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    Are Blonde Arabs Still Semites? Do They Have a Right to Live in the...

    According to PC, pale white, blond-haired, blue-eyed people are BAD while black folk are GOOD, and people shades in between are rated accordingly. But what do we do if a blond, white Arab girl slaps an olive-skinned or darker Israeli soldier? Which one is right and which one wrong?

    The Long, Shorter Path

    I propose a new adage based on a recent study: Depression is good for you. No, not that kind of depression. Economic depression – as in the Great Depression.

    The Orthodox Union: Reaffirming the Standards

    This was a great week for the Orthodox Union (OU). This blog celebrates this fact.

    When Pigs have Rings

    There is a reason why we say when in Rome, do as the Romans do.  It’s not merely to avoid draconian penalties for what we consider minor offenses.  It’s because good manners dictate that a guest shows respect for his host.

    Iran’s Despotic Ayatollah Echoes US Liberal Ideas-That Should Tell You Something

    Iran's murderous, dictatorial, Islamist leader Khamenei, posted a tweet using the American left’s rhetoric to attack the US. This should alarm any liberal who has even the tiniest capability for introspection.

    Rebbe Santa

    This may seem like a strange topic for a Rav of a Shul to talk about; however, since I enjoy sharing all facets of...

    A Settler (Me) in Nabi Saleh, the Tamimis, T’ruah and Breaking the Silence

    A few times a year I take an extreme left-wing tour in Israel. These tours aim to show why settlers, the IDF, the occupation etc. are all evil. What I didn't appreciate on the tour was being lied to by the Leftist organizations, T’ruah and Breaking the Silence

    The Family That Lights Together Stays Together

    I still recall every year on the fifth night of Chanukah as I distribute the “Chanukah gelt” to my own children, the happiness and contentment which filled me on that blissful night decades ago when our family burned the midnight Chanukah oil together with love and affection.

    The End and the Beginning

    The lighting of the Chanukah candles which took place just minutes after the conclusion of his funeral was meaningful in that it represented the rekindling of that exact spiritual light which he infused in this world during his over 100 years of active service to Hashem and His people.

    My Son, the Lone Soldier

    People ask if I’m worried about my son, a lone soldier in the Israeli army. Most of them don’t understand my answer: "All in all, I think he’s safer than he’s ever been"

    WATCH: VP Mike Pence’s Amazing Speech Destroyed Palestinian Claims

    What we have here is nothing short of an ongoing revolutionary change in the relationship between the United State of America and Israel.

    “Be Careful What You Wish For”

    The story of how a Baal Teshuva ended up in Yerushalayim when he was hoping to learn in Bavel--and gave thanks.

    The Aftermath of Abuse

    What effect do the proliferation of sex-scandals have on our culture?  As with so many things, there’s good and there’s bad.  The real question is:  which outweighs the other?

    The Woman in the Burqa

    Recently, while speaking to a group of US college students on their trip to Jerusalem, I wasn't surprised to hear that ALL had felt intimidated because of their faith--shouted down in class, embarrassed for wearing kippot

    On Settlements, anti-Semitism, Arab democracy–and more

    Ready for a great book? Recommended reading on democracy in the Arab world, the industry of lies against Israel, Zionism, anti-Semitism, settlements, and Haredi army service.

    Palestine Solidarity Campaign Smears the Holocaust in anti-Balfour Declaration Protest

    Anti-Balfour Declaration rally in London attended by a throng of propagandists and useful idiots.

    Israel’s Flag Flew High Inside ‘My Name Is Rachel Corrie’

    The show (previously performed off-Broadway in NY) was, basically, 90 minutes of emotional blackmail played out in edited scenes from the young Rachel's diaries. The audience occasionally laughed at her. Did I mention it was DULL?

    My Name is Rachel ‘X’

    May the memories of all the holy 'Rachels' be a blessing for Jewish people the world over and combat the lies portrayed in the play based on a diary of a brain-washed activist named 'rachel'

    An Open Letter To NFL Players Disrespecting America

    To the players of the NFL: We fans should be ashamed for putting our admiration of your physical skills before what is morally right. But now you have gone too far. You have insulted our flag and all it represents


    Aren’t there all types of danger to which we are exposing ourselves? Maybe; and indeed, as the last few days have shown, our lives are precarious to say the least and indeed, sometimes tragedy strikes and as we mentioned, we cannot understand why.

    Rock & Roll Zionism

    As much as I enjoyed listening to Springsteen while in a US college, I'm glad my sons, and the generations that follow them, will spend their formative years in a far more consequential pursuit--serving the Jewish people and Israel

    Bereaved Families Tell UN Secretary General: Stop Funding NGOs that Defend Terrorists in Court

    The letter, coinciding with UN Secretary Guterres’ current visit to Israel, emands that the UN cease funding Israeli organizations that defend terrorists and their families in Israel’s Supreme Court.

    On The Intermarriage Wars

    Empathy and caring must be part and parcel of the encounter with inter-faith couples. However, that cannot come at the expense of the integrity of the Torah or of the Future of the Jewish People. Sometimes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

    Recalling the Hassidic Rebbe who Pioneered Aliya

    To those who belittle what hassidim contribute to Israeli society, take a look back at the history books and remember that it was a hassidic rebbe who pioneered mass aliya.

    The Stores Were Closed

    The stores that closed on the night of Tisha b’Av did so out of love, not fear. They love their people and they closed to be part of the Jewish nation regardless of the loss of profit.

    No Taxation Without Israeli Annexation!

    The new Israeli ''grocery bag tax'' law that went into effect in January, is flawed...it doesn't cover Judea and Samaria. And, Jews in Judea...

    New Study: American American Jews Disappearing

    Is there a future for non-Orthodox American Jewry? The study found besides Orthodoxy, fewer Jews are getting married, those marrying are marrying later and having fewer children and intermarriage rates are increasing.

    If Someone Compares You to Korah, It’s Not a Death Threat

    When Uri Regev spins Rabbi Amar's statements to mean the Rabbi aspires to see all Reform Jews dead, he, too, is engaging in the same sort of grandiose and cynical populism of Korah.

    Jared Kushner is in Israel, Is Peace Actually Happening?

    The purpose of Kushner’s visit is to push Trump’s “ultimate deal” to broker Israel-Palestinian peace. To casual observers it appears that there is really momentum towards a peace deal but is there any REAL chance?

    Teen Magazine: American Teen Tortured Into Coma In North Korea Deserved It Because Of...

    Never mind that North Korea is filled with North Koreans tortured, imprisoned, murdered, and kept in slave-like conditions. Warmbier had it coming.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/guest-blog/are-blonde-arabs-still-semites-do-they-have-a-right-to-live-in-the-holy-land/2018/03/28/

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