then rubbed it in for good measure.

    Courage Under Fire

    Numerous people sent me a blog post which has been reverberating around the internet -- its title translated into English; "One who believes isn't...

    Democratic But Unethical

    Like Ariel Sharon, Naftali Bennett lied and cheated his voters, but technically, what he did didn't break the rules of Israeli democracy.

    Who is Betraying America?

    The State Department claims Bibi revealing details of the bad Iranian deal to Americans would be a "betrayal".

    These Candles: The Prayer that Went Viral

    I had often wondered, if Jews love Israel so much, why didn't they just get up and come here. The Mahram's Aliyah attempt showed that Jews did.

    The Mount of Olives Declaration

    The main holiday events took place on the last day of Sukkot, Hoshana Raba. The Gaon would lead the people around the Temple Mount, and then the crowd made its way to the Mount of Olives. After they climbed the mountain, they circled it seven times. A monumental stone marked the spot where God looked over the Temple Mount. The Gaon would sit on this stone as he spoke to the assembled crowd.

    My Pesach Disappointment

    An article in Mekor Rishon appeared to offer readers the oppurtunity to participate in the Korban Pesach.

    Review: A History of the Palestinian People – From Ancient Times to the Modern...

    Assaf A. Voll has written one of the most comprehensive books on the history of the Palestinian People.

    92 Redux: Is This the End of the Israeli Right, Or a New Beginning?

    Bennett and Shaked's breakaway party will either strengthen Israel's right, or completely destroy it in the upcoming elections...

    Too Pious to Give a Get

    The ongoing behavior of withholding the Get is not pious behavior, therefore one can't demand the privileges and services that a pious person requires, demands or expects.

    Play a Joke on Your Friends, Get Even with your Enemies

    The Justice Minister has opened an "incitement hotline", where you can report on your friends, enemies and neighbors, and the government will pay them a visit for you.

    Mishpacha Magazine Did NOT Beg Terrorists To Not Murder Hareidim

    No one actually bothered to read the entire article, or understand what the author was trying to actually say. We welcome Mishpacha to social media.

    Parsha Lesson: Battling Kidnappers and Amalek, Then and Now

    Amalek kidnapped an Israelite. They thought they could confuse God and Israel by pretending to be local Canaanites.

    Beware the Echo Chamber, Fear the Media Savvy Left, Stick to the Truth

    How do you fight an opponent who wins by manipulating through media and drowning out opposing voices?

    Muqata Reveals: Secret IDF War Plan for Gaza

    Jameel reveals the secret plan devised by the Israeli cabinet for victory in Gaza

    New England Patriots to Hold Moment of Silence for Ezra Schwartz

    Ezra was a NE fan and his friends draped his NE Jersey on his casket when his body was flown back to America.

    When is a Palestinian Not a Palestinian?

    Historically, the Christian residents of Bethlehem did not identify themselves as Arabs.

    If Hamas is Evil, then Israel Must be Evil Too

    Schabas can't understand how Hamas might commit war crimes, but not Israel.

    David Friedman’s Apartheid State and One-Sided Settlement Freeze

    David Friedman is on our side, but he makes claims that are contradicted by the text of the peace plan he is trying to sell us.

    The Channel 10 Hypocrisy

    After Channel 10 is bailed out with our tax dollars, what will they do differently?

    Lag BaOmer – One Big Mistake?

    The entire idea of partying on Lag BaOmer is based on... a typo.

    This Could Be a Great (and Stable) Coalition

    The more the Left whines about this coalition, the more optimistic we all should be.

    Today’s Syria Is Tomorrow’s Palestine

    The current peace talks raise some obvious questions, the answers are a little less obvious.

    New Campaign: No Israeli Should Vacation in Turkey Until Our Brothers are Home from...

    Until Hamas returns out brothers, we must refuse normalization with Hamas's close ally, Turkey.

    A Pallywood Hijacking

    Palestinian have no shame when it comes to lying, even easily exposed lies.

    Remembering Ari Fuld hy”d

    It’s the 7th of Tishrei. It’s been 3 years since Ari Fuld hy”d was murdered.

    The Four-State Solution

    There are already two Jew-free Palestinian states, how many more do they need?


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/muqata/shlissel-key-challah-the-loaf-of-idolatry/2011/12/21/

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