Home Blogs Elder of Ziyon

Elder of Ziyon

    Hamas May Be Kicked Out of Cairo

    Egypt is not going to tolerate Hamas' presence.

    Violent Video Celebrating Fatah’s Terror Anniversary

    The visuals show the importance of violence for the culture of Fatah.

    American Logic (Eldertoons)

    It all makes perfect sense if you are schizophrenic.

    Israel: the Partner-Up Nation?

    In Massachusetts alone, Israeli companies have generated more than $6.2 billion in 2013.

    Abbas a ‘Leader’ Who Cannot Make a Decision

    Why is the Arab League seemingly aware of this event but there is nothing from the Israeli side?

    New Meme: ‘Takfiri-Zionists’

    Moussavi said both Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army are the target of Israeli-backed Takfiri groups.

    Arab Media Report ‘Antichrist’ Born in Tel Aviv

    It's not a pleasant sight, as you can see from the picture.

    The Earliest Arab Boycotts?

    The two earliest mentions I could find of Arab boycotts of Jews.

    Europeans Blame Israel for Arabs Beating their Wives

    Euro-Mid is blaming Israel for defending itself because killing terrorists creates widows.

    American Studies Association Endorses BDS (Poster)

    You truly need to be an academic to be so stupid as to endorse this.

    UAE Newspaper Says Israeli Schools Teach Kids to Murder Non-Jews

    The focus of Israeli education is teaching war, so students will be ready to kill Arabs.

    Activists Blame Israel for Gaza Power Problems

    A real boat that will try to leave Gaza in March and fight "against the Israeli blockade."

    The Willful Blindness of the Israeli Left

    When an Israeli peacenik is attacked, he is instantly willing to forgive. When an Arab liberal is attacked, he is instantly drawn to revenge, even if it takes generations.

    The Peerless Cluelessness of Thomas Friedman

    No one represents Friedman's disgusting characterization of bigoted, menacing, trigger-happy European Jews more than Menachem Begin.

    Tom Friedman: Congress Prefers Jewish Votes to Obama’s Iran Plan

    Friedman doesn't think anything bad will happen, and by gosh, that's all anyone needs!

    Things Not Looking Good on Iran

    In the first year of the Obama administration, statements coming from top officials showed that the US believed that Iran has a nuclear weapons program.

    John Kerry Supported Anti-Israel Extremists in 2009

    Kerry expresses his “strong support” for the “humanitarian” delegation and asks that “every courtesy” be given them.

    Best Articles About Arafat Polonium Report So Far

    The world’s media have leapt to conclusions based on this finding, even though there is ample ambiguity after the passage of so much time.

    ‘Swiss Report Concludes Arafat Was Poisoned with Polonium’ (UPDATE)

    Polonium was itself not found on Arafat's remains, but lead-210 was, which is assumed to be masking the polonium.

    Three Palestinians Killed Planting Explosives. In Egypt.

    Egypt has a complete blockade of the media in the Sinai, so any stories of clashes such as these and especially of civilian casualties and home demolitions are sparse and hard to verify.

    Has the State Department Ever Looked at a Map of Jerusalem?

    Ramat Shlomo is not even close to the municipal border of Jerusalem. It is an integral part of the city.

    ‘Jihad against Houthis More Important than Jihad against Jews’

    The Houthis' logo says "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Power to Islam."

    Introducing New Human Rights Organization: ASHREI

    I don't know where this will go or if it will gain any traction.

    Saudi Arabia Slams Obama

    The shift away from the U.S. is a major one, a source close to Saudi policy said.


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/elder-of-ziyon/work-accident-arab-media-wont-discuss/2014/01/08/

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