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The Lid with Jeff Dunetz

    Now, The World Recognizes Palestinian Hatred….But For How Long?

    In a rare moment, Mahmoud Abbas was criticized by the U.S. and the E.U. nations...Despite the criticism, Abbas will never change

    The Lid’s Exclusive *’Unhinged’ Predictions For 2018

    New Year’s the time for political pundits to make their predictions for the coming year. Here are some of the more 'outrageous' prognostications, courtesy of Jeff Dunetz, founder and editor of 'The Lid'

    Palestinian Pres. Trashes Trump & Declares Oslo Accords Dead (But Were They Ever Alive?)

    Oslo didn’t stop terrorism. In the 2 years between the signing of Oslo and the assassination of Rabin, 10 Palestinian terrorist attacks killed 75 Israelis, wounding another 242. The crazed zealot who killed Rabin did so because he hated the Oslo Accords, but by killing Rabin he may have saved Oslo

    Why Ilhan Omar was BOUNCED?

    Why does it make sense for a woman who hates Jews to influence the way the House treats the Jewish state?

    Trump Blasts The Three Stooges Of Jew-Hatred

    President Trump proved again that he will tell the truth about Antisemitism.

    If Steve Bannon Is An Anti-Semite Why Can’t I Find Any Antisemitism?

    I couldn’t find a Jew that knows Steve Bannon who believes he is an anti-Semite and there are NO anti-Semitic incidents that could be found,

    Biden Blew it on Mid-East Peace

    Biden's Debasement Of The Abraham Accords

    The AOC Mess: Why The Holocaust Should NEVER Be Used As Weapon Of Political...

    Two days after she made her inappropriate comment. Dominik Tarczynski, a member of the Polish Parliament, invited her to put her brain where her mouth is. He extended what he called an “olive branch of education,” inviting her to visit the worst of Hitler’s concentration camps in Poland so she can in learn the why it’s so wrong to inappropriately use the Holocaust for political purposes. AOC declined the invitation.

    On Yom HaShoah Remember “Silence Is Despicable”

    “Silence is despicable; it leads to a loss of flesh and blood.” Ze’ev Jabotinsky

    Polish Parliament Member Invites AOC To Visit Real Concentration Camps

    The use of “concentration camp” by AOC is an example of her ignorance of history, political lunacy, or the fact that she doesn’t have the mental capacity to come up with an appropriate analogy.

    Liberal Freak-Out About Trump Missing PDBs Stems From Fear He May Actually Be Successful

    The Left is having a cow because President-Elect Trump chooses not to get the President’s Daily Briefings (PDB) every day. Is that REAL reason behind their alarm?

    Yom Ha’atzmaut: Israel’s 72nd Birthday, Thank God and Harry Truman

    Thankfully, God put Harry Truman in the White House to recognize Israel and, after eight years of an Anti-Israel President, put Donald Trump in the White House to repair the U.S./Israel relationship.

    Why Isn’t MSM Reporting Richard Falk’s Hatred Of America, Israel, & Jews May Be...

    Falk’s support of false and hateful charges about Jews isn’t limited to his praise of one anti-Semitic book. As UN Watch, Falk’s blog is loaded with “crude anti-Semitic comments”

    It’s Israel’s 71st Birthday: Thank God And U.S. President Harry Truman

    Truman was a president who judged not whether things would make America popular in the Arab world, but whether it was the right thing for the US. The man from Independence, Mo. knew the best thing for America’s future was for to grab the moral leadership position of the entire world.

    Supreme Court Tells Atheists ‘In God We Trust’ Will Stay On Money

    If it really offends the atheists, they should send me their money, I will take their money off their hands so they don’t have to look at it anymore.

    Trump Released Most Pro-Israel Statement About Israeli Settlements By Any POTUS

    It cannot be emphasized enough: This is the first time any U.S. President declared that the settlements were NOT an impediment to peace.

    What Every Gentile And Secular Jew Needs To Know: A Yom Kippur Primer

    May you be sealed in the book (or iPod) of life for a happy and healthy New Year.

    On Holocaust Remembrance Day ‘Never Forget’ Is Being Forgotten

    While President Trump and some others remember, too many others are forgetting “Never Again.”

    73 Years Ago The UN Partitioned British-Ruled Palestine

    David Ben Gurion: “In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.”

    Criticizing Soros Is NOT Anti-Semitic, Soros Is A Bad, Anti-Semitic Dude

    Not all of the conspiracy theories about Soros are true. But his support of anti-Semitic causes have been proven`1

    Kristallnacht: Nov. 9-10, 1938; The Night The Holocaust Began

    Do Not Stand Idly By While Your Neighbor Bleeds~ Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:16  

    51 Years Since The The Six-Day-War: Eli Cohen, Master Spy-Forgotten Hero

    On May 18, 1965, Eli Cohen, the Israeli intelligence agent who succeeded in penetrating the highest levels of Syria’s political and military elite before being arrested and convicted of espionage, was executed by hanging in Damascus’ Martyrs’ Square

    Huffpo’s Peter Dreier Falsely Claims Trump Is Anti-Semite

    In the Huffington Post Monday, Peter Dreier made a false claim that Donald Trump is a serial anti-Semite. Sadly, Dreier wouldn’t know Antisemitism if it jumped up and bit him.

    Democrats Make It Official: Jews Don’t Matter

    In a 407-23 vote, the Democratic Party-led House of Representatives that I, my wife, my two kids and the other 6,850,860 Jews living In the United States do not matter.

    I’m A Big Trump Supporter, But…

    I Believe Mike Pence Was Right About His Electoral College Role

    Motivation Behind BDS Is Antisemitism

    BDS is political warfare used against Jews. It is a “polite” way of spreading hatred of  Jews.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/the-lid-jeffdunetz/now-the-world-recognizes-palestinian-hatred-but-for-how-long/2023/09/14/

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