Why Don’t We Celebrate Two Days of Purim in Jerusalem?
Jews of 14th century Jerusalem celebrated Purim on both the 14th and 15th of Adar.
What Just Happened to the Peace Talks?!
The Arabs didn't miss an opportunity for peace. Their goal has always been something else entirely.
Expelling Jews is a Red Line
I fully believe Avigdor Liberman when he says that he will uproot Jewish homes for peace. So should you.
Israel Must Be Prepared to Also Redraw the Map
Israel needs to start pushing the jungle back.
A Pallywood Hijacking
Palestinian have no shame when it comes to lying, even easily exposed lies.
The Chareidi Gush Katif
Legislation is being used to force a situation onto a significantly large minority sector that disagrees with the decision. Will it once again end in disaster for everyone?
Netanyahu Didn’t Lose the Justice Minister Vote
Netanyahu's actions yesterday were important messages to a whole slew of people. Were they smart enough to understand them?
Shlissel (Key) Challah: The Loaf of Idolatry?
The baking of a key inside a bread is a non-Jewish custom which has its foundation in Christian, and possibly even earlier, pagan culture.
What We Settlers See at the Gush Etzion Junction
Gideon Levy wants to know what Settlers think of all the army at the Gush Etzion junction. JoeSettler lets him know...
Who’s to Blame: Sovereignty, Annexation or Applying Israeli Law
Deliberate ambiguity has created resistance among those who should otherwise be supporting the application of Israeli law in Judea and Samaria. Name-calling hasn't helped either.
New El Al Slogans
JoeSettler contemplated some new El Al slogans like: "El Al - Our pilots are trained in evasive maneuvers".... Let's hear your new El Al Slogans...
When Deterrence Fails, Build a Wall [photos]
When you don't or won't implement a particularly effective deterrence plan to prevent terrorism, it appears the only step left is to wall yourself in.
Netanyahu’s Victory for the Free World
Netanyahu's decisive victory has important ramifications beyond who gets to sit int he coalition.
Finally, a Healthy Jewish Reaction to Arab Violence [video]
All the actors were in place, only, they didn't expect the Jews to react as they did.
The Real Yair Lapid
Lapid lacks intellectual depth, is ignorant of historical facts, sees settlers as extremists to be battled, and wants to divide Jerusalem.
Venez à la Maison en Israël
It always surprises me that all the Jews in Germany didn't run away as soon as the antisemitism became overt and unavoidable...
School Fires Unmarried Pregnant Teacher: The Whole Story
If the ulpana truly wanted to act as a role model for their students, they should not have fired their teacher.
Condemning the Jewish Extremists
Everyone is angry at the ongoing Arab terrorism, but what does murdering a baby have to do with protecting Jewish lives or furthering Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel?
My Pesach Disappointment
An article in Mekor Rishon appeared to offer readers the oppurtunity to participate in the Korban Pesach.
Abandonment and Boycotts – How We Should Respond
Threats to abandon Settlers to terrorists, and boycotts of Israel are creating opportunities that can be exploited for the good, says JoeSettler.
Tuvia Grossman and the Covington Catholic School Fiasco
If the media didn't learn from Tuvia Grossman, why will it learn now from Covington Catholic High School?
How to Stop the Arab Violence on the Temple Mount
Netanyahu seems to be overlooking the only solution guaranteed to work...
Remembering Ari Fuld hy”d
It’s the 7th of Tishrei. It’s been 3 years since Ari Fuld hy”d was murdered.
A Paradox: Israeli Arabs vs. Illegal African Migrants
Today (Thursday) in Kfar Manda, an Israeli Arab village in the lower Galilee, Israeli Arabs lost their cool, and had an all out rumble with the illegal African migrants who have been occupying the town after too much noise was erupting from an apartment of Sudanese.
When the Wall Falls
The ancient synagogue in Meron is located on a hill above the grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Like other Galilean synagogues from the Byzantine era, its entrance faces south, towards Jerusalem. But what makes this synagogue special is a story from its later history.
Wounded Under Fire – and Still Saving Lives
"Y.E." a United Hatzalah paramedic was injured while treating the wounded under fire in the Har Nof Massacre.
There Goes Freedom of the (Free) Press
"Now North Korea and Iran will come to Israel to learn how to shut down newspapers..."
As America Throws Israel Under the Bus…
In "liberal-speak", pundits say that countries don't have allies, they have interests. That's incorrect; political leaders have interests...countries still have allies.
Dear @IDFSpokesperson – Please Stop with the Moral Platitudes
JoeSettler takes on the IDF Spokesperson's tweets that he believes are morally wrong and negatively affect the war we are fighting...
MK Ahmed Tibi: “I Would Vote for Bernie Sanders in the US Election”
Now that's a ringing endorsement if I ever heard one.