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The Lion's Den

    Mainstream Jewish Institutions Honor Anti-Zionists

    What is it about Jewish organizations that they acclaim their opponents?

    Israelis Have So Many Reasons to Be Happy, Mr. Kerry

    Things have never been so good in the Jewish state.

    Forget Syria, Target Iran

    By all accounts, the mullahs in Tehran are getting ever closer to the point where they at will can order nuclear bombs to be made and readied for use.

    Cyprus Joins the Middle East

    Unlike nearby Israel, which is also surrounded, Cyprus lacks either a military option or protective fences.

    Futile Israeli Efforts to Win Ankara Back

    The AWACS Israel is selling to Turkey will potentially be used against Israel in the Mediterranean Sea.

    What To Do in Syria: Keep Them Fighting (Video)

    Middle East expert Daniel Pipes advocates backing Assad in Syria to keep the civil war there going.

    Muslim Killings in the US: Jihad or Criminality?

    Both law enforcement, the media and elected officials are reluctant to give out information about the attackers' religion, much less their motives.

    The Nation of Islam Discovers Scientology

    The Nation of Islam's historic role as a bridge between American blacks and Islam ended in 1975 when W. Deen Mohammed followed his father, Elijah Muhammad, as leader of the Nation and immediately disavowed his father's folk religion, bringing his followers to normative Islam, the Islam of the Middle East. From then on, despite the theatrics of Louis Farrakhan, the Nation has been in a long downward trajectory. Now comes evidence, thanks to Tony Ortega in the Village Voice and Eliza Gray in The New Republic, of a jaw-dropping turn by Farrakhan, 79, to Scientology; as Gray's subtitle puts it, "America's two weirdest sects join forces."

    Daniel Pipes: Reflections on Current Hamas-Israel Hostilities

    If Hamas knows it cannot defeat the Israel Defense Forces and will get a bloody nose for its efforts, it obviously has motives other than victory in mind.

    Muslim Acts of Beheading in the West

    Other characteristically Muslim crimes taking place in Western countries include honor killings, female genital mutilation, and slave holding.

    On Second Thought, Maybe Israel’s Apology to Turkey was a Good Idea

    Now that Israelis humiliated themselves and Erdogan is rampaging ahead, some are awakening to the fact that this apology only made matters worse.

    Islamist Media Digitally Cover Prominent Western Women

    Even the modestly dressed and Islamist friendly Catherine Ashton did not escape being photoshopped.

    Fixing Egypt’s Economy: No More Military Macaroni

    The military has grown so large because of preferential tax treatment, subsidized labor, an extra-legal status, and old-boy networks.

    The Right Moment for Israel’s Danny Danon?

    As Netanyahu appears to be making excessive and immoral concessions to the Palestinian Authority, Danon has emerged as a leading dissident ready to challenge his prime minister

    Open Letter to Sen. Charles Schumer on the Hagel Appointment

    You expressed having had "genuine concerns" about Hagel prior to your White House meeting with him; now is the moment for you to follow the dictates of your conscience.

    Palgrave Macmillan Participates in ‘Israel Apartheid Week’

    Publishing house Palgrave Macmillan apologized for appearing to endorse "the Palestinian struggle."

    Israel’s Stunning Response to Palestinian Aggression

    "Whoever tries to uproot us from the city of our forefathers will achieve the opposite."

    Can Islam Be Reformed?

    History and human nature say yes.

    The State Department of What Planet?

    What a launch for Kerry, whose mental vapidity promises to make Hillary Clinton actually look good in retrospect.

    An Israeli Apology to Turkey

    Erdogan's government has mastered the art of provocation and is being rewarded for it.

    Romney Stumbles on Foreign Policy

    Barack Obama has a weak record in the Middle East, but one would not learn this from the debate, where Mitt Romney praised Obama's achievements ("It's wonderful that Libya seems to be making some progress"), agreed with Obama more than he disagreed, and rarely pointed out his failings. Presumably, Romney took this mild approach to establish his likability, competence, and suitability to serve as commander-in-chief.

    The Opposition (or Lack thereof) to Hagel

    Odd that CUFI is out there swinging and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is silent.

    Obama’s Foreign Fiasco

    His singular foreign policy accomplishment, trumpeted ad nauseam, was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

    The Worrisome Future of Special Operations

    Special Ops used to be about capturing or killing enemies; now it's about shaping public opinion.

    The Future of Conservatism After the 2012 Election

    It will be a long, hard road to traverse, but there is no short cut and it can succeed.

    Islamism in Disarray

    Both Salafis and mild reformers have gained strength.

    Developments in Syria and Turkey

    Secure Freedom Radio Originally published at Daniel Pipes

    Boston Bombing Lesson: Ban Niqabs and Burqas

    One must expect future non-suicide bombers to turn to niqabs or burqas, as many terrorists and criminals have repeatedly done.

    Do I Not Criticize Israeli Policies?

    In fact, I disagree often and volubly with Israeli policies.

    Video: US Embassy Overreaction

    The point of having embassies in the first place is for them to remain open...


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/the-lions-den-daniel-pipes/mainstream-jewish-institutions-honor-anti-zionists/2013/04/09/

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